Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 596 No Antidote

Chapter 596 No Antidote
But the instigator, Ning Xia, had no intention of letting her go, and the expression on her face remained unchanged.

"Oh, but I don't know Ning Xuan either."

So what if we know each other?She doesn't want to admit it, she just likes people calling you a monster.

Ning Xuan felt that her heart, liver and lungs were about to explode, and Mo Chen had already protected Ji Xinya to leave.

Only she was here to accept everyone's baptism silently, and she glared at Ningxia.

"Ningxia, don't talk nonsense, I'm your sister!!!"

"I don't even have parents, where's my sister?" Ning Xia raised her brows, looking at her with a half-smile.

Ning Xuan just remembered that Ning Xia doesn't even recognize her parents, let alone her?

Her eyes dodged a little, and she pinched the veil to cover her face, but the gossip people still didn't want to let her go.

"This pig demon doesn't seem to have any magic power."

"Don't talk nonsense, maybe he really isn't a pig demon."

"You can see that she still recognizes her relatives randomly, so she probably has no skills."

"Yes, maybe she's just ugly."

"It makes sense. Since he just looks bad, let's stop talking nonsense."

"But I don't think she's a very nice person. You see, people don't know her, and she even says she's their sister."

"Walk around, this person looks strange at first glance, it would be bad if he is a bad person."

"Stay away from her, life-saving is important."

Ning Xuan could hear the chirping sound clearly, and she gritted her teeth angrily.

Tears were streaming down, and a pair of venomous eyes were fixed on Ning Xia.

This Ningxia is too much, if she helps herself to prove it, these people will definitely not think about it.

She hates it!But now there was no other way, seeing that Ning Xia didn't pay attention to her, Ning Xuan could only walk forward with tears in her eyes.

After Ning Xuan left, Ning Xia smiled and said to Ren Hui:
"Seeing that the two of them are so good, I am relieved."

"You, what happened to Ji Xinya?" Ren Hui's tone was full of helplessness, and he whispered in her ear.

He really didn't know about Ji Xinya, after all Ningxia didn't say anything.

Ning Xia chuckled, "It's nothing, I just used some of the top-notch itching powder you gave me earlier."

Who told Ji Xinya to have malicious intentions? She, Ningxia, is not a soft persimmon who can be bullied by anyone.

Ren Hui nodded her nose indifferently, "It's not a big problem, it will be resolved automatically in a month."

"Is there no antidote?" Ning Xia hooked her lips in a good mood, thinking that Ji Xinya and Ning Xuan would have to bear such a face for a month.

She was in an inexplicably good mood, um, a very refreshing feeling!
"Of course there is an antidote, but I didn't configure it."

Ren Hui's eyes flickered slightly, this thing is not going to kill anyone, at most it's a little uncomfortable.

They are all used to deal with people who want to bully Xia Xia, so there is no need to prepare an antidote.

Let them take it upon themselves!fine!
Ningxia nodded in satisfaction, "Well, there is no antidote, so there is no need to waste time configuring."

Not far away, Ning Xuan walked to her shop, where Mo Chen was taking care of Ji Xinya.

"Xinya, are you thirsty? I'll get you some water."

"No, just sit and rest for a while." Ji Xinya forced a smile, they had already left the mountain.

I just asked someone to look at her face, but no one in the hospital could see what was going on with her?

It was useless to ask many people, and they all said they didn't know what was going on, so she could only go back to the imperial capital with this honor.

(End of this chapter)

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