Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 592 It Must Be Her! ! !

Chapter 592 It Must Be Her! ! !

Ji Xinya was furious, "I tell you, it's useless even if you tell it, no one will believe it!"

She focused on Ningxia, and saw that Ningxia ignored her, and the powder in her hand was sprinkled towards Ningxia.

But Ningxia is not a vegetarian, she leans lightly and moves her fingertips slightly, if no one offends me, I will not offend, if anyone offends me, I will pay back double! ! !
It's just that her movements were so natural, Ji Xinya thought she had succeeded, her lips were raised proudly.

"You guys take care of yourself." Ji Xinya glanced at the pig-faced Ning Xuan, then at Ning Xia proudly, and left proudly.

Ningxia raised the corners of her lips when she saw her complacent look, who is not necessarily unlucky? ! !

"Don't think I'll forgive you just because you helped me just now, I still hate you very much!"

Ning Xuan poked her neck and looked at Ning Xia with disdain. She hated these two women.

Ning Xia rolled her eyes angrily, "You think too much, I'm not so free."

And won't help you who I hate.

"You?!" Ning Xuan glared at Ning Xia angrily, but unfortunately her momentum was not strong due to a cold.

Ning Xia didn't bother to talk to her anymore, after finishing all the things, she planned to find Ren Hui with her things.

Ning Xuan was stunned, "Hey, are you planning to leave?"

"Well, I hope we never meet again." Ning Xia walked out of the cave with a big backpack on her back and a pannier in her hand, when she saw Ren Hui walking over.

"Give it to me." Ren Hui said, took the pannier, and went to pull the backpack on her body.

Ning Xia quietly said: "It's okay, I'll put away the heavy things later."

When she was packing up her things just now, she had actually put some things in the space, but in order not to arouse the suspicion of Ji Xinya and Ning Xuan.

She still has a lot of things in her backpack.

Ren Hui held his backpack in one hand and said softly, "Okay, let's go first."

The two of them got farther and farther away from the cave, and then they put most of the things into the space, leaving a few things for spare.

It had just rained, and the air in the mountains was very good. Ren Hui had explored the road just now, so the walk was very smooth.

Ren Hui was digging for herbs while walking, "Daughter-in-law, this thing can be used as a hemostatic medicine."

"Dig, dig, dig." Ning Xia put down the things in his hands to help Ren Hui dig, and the two had a perfect understanding.

But Ji Xinya's side is not feeling well, she has already found Mo Chen, and the two of them are looking for wild animals.

Suddenly Ji Xinya felt itchy all over her body. What she gave Ningxia just now was itching powder.

She thought she accidentally touched it with her hand, but in the next second her whole body started to itch.

And where she couldn't help scratching, there was a bloodstain, which was much more domineering than her itch powder.

When Mo Chen turned around, he saw the bloodstains on Ji Xinya's body and neck from his own scratches.

"Xinya, what's going on with you?" Mo Chen was very worried, he looked at Ji Xinya nervously.

Ji Xinya cried while scratching, "I don't know, I'm really itchy, what's going on?"

After speaking, another bloodstain appeared on her hand. In fact, she also wanted to scratch her face, but she loves beauty the most, so she has been enduring it.

She absolutely must not be disfigured, but it's really itchy!

Ahhhhhhhhhh! ! ! !

"Xinya, have you touched something you shouldn't have touched?" Mo Chen worriedly took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on her hands.

Ji Xinya suddenly thought of what happened in the cave just now, and what happened to Ning Xuan before, what else did she not understand.

"It must be her!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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