Chapter 664
"You didn't even think about Jiang Li's identity, let alone Qiu Bai."

Ning Xia shook his head and laughed, Qiu Bai's appearance could have been expected a long time ago.

"Drink less." Ren Hui took the fruit wine in Ning Xia's hand, this girl can't drink normally.

She will go crazy with alcohol when she is drunk, but she doesn't know it herself.

Ning Xia curled her lips helplessly, thinking in her heart that she really is the housekeeper.

But being managed like this is also a kind of happiness.

Several people chatted and laughed, while Ren Hui had been sitting next to Ning Xia, looking at her dotingly from time to time.

It wasn't until Ding Tao waved to Ren Hui not far away that Ren Hui said helplessly to Ning Xia:
"Taozi is looking for me. It should be the master's order. I'll go and have a look first."

Ding Tao is a person with a task today, and it seems that he needs his help.

After Ren Hui left, Xiang Sisi couldn't help but joke.

"Ningxia, I see that your husband is really clinging to you, he is reluctant to part for a moment."

"I'll find out when you guys get married." Ning Xia chuckled meaningfully, towards the person she loves deeply.

Even sitting quietly together, the two of them have their own affairs.

But it is a kind of happiness to see him when you look up.

Mo Han glanced at her smiling face and couldn't help complaining.

"Maybe you're lucky."

Like her, she may never meet such a person.

"Xiaohan, how did you get in here? Without an invitation letter, it would be embarrassing to be kicked out!"

Ji Xinya walked over with Mo Chen on her arm, with a persuasive look.

Because Mo Han didn't like crowded places, Jiang Li specially asked Jiang Li to find them a remote place.

Seeing Ji Xinya, Mo Han frowned slightly, but she still didn't refute.

Mo Chen looked at her disappointedly and said, "Xiaohan, how could you do this?

If you do this, we will lose face to our Mo family. If you want to come here, tell me that I can bring you in. "

What this younger sister did made him feel very ashamed. Isn't this embarrassing the Mo family?

Ningxia sneered and said, "You knew Xiaohan sneaked in before you even asked Xiaohan?"

"Of course, among the people around Xiaohan, only Mo's family will have an invitation letter.

Those of you who sneaked in, don't hurry to get out, if you are found out, you will be ashamed! "

Mo Chen spoke earnestly, and Mo Han's embarrassment came second, but Mo Han represented the face of the Mo family.

He knew that Mo Han's temperament was cold, and apart from a few people from the Mo family, he really didn't have any good friends.

"I didn't sneak in." Mo Han was expressionless, if the man opposite was not her benefactor.

She might have gone berserk long ago, but Mo Chen is the child of his parents.

If it wasn't for her parents, maybe she would have died long ago, after all, her parents adopted her.

And she was adopted only because of his "cute" back then.

Normally, she might not even bother explaining.

"But Uncle Mo didn't give you an invitation letter." Ji Xinya went to Mo's house when she learned that she was going to attend the banquet.

She also specifically asked Mo Han, but Mo's father said that he did not bring Mo Han.

"My friend brought me in." Mo Han said sarcastically, of course the Mo family would not bring her here.

After all, in the eyes of the Mo family, she is just a young master's playmate.

Mo's father adopted her because Mo Chen was too lonely as a child, and she also depended on others in Mo's family.

Maybe she's never really been happy.

Mo Chen narrowed his eyes, "What kind of friend, is it the friend by your side now?
Don't be fooled by others, their identities will not be able to get the post of the Jiang family banquet at all. "

As he spoke, he casually glanced at Ning Xia and Xiang Sisi, these two were not from their high society at all.

(End of this chapter)

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