Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 644 Who Bullied You?

Chapter 644 Who Bullied You?

Even Mo Han looked at Ning Xia with surprise, obviously he didn't expect Ning Xia to be so powerful!

Ning Xia showed a shallow smile, "It's nothing, I'm used to it."

In fact, she also wanted to have a tooth-fighting festival, after all, everyone didn't eat well during this time.

Moreover, it consumes a lot during training, so it's not good for her to steal food by herself.

It made her happy to find this aboveboard reason.

Jiang Li blinked and blinked, staring blankly at the meat in Ning Xia's hand.

"I'm going to drool, I haven't eaten meat for a long time"

Ningxia couldn't laugh or cry, and waited until it was baked with great difficulty before sharing it with everyone.

"Let's eat quickly and leave after eating, otherwise it will be bad for the instructor to come over."

"Hoo hoo, it can be regarded as eating meat." Jiang Li blew on the meat, and it was satisfying to eat it.

Xiang Sisi took a small bite of the meat, and then her eyes lit up.

"So what Jiangli said is true. The food you cook, Xiaoxia, is really delicious."

"No, I don't lie." Jiang Li raised her eyebrows arrogantly, looking happy.

Only Mo Han was eating with a blank expression, but her raised lips meant that she was in a good mood.

A chicken was quickly eaten by four people, and Ning Xia took out some fruits from his pocket.

All four of them toasted a few fruits with tree branches.

"The taste of this fruit is not bad. It's the first time I've seen such a way of eating it."

Jiang Li puffed her cheeks, eating with satisfaction.

Xiang Sisi hurriedly nodded, "There are forests behind here, and there are many things to eat."

Their military training is basically in the suburbs, in case students don't want to do military training.

There are basically no people around, and it is said that a certain shareholder of the school bought this land at a high price.

Then a training ground was built in this uninhabited place.

There are usually no people here, and it is only open when there is military training.

So although they were surprised that Ningxia was able to catch pheasants and pick pears, they didn't think it was outrageous.

At most, I think Ning Xia is a powerful person.

There is no doubt about the origin of these things.

The four of them were eating happily, but suddenly they heard footsteps.

"Why is there smoke over there?"

"Is there a student lighting a fire here?"

"Wait here, I'll go and have a look."

"Let's go quickly! It seems that someone is coming." Ning Xia got up and quickly destroyed the corpse.

Jiang Li and the others put out the fire in a panic, and the four of them wanted to escape quickly.

"Wait! Don't run away." A slightly familiar voice sounded, Ning Xia looked back and saw Ding Tao standing in front of the fire thoughtfully.

After several people in Ningxia destroyed the corpses and wiped out the traces, only the traces of the fire remained.

Jiang Li also just raised her eyes to see Ding Tao, "Why are you here???"

"Should I ask why you are here?" Ding Tao was a little helpless, there were still traces of bones on the ground.

At first glance, the little junior sister made something delicious, but I seemed to be a step late.

Ningxia spread her hands helplessly, "Jiang Li was punished by the instructor to run away today, so she didn't eat.

I brought her here to get something to eat, otherwise she would starve to death. "

Well, she just wanted to see what expression Ding Tao would have.

Ding Tao was stunned for a moment, and then immediately asked, "Did the instructor punish you? Why did you punish you?"

He stared at Jiangli closely, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

Jiang Li was stunned, "I'm fine, I just hit someone who wanted to bully me.

Who am I, Jiangli, who eats everything and never suffers. "

"Who bullied you?!!" Ding Tao's eyes were heavy, and Ning Xia actually saw a trace of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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