Chapter 573

As soon as Ning Xuan saw this, she became jealous. That woman was spoiled by her husband, while Ji Xinya was spoiled by brother Chen.

Only she has nothing, she hates it!
Ning Xuan stood up suddenly, and walked slowly towards the fire step by step. She picked up a burning firewood.

It would be great if Ji Xinya and this couple were gone, then only she and brother Chen would be left.

Her vicious eyes fell on Ning Xia and Ji Xinya's tent, before they could move, a deep voice sounded.

"This is our torch, don't take things indiscriminately."

Ren Hui poked his head out of the tent, and his eyes fell on Ning Xuan's body.

This woman is really haunted, look at her dissatisfied look, is she trying to do something bad again.

Because Ning Xuan's face was swollen into a pig's head, Ren Hui didn't see the darkness in her eyes.

Ning Xuan's hands trembled, and the torch immediately fell to the ground. She said with some guilt:
"No, I'm just a little cold and want to keep warm."

"Go and find it yourself." Ren Hui glanced at her and had already entered the tent.

Of course he wasn't completely defenseless, he was just in a light sleep, and he would know if there was any movement.

Seeing Ren Hui's precautions, Ning Xuan didn't dare to hold the torch at this time.

She threw the burning firewood back into the distance, and then returned to sit outside her tent in a daze. It was still raining outside, so it was naturally impossible for her to go out.

Ning Xuan patted herself in shock, my God, what did she want to do just now?
Did she have a demonic barrier just now? She was almost doomed if she was discovered.

Ning Xia slept until dawn, quietly went to the space to wash up, and then Ren Hui talked to her about what happened last night.

Ningxia couldn't help curling her lips, "If she can do something good, she must have some bad idea."

Although I don't know Ning Xuan very well, Ning Xuan's brain is not normal.

When Ning Xia and Ren Hui were having breakfast, the rain outside was still falling, showing no sign of stopping.

The next day a few people were still calm, but it rained continuously for three or four days, both Ji Xinya and Mo Chen were in a hurry.

Because they are running out of dry food.

On the contrary, Ningxia felt that staying in the cave was boring, after all, she and Ahui had space, and the two had sufficient granaries.

It's just that this environment is really uncomfortable, so Ning Xia is considering whether to go out and find a place to enter the space.

Before entering the space, she and A Hui were having lunch, and Ji Xinya couldn't help but come over there.

"Ma'am, we don't have enough food, can you give us some food?"

With a decent smile, Ji Xinya thought that the other party would definitely help them.

After all, no one in the imperial capital would reject them in the past.

But Ningxia is not someone else, let alone Ning Xuan, whom she hates the most.

She refused without raising her head, "Sorry, we don't have enough food either."

"Ma'am, there are three of us, and our consumption is greater than yours. The rain is about to stop, can you help us?"

Ji Xinya saw that Ning Xia would not accept the soft and the hard, and looked at Ren Hui pitifully.

She is very aware of her beauty, and many men can't stand her like this.

But Ren Hui is not an ordinary man, he curled his lips slightly.

"If you want to eat, go outside and look for it, we don't have enough."

This time, he had nothing to eat on the first day and was starving to death. He was not so kind.

Ji Xinya saw that Ning Xia and Ren Hui would not help them, so she silently went back to where they were sitting.

(End of this chapter)

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