Chapter 587
"Well, but I haven't seen you all this time." Ning Xuan felt aggrieved when talking about this, she was obviously following Ji Xinya.

Why couldn't anyone be found later, and almost got lost, but fortunately she remembered the way back to the cave.

Ji Xinya curled her lips slightly, "It's as long as you're fine, and we're fine too. You warm up by the fire first."

She deliberately got rid of Ning Xuan, and she would not be so stupid as to disturb the opportunity to develop a relationship with Brother Chen.

Ning Xuan wanted to ask something again, but she didn't say anything. She knew that asking again might be humiliating herself.

After watching another good show for free, Ning Xia was in a good mood, and it happened that the beggar chicken was almost ready, so she pulled the beggar chicken out of the firewood.

Knock off the soil on the top, Ningxia Pao pulled the leaves, revealing the fragrant and steaming Beggar Chicken.

"It's very fragrant. It should taste good." Ren Hui took out the chopsticks made of branches and smiled.

There is really nothing unpleasant about Xia Xia's cooking.

Ning Xia also bent her lips happily, "Then let's eat quickly."

The beggar chicken was very fragrant, and even the fragrance wafted throughout the cave. Mo Chen and the others could smell the smell and their stomachs growled.

Especially Ning Xuan, who ran around in the rain today and didn't eat anything, so she was very hungry.

Ji Xinya tugged on Mo Chen's sleeve, "Brother Chen, let's eat something too."

"Well, I'll bake something for you." Mo Chen was glad that he had the foresight to catch some wild animals just now.

But the three of them are daughters and young masters, and it would be nice to be able to light a fire, let alone bake things.

So the three of them were in a hurry.

Ning Xia didn't seem to see it, broke off a chicken leg and handed it to Ren Hui, "Here is the chicken leg."

"You eat it yourself, I'll eat the others." Ren Hui shook his head, the chicken was not big, so the two of them could finish it.

But Ren Hui still wanted to leave the delicious food to Ningxia, and eat some chicken butt and chicken feet himself.

Seeming to see through Ren Hui's thoughts, Ning Xia rolled her eyes angrily.

"Eat quickly, we each eat half."

Of course her own man should be pampered by herself, um, that's how it is.

The figure of the girl was reflected in Ren Hui's eyes, she was still so pretty and considerate.

He didn't refuse again, if he refused again, it would be hypocritical.

They ate delicious beggar's chicken, but Mo Chen's side was not very good.

They planned to grill the meat, but none of them knew how to grill it themselves, and that was the end result.

Mo Chen and the others had a piece of roasted black meat, because they were afraid of the rain and starved to death.

They don't dare to throw it away, and there is no seasoning, so the barbecue can be said to be tasteless.

Looking at the dark piece of meat in front of him, Mo Chen twitched his mouth and tasted it, um, it might be the worst thing he has ever eaten in his life.

The expressions of Ji Xinya and Ning Xuan were no exception, they looked up at Ning Xia and Ren Hui eating the bright yellow food.

Looking at his dark food again, it really is incomparable.

It's unpalatable and you have to eat it, it's really enough.

Ning Xia naturally also saw their dark barbecue, she pursed her lips and said to Ren Hui:
"Sure enough, my man is the best. Your roast meat is delicious."

His Ah Hui is indeed the best man in the world, bar none.

Ren Hui beamed, "Of course, but my wife is also the most capable."

As he spoke, he took a sneaky glance at the barbecue in Ning Xuan and Ji Xinya's hands, and smiled maliciously.

(End of this chapter)

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