Chapter 674 Ignorant?
"I just happened to see this calligraphy on sale, and I remembered that Jiang Li said that you like Wang Xizhi.

So I borrowed flowers to present Buddha, as long as you like it. "

Ning Xia smiled slightly, and answered decently, without trying to please, but with the humility that some juniors should have.

Mr. Jiang had a better impression of Ningxia, he just smiled and said nothing.

It was only then that Ji Tianyou discovered that Ning Xia was holding a man's arm, and the man's facial features were no less than his.

Judging by the way Ningxia and that man are intimate, the relationship should not be simple.

Ji Tianyou suddenly felt a burning pain in his face, it turned out that the other party really didn't want to talk to him.

She didn't want to attract her attention.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Ms. Ji must be out of her mind, and deliberately targeted others."

"Maybe it's because I can't see others."

"I remember she was not like this before."

"Knowing people, knowing their faces, but not their hearts, some people just know how to pretend."

"Let's not talk, no matter what she is, she is the eldest lady of the Ji family, and we can't afford to offend her."

"Ji Xinya, don't you want to see the gift Xiao Xia prepared for my grandfather?

I have shown it to you, are you surprised or not? ? ? "

Jiang Li had a cold face, she didn't give any face to Ji Xinya who wanted to target Ningxia.

Ji Xinya's delicate face turned blue and white, and the blood on her face faded.

"I, I'm not like that, I'm just."

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, my sister is not sensible, so I apologize to you instead."

Ji Tianyou rubbed the center of his brows with a headache, this younger sister has been scheming since she was a child.

He knew this early on, and because of this, he and his sister were not very close.

On the other hand, Ning Xia slightly raised her eyebrows, she should have thought of it long ago.

They are all surnamed Ji, and there are only a few prominent families surnamed Ji in the imperial capital.

It turns out that Ji Tianyou and Ji Xinya are siblings, a narcissist, a scheming bitch,

tsk tsk.
Jiang Li snorted lightly, "Heh, he's already in his dozen years, and he's not sensible yet."

Well, 20 years old is also dozens of years old, she is not wrong.

Ji Xinya's face was ugly, she pinched her fingertips with her downcast eyes, and scolded Ningxia dozens of times in her heart.

Ningxia originally didn't want to be so high-profile, so he registered the gift with everyone.

She didn't expect Ji Xinya to attack suddenly, but she is not submissive, so she said directly:

"Miss Ji, I would like to ask what gift did you give? That's why you came to question me?"

Since Ji Xinya wants to make trouble, let's do it.

Just thinking about that Aunt Ji, uh, I have a headache.

The mother who seems to be Ji Xinya, Ningxia really never thought that such a gentle and temperamental woman would have a daughter like Ji Xinya.

Alas, it seems that I will not be able to keep in touch with that Aunt Ji in the future.

After all, Ji Xinya is the other party's daughter, since she is against Ji Xinya.

Then I can no longer get along peacefully with Aunt Ji, after all, my daughter is on one side.

On one side is the "benefactor" she thinks, and the other party must be very embarrassed.

So she kindly let Aunt Ji not have to worry about it.

Ning Xia's light words made Ji Xinya bite her lip hard.

She came with her parents, so there is no way to prepare gifts alone.

So she didn't prepare anything at all! ! !

"Miss Ning, I apologize to you on behalf of my sister."

Ji Tianyou was very polite and sincere this time, he was from the Ji family after all.

If he ignored his sister directly, she would definitely make trouble when she went back.

(End of this chapter)

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