Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 626 Too Difficult

Chapter 626 Too Difficult

"Are you really not going to eat it?" Ning Xia looked up at the identical expressions of Jiang Li and Mo Han.

Jiang Li shook her head hastily, "I don't like eating steamed buns, the last time I ate steamed buns was many years ago."

"Me too." Mo Han took Jiang Li's words seriously, and resolutely refused to eat the steamed buns.

Xiang Sisi looked up suspiciously, "I think the steamed buns are okay.

Are you not hungry?How can you run if you don't eat? "

"Running? Why are we running?"

Jiang Li rested her chin on her hand, with a look of lovelessness on her face.

Ningxia couldn't help poking her little head, "We are here for military training.

I will definitely have to train later, so if I don’t eat enough, how can I have physical strength then. "

Hearing Ning Xia's words, Mo Han silently picked up the steamed buns and began to eat them.

Although it is eaten in small bites, it is also to cushion the stomach.

And Jiang Li frowned with some resistance, "Okay, then I'll eat some too."

She is really indifferent to steamed buns, so even though she has worked hard to fill her stomach.

In the end, I only ate half of the steamed bun.

After finishing eating, the whistle for assembly had already sounded in the playground, and Ning Xia didn't bother to persuade her.

Everyone ran towards worrying very quickly.

Ningxia's company is not limited to the students of Class 2020 in Ningxia, after all, there are only about [-] students in a class.

Therefore, the eighth company is composed of three classes, all of which are economics and management departments.

But Ning Xia didn't expect her to be so unlucky, the counselor assistant in the next class was Mo Chen.

When they were standing in the line, Ji Xinya was chatting and laughing with Mo Chen.

There was also a girl standing aside awkwardly, showing a polite smile.

On the first day of military training, instead of running as Xiang Sisi said, they stood in a military posture collectively.

Reluctantly, the temperature has been extremely high these days, so everyone is standing under the sun and roasting.

The counselor assistant sat in the shade and watched them practice.

Ning Xia stuck her hands to her trouser seams and stood there with her head raised.

She looked at the back of Mo Han's head boredly, and Mo Han was standing in front of her.

"Hand!" The instructor was standing next to Ning Xia, and patted the girl behind Ning Xia.

Apparently one of the girls relaxed for a while.

Watching the instructor go to the back, Jiang Li next to her moved her feet lightly, Ning Xia just pursed her lips and smiled.

Seeing that a girl in the next team suddenly fainted, the instructor over there methodically asked people to help the girl away.

"Otherwise I'll pretend to be fainted too?" Jiang Li muttered motionlessly, with a serious posture.

But he was asking for Ningxia's opinion. Ningxia stood straight and said "Farewell" softly.

"I'm exhausted." Jiang Li curled her lips, and the instructor over there roared.

"Who's talking?! Let me know and run around!"

Jiang Li shut up immediately, but stuck out her tongue when the instructor couldn't see it.

well!What a poor little man I am!
After finally waiting for the intermission, Ning Xia and Jiang Li took a sip of water from their water glasses.

"Oh! I'm so hard, I feel like I'm going to faint!"

Jiang Li looked like she was about to cry but had no tears. When did the eldest miss suffer so much?

Xiang Sisi responded in a low voice: "I think it's okay."

When she was a child, she often did farm work under the sun, and it was already very easy to stand like this.

Mo Han glanced at Xiang Sisi in surprise and didn't speak, but her face was obviously pale.

Ning Xia flipped his hat to fan the wind, "I think it's still an appetizer!"

(End of this chapter)

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