Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 583 He Knows Everything

Chapter 583 He Knows Everything

Mo Chen raised his hand and rubbed her hair, "I know, it's not your fault, you're just too kind.

How can you exchange what I gave you for someone else? Put it on. "

As he spoke, he took the necklace from Ji Xinya's hand, and put it on gently for her.

Everything is Ning Xuan's fault. Ning Xuan, a mindless person, wants to make a rescue with her heart, and he understands it all.

Mo Chen had no doubts about himself, Ji Xinya was relieved, and was about to speak, "Ah Choo."

Ji Xinya covered her mouth, her heart was broken, she actually caught a cold!The timing is so wrong!

"Xinya, what's wrong with you? Have you caught a cold?" Mo Chen touched her forehead with concern, with a gentle expression, her forehead was indeed a little hot.

Ji Xinya shook her head weakly, "It's been raining these few days, it's a little cold, I'm a little dizzy, maybe I have a cold."

"Come on, you have something to eat first." Mo Chen was very distressed, and took out the two pieces of jerky left over from last night.

Ji Xinya took a piece and ate it, then said to Mo Chen affectionately:

"Brother Chen, you eat too."

"Okay." Mo Chen ate the remaining piece of jerky, completely ignoring Ning Xuan who was standing beside them.

In fact, Mo Chen did it on purpose, who told Ning Xuan to always cause trouble, so let her be hungry.

Ning Xuan stood there alone, a little desolate, but Ning Xia didn't like Ning Xuan in the first place, so naturally she wouldn't help her.

But Ningxia doesn't want to have anything to do with them, it doesn't mean that the other party doesn't want to find them.

Mo Chen came over with an apologetic face, "Madam, I'm sorry for what happened just now."

In this field, no one is obliged to help others. It is duty to help you, and it is love not to help you.

Ning Xia silently drank the love brown sugar made by the man, Ren Hui chuckled.

"If an apology works, what do you want the police to do?"

When it comes to poisonous tongue, Ren Hui is not inferior at all, but sometimes he just doesn't want to talk.

Mo Chen's smile froze, he didn't know how to speak for a while, Ning Xia raised his eyes slightly, and said impatiently:
"What's the matter?"

It's so sweet to bother her and Ah Hui, it's annoying!
"Umm, ma'am, can you cook some ginger water for me? Xinya seems to have caught a cold."

After all, Ji Xinya's position in his heart is very important, Mo Chen can be said to be very humble.

Because he remembered that this woman boiled ginger water for the man yesterday, and ginger water can drive away the cold.

Ning Xia spread her hands, "But I don't have ginger."

Yesterday's ginger was taken out of the space kitchen in a hurry by her, and there is no ginger in the kitchen now.

Of course, she wouldn't take the risk of digging ginger out of the yard of the space for the sake of the other party.

She looked indifferent, and it seemed to be true, but Mo Chen was a little suspicious, suspecting that the other party deliberately said no because he didn't like them.

He narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I saw you took ginger yesterday, it's impossible to lose it so soon."

"Yeah, I made ginger water for my husband yesterday. I usually bring it with me to make ingredients. Why do I bring so much ginger when I have nothing to do?"

Ningxia shrugged, even if she had her, she wouldn't give it up, after all, Ji Xinya didn't look like a good person.

It's just a small cold, it can't kill people, and what about the herbs in the mountains, how can I do it if I don't have any skills?
Mo Chen was choked by Ning Xia's innocent expression, he didn't know how to answer for a while, but he said no.

He can't force people to look for it.

Ji Xinya walked over very gently, "Ah, Brother Chen, I'm fine, I'll be fine in a while."

 Ask for a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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