Chapter 585
"Finally we can live our two-person world again." Ren Hui smiled, and he actually wanted to stay with Xia Xia in his heart.

The two looked at each other and smiled, probably because Mo Chen and the others were lucky, the rain outside stopped after a while.

But Ningxia came to a small day, so she was extra lazy, Ren Hui was spoiled and helpless, he kissed her forehead.

"Then you wait for me here, I will be back soon."

"Well, be careful, I'll wait for you." Ning Xia pursed her lips and smiled lightly. It's not yet known whether the rain will fall again.

So Ren Hui and Ning Xia didn't plan to leave the cave immediately, and it was really inconvenient because it was wet outside.

Since Ningxia didn't want to go out for a walk, Ren Hui went out alone to look for food.

Ningxia sat alone in the cave, and after a while Ren Hui found some dry branches and put them next to their fire.

Counting it as firewood for supply, Ning Xia didn't even know how he found it.

But in fact, they were not wrong. After Ren Hui hunted some wild animals and prepared some things, it rained again unhappily.

It was still light rain at first, Ren Hui walked in with the cleaned pheasant in his hand.

"It's raining again, I don't know when it will stop." Ning Xia felt a little helpless, she probably had to stay in the cave for several days.

Ren Hui smiled lightly, "Don't worry, it probably won't happen this time."

He opened the wrapped leaves, and inside were the fruits he had washed.

Ningxia was overjoyed, and took a bite of a wild fruit, which tasted sweet and sour.

"The taste is okay, but a little sour."

"I only found this kind of fruit, so you make do with it." Ren Hui also tasted one, and it was indeed a bit sour.

While the two were talking, Mo Chen walked in with Ji Xinya, and they obviously learned the previous lesson.

This time Ji Xinya was holding the firewood, while Mo Chen was carrying some wild animals, so he was well prepared.

Ji Xinya walked in front softly, "Brother Chen, come in quickly, don't catch a cold."

"Well, let's go, I'll cook some medicine for you." Mo Chen's face was tense, he really didn't know any herbs.

Fortunately, Ji Xinya ran fast and quickly caught up with him, otherwise he would really be ashamed when he came back alone.

I don't know where the two of them found the clay pots. They are a bit worn out, but they can be used.

Ji Xinya and Mo Chen were in a tacit understanding at this time, as if they hadn't thought of Ning Xuan's absence.

Ning Xia gently wiped Ren Hui's hair with a handkerchief, "I boiled water for you to keep out the cold, drink it quickly."

Just now, she went to the space to dig ginger while there was no one, and some ginger was not given to Mo Chen.

The lines on Ren Hui's face softened, but when he thought of his wife's refusal, his eyes fell on Mo Chen not far away.

Mo Chen also raised his head suddenly when he heard Ning Xia's words, but he just looked at Ren Hui's cold eyes and swallowed his words.

Forget it, whether it is ginger water or not, they have already found the herbal medicine.

Ren Hui slowly took the ginger water boiled by his wife, and his expression softened again.

Ning Xia naturally saw Ren Hui's actions, she pursed her lips and asked, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"It's all up to you, you can eat whatever you want." Some of the wild meat that Ren Hui brought back was kept fresh in the space, and some of the wild meat was put on branches by Ningxia to dry in the cave.

Sprinkled with salt, it won't spoil so easily by the fire.

Ning Xia picked up a pheasant, and suddenly smiled mysteriously at Ren Hui, "Then let's eat beggar meat at night."

She said that she had picked up the cleaned chicken and stuffed their seasoning into the chicken belly.

(End of this chapter)

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