Chapter 575
Ji Xinya smiled gratefully, "Thank you cousin!"

"You're welcome, we are family."

Ning Xuan smiled bluntly, but she couldn't see anything against the pig's head.

But in the next second, she almost died of anger, and saw Mo Chen broke half of his jerky and handed it to Ji Xinya.

"Xinya, your body is relatively weak, you should eat more."

"Thank you Brother Chen." Ji Xinya was moved, and then tiptoed to touch Mo Chen's face.

The jerky that Ning Xuan held in her hand was about to be crushed by her, and she was very popular.

Ning Xia not far away snorted, "Tsk tsk, it was boring at first, but I didn't expect to be able to watch movies for free."

"It's good to pass the time." Ren Hui's voice was cool, and it was the first time he had watched the scene where two women compete for a husband.

Ningxia rolled her eyes speechlessly and said, "Seeing some people get angry makes me so happy."

As she spoke, she ate her food and wondered if she should leave here.

But the rain had a tendency to stop, but suddenly it started to fall again, and it felt like it was getting bigger.

Ning Xia helped her forehead helplessly, "Oh! I don't know what's going on, when will the rain stop."

"I'll go out and have a look. You should be careful here." Ren Hui took out an umbrella from his back basket and walked out of the cave.

Ning Xuan muttered over there, "He actually has an umbrella, why didn't he take it out at the beginning."

"That umbrella is too small." Mo Chen replied, although Ning Xia heard it, she just pretended not to hear it.

Instead, she sat bored by the fire with her eyes closed, her hands and chin resting on her legs with her legs bent.

In fact, the mind has already entered the space, holding a medical book and reading it boredly.

She thought that A Hui would come back soon, but it had been an hour, and A Hui still hadn't come back. Ning Xia was calm at first, but she was a little anxious.

She lost a piece of firewood irritably, and she didn't know how Ah Hui was doing now?
Seeing Ning Xia's anxious expression, Ning Xuan was secretly delighted, who told that woman to blackmail her, hum!Her husband had better be killed by lightning.

Ningxia is too lazy to talk to them now, she squeezed her fingers and waited for a few more minutes, if Ah Hui didn't come back, she would go find him.

No, she should go to the space directly, because Ah Hui can enter the space, if something really happens, she must enter the space.

Before he finished thinking, footsteps came from the entrance of the cave, and Ningxia was overjoyed, it must be Ah Hui who came back.

It must be Ah Hui, she stood up abruptly, and saw the man dripping wet.

Holding a hare in his hand, he looked at Ning Xia begging for praise.

"Daughter-in-law, you're tired of eating dry food every day, I'll give you a change."

"Do you know that I'm going to worry to death, you bastard!"

As soon as Ning Xia hugged Ren Hui, she almost wanted to curse, but thinking that he was doing it for her, her anger seemed to subside.

But when she thought of him trying to save his life, she was very angry and very angry.

Ren Hui pushed Ning Xia away, "Don't touch me, I'm covered in water, daughter-in-law, don't worry, I'm fine, right?"

"Hurry up and change clothes!" Ning Xia glared at Ren Hui ferociously, she pointed at the tent, actually telling him to go to the space.

Ren Hui handed her the rabbit meat in his hand, "I just washed it, you take it, I'll change it right away."

If you don't change it again, the daughter-in-law will be angry, the kind that can't be coaxed well at that time.

Ren Hui sneaked into the space, Ning Xia rolled his eyes angrily, and took out a piece of ginger from the basket.

(End of this chapter)

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