Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 670 Grandpa Jiang

Chapter 670 Grandpa Jiang

Ning Xia didn't take the incident seriously, she went back to her previous seat.

Jiang Li was also there. Seeing Ningxia, she blinked at Ningxia.

"Xiao Xia, your husband is waiting for you over there, I'll take you there."

"Okay." Although she didn't know what Jiang Li meant, Ning Xia knew that she would not lie to herself.

So Ning Xia followed Jiang Li up to the second floor. Of course, this distorted Ji Xinya's angry face when she saw them.

Ji Xinya clenched her fists, "Brother Chen, this guy from Ningxia really has a plan.

Now Jiang Li has taken her to the second floor, obviously her position in Jiang Li's heart is different. "

"Xinya, let's leave their affairs alone in the future, we are the ones who are humiliated every time."

Mo Chen's expression was a little worried, every time Ji Xinya took him up to find someone else.

In the end, they left in embarrassment every time!

Ji Xinya's eyes flashed a ray of light, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

She and Ning Xia were born enemies, how could they not target her.

It's just that in front of Brother Chen, she still has to keep a kind side.

Ning Xia followed Jiang Li to the second floor, a large living room, where Ren Hui was chatting happily with an old man.

Jiang Li pulled Ning Xia over happily, "Grandpa, this is my best friend Ning Xia.

At the same time, she is also the wife of Mr. Hui, hehe. "

"Hi, Elder Jiang!" Guessing the other party's identity, Ning Xia immediately nodded politely at Elder Jiang.

Jiang Lao's eyes fell on Ning Xia and Ren Hui, and he was joking.

"Xiaohui has always had high vision, I thought he was single, but I didn't expect him to have high vision.

Your eyes are still vicious, and you were taken home so early. "

"That's natural, my Xia Xia has always been excellent."

Ren Hui hugged Ning Xia arrogantly, his eyes filled with pride.

Elder Jiang couldn't help but want to laugh, and he glanced at his granddaughter standing beside him again.

It was very fortunate that Jiang Li didn't fall in love with this kid at the time, otherwise it would have been a tragedy.

Seeing Ren Hui's arrogant appearance, Ning Xia couldn't help scolding him.

"It's outside, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not wrong, Xia Xia, you are the treasure I discovered."

There was a smile in Ren Hui's deep eyes, and he could be husband and wife with her in this life.

He felt that he had nothing to regret anymore.

Jiang Li couldn't help but grit his teeth seeing them looking like no one else.

"Hey, grandpa and I are still here, and you don't pay attention to the impact."

"I'm old, this is the world of your young people, it's nice to be young."

Mr. Jiang laughed, and then smiled lovingly at Ning Xia.

"Xiao Xia, I know that my granddaughter is too arrogant.

You are Jiang Li's friend, please take care of me in the future. "

His granddaughter knew that Jiang Li had such a violent temper, and he was very pleased to have a friend like Ningxia.

Jiang Li immediately retorted in dissatisfaction when her grandfather said that.

"Grandpa, why don't you save me some face, I have a very good temper."

When staying with Ning Xia, she has restrained herself a lot, okay?

Ningxia smiled agreeably, "That's right, Mr. Jiang, Jiangli people are very nice."

"Don't call me Mr. Jiang, Xiao Xia. Since you are Jiang Li's good friend, please call me Grandpa Jiang."

Mr. Jiang thought very openly. He liked this child at first, so it's okay to recognize a granddaughter.

Ning Xia was flattered, but Ren Hui pinched her fingertips.

"Grandpa Jiang tells you to call me, so you can. By the way, Grandpa Jiang, my wife has another identity.

She is also my master's apprentice, that is, my little junior sister. "

(End of this chapter)

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