Chapter 580 Only Me

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, I am also at fault, I shouldn't talk nonsense."

Ning Xia choked up, guessing that her aunt was coming, that's why she made trouble for no reason.

It's only because he is the person closest to me that I get angry with him.

Ren Hui sighed softly, "I really can't do anything about you, who told me that I love you so much that I can't extricate myself."

Because in the wild, he and Xia Xia haven't had a married life for a long time.

So after such a commotion, the two hugged each other, Ren Hui couldn't help but want to go to the space.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go to the space, I've been hungry for a long time."

"But... I seem to be my aunt." Ningxia blinked innocently. During the argument just now, she felt something strange.

Perhaps because it is in the wild, the weather is a bit cooler, and the small days in Ningxia have been brought forward.

Ren Hui's face was full of black lines, Ning Xia gently pecked his face, and then said softly:

"I'll go to the space to wash first, wait for me."

She is feeling terrible now, she has to go to the space to take a good wash.

Ren Hui also knew that she was in a special situation, so he could only purse his lips silently, watching her disappear in front of him without saying a word.

He touched the quilt which was still warm, and left the tent with a sigh.

At this time, Mo Chen was sitting outside the tent with his eyes closed to rest, because he had a rest during the day when it rained, but he was not as sleepy as he imagined.

Seeing Ren Hui coming out, he raised his eyelids in surprise, and then narrowed his eyes as if nothing had happened.

Ren Hui didn't care what the other party was thinking, he touched the brown sugar he took out from the space, and cooked a bowl of brown sugar water in an earthen pot with familiarity.

In fact, he still remembers Ningxia's childhood, and he usually took care of her like this, and because he was in the wild, he was extra careful.

When Ning Xia came out, he saw a man sitting by the fire, stoking the fire with a blank expression.

Seeing the tent move, his brows and eyes immediately became tender, "Daughter-in-law, come and drink."

He blew on the steaming brown sugar water before handing it to Ningxia.

Ning Xia felt her heart was warm, and she squinted her eyes happily.

Although she has no feeling for such sweet and greasy things, her man's thoughts warm her heart.

She didn't speak, but took small sips of brown sugar water, and her stomach gradually warmed up.

In fact, every time Ningxia comes to her childhood, it hurts because she didn't take good care of herself when she was a child, and Yang Chunhua always asks her to do that in special times.

And she has to wash clothes in winter, so she feels very uncomfortable every time she comes to the little day.

She simply drank the spring water and got better, but the pain was still inevitable. She habitually pretended to be strong in front of Ren Hui.

But her pale face cannot be hidden from others, so every time Ren Hui is at home, he will take good care of her.

"Shall I rub it for you?" Ren Hui looked at Ning Xia's face paled a little bit. He had a fight with him just now, but now his spirit is much weaker.

Ren Hui was very distressed, and as he said that, he had already put his hand on her belly, and rubbed it gently through the underwear.

Because Ning Xia sat with his back facing Mo Chen and the others, they didn't see Ren Hui's movements.

All I know is that Ren Hui's expression is as gentle as ever.

The heat from the big palm was transferred to the little belly, Ning Xia felt warm again, she squinted her eyes and leaned against his arms.

"You'll spoil me like this."

"It's good, so only I can bear your temper, and you only have me."

Ren Hui curled his lips slightly, so considerate, Xia Xia will be inseparable from him in the future.

 It's the end of the month!Little cuties, remember to vote for Tutu.

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(End of this chapter)

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