Chapter 651 So kind?

Ren Hui chuckled, touched her face before saying.

"Well, it seems that you have lost weight, so I have to work harder during this period of time, and make you fatter."

By the time Ning Xia and Ren Hui sat at the dining table, it was already not long after.

It was you and me after dinner that Ningxia asked about the mission.

"This mission is over, do you want to continue?"

"No, the master will give me a holiday, and I will accompany you in class recently."

Ren Hui chuckled, actually being with her was the happiest thing.

Such an answer undoubtedly made Ningxia very happy, she jumped up and pecked Ren Hui's face.

"Great, I also want to experience campus love with you."

"Love?" Ren Hui narrowed his eyes, and it sounded pretty good.

But he wants everyone to know that Xia Xia is his wife.

Ning Xia didn't know about Ren Hui's cautious plan, so she answered obediently.

"Yeah, speaking of it, we were all married directly, and we haven't had a good relationship yet.

I want to experience the feeling of you chasing after me, so let's not make it public at school. "

Ning Xia blinked and smiled like a little fox.

Ren Hui frowned, and defended himself, "But when I picked you up today, everyone saw it."

"It's okay, they thought I was your girlfriend."

Ning Xia giggled, and decided to go back and keep the people in the dormitory a secret, because she also wanted to experience the feeling of being chased.

"Okay, then I'll chase you." Ren Hui sighed, with a helpless but doting tone.

"Husband, you are the best, I will reward you with one!"

Ning Xia chuckled and kissed him on the face with a flattering smile.

"Then are you full?" Ren Hui's eyes were full of teasing, and his hands were already on her shoulders.

Ning Xia nodded obediently, "Well, I'm full, my husband's cooking skills are getting better and better."

Ningxia could finally go back to school three days later, and Ningxia almost wanted to cheer.

Because she and Ren Hui are in different departments, the classes they take are also different.

So Ning Xia had to separate from Ren Hui at the school gate.

"You must wait for me after class." The man raised his hand and rubbed her hair with a gentle tone.

Ningxia gritted her teeth and snorted coldly, "Hmph, let's talk again, it depends on my mood!"

This big pig's trotter has been going crazy these days, so she decided to stay in the dormitory tonight!

"Daughter-in-law, do you really have the heart to leave me behind?" Ren Hui's voice softened, knowing that his daughter-in-law would not take hard things.

Ning Xia pursed her lips, "I will sleep in the dormitory tonight, and I will definitely go back tomorrow."

"Okay, let's talk about one day, not more!" Ren Hui had no choice but to compromise, let's just take one day.

It's better than being apart all the time, it's true that he has gone too far these days.

The little girl is afraid of him now.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Ningxia happily went to the classroom.

"Xiaoxia, here!" Xiang Sisi beckoned to Ningxia, and then handed Ningxia's book to her.

Ning Xia sat next to Jiang Li, and Jiang Li looked up at her feebly.

Then he lay silently on the table.

"What's wrong with you?" No wonder Ning Xia was surprised, she had known Jiang Li for so long.

I've never seen Jiang Li look so listless.

Jiang Li raised her eyelids, "Don't mention it, it's a visit from relatives."

"Ah, drink some brown sugar water?" Ning Xia touched her forehead with her hand, she was already sweating.

Logically speaking, Jiang Li is a young lady, and she has been nursed well since she was a child. How could she have such a problem?
Just thinking about it, Ding Tao ran in with a thermos.

Then put it in front of Jiang Li very quickly, "Here you are."

After finishing speaking, he quickly left the classroom without waiting for everyone's reaction.

Ning Xia opened it and looked, ho, isn't this the brown sugar water she was planning to get just now?

She handed the thermos cup to Jiangli, "Drink the brown sugar water that my third brother prepared for you, quickly!"

"What is he doing so fast?" Jiang Li muttered, but drank the brown sugar water without hesitation.

When I came here in the morning, I met Ding Tao. Seeing her pale face, Ding Tao couldn't help but ask a few words.

Of course she wanted to evade it, but that bastard wanted to feel her pulse.

She's not sick, take a ghost's pulse!
So she said in desperation that she was not sick, but a relative visiting.

Jiang Li felt incredible that that guy was so kind to bring brown sugar water over.

Ning Xia kept smiling lightly, and did not expose Jiang Li's duplicity.

Seeing that Mo Han was not in the classroom, she couldn't help asking:
"What about Mohan, why don't you come to class?"

(End of this chapter)

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