Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 676 Pink Diamonds

Chapter 676 Pink Diamonds
"Is that Ji Xinya's brother just now?" Xiang Sisi regained her voice, and she felt completely confused.

Ning Xia nodded calmly, "Probably so."

"You know him very well?" Ren Hui narrowed his eyes dangerously, but he didn't forget that guy just said not to affect their relationship because of Ji Xinya.

Almost everyone present thought that Ji Tianyou was talking about Ningxia and himself.

Ning Xia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "No, I'm not familiar with him, I just met him today.

But my mother and I hit it off very well, I did Aunt Ji a little favor last time, and Aunt Ji and I look a bit similar.

So I was very happy to get along with her. I saw Aunt Ji when I went to the bathroom just now. "

She didn't hide anything and told what she and Luo Man knew.

I didn't expect Xiang Sisi to have a stunned expression, "Xiao Xia, after you said that, I realized that you and Ji Xinya have a little bit of resemblance.

Are you Aunt Ji's daughter left outside? ?The princess left behind by the Ji family? ? "

Xiang Sisi usually likes to read some story books, so her brain is a bit big.

Ning Xia waved his hand, "How is it possible, shouldn't it be?"

"Not necessarily." Mo Han blinked, otherwise how could he explain that Ji Xinya was always targeting Ningxia?
It was Ren Hui who narrowed his eyes and reminded Ning Xia, "Don't forget that Ji Qing's surname is also Ji.

I heard that my family is from the capital, so could she also be from Ji's family. "

When Ren Hui said this, Ning Xia suddenly remembered that she couldn't hear Ji Qing's voice, nor could she hear Ji Xinya's voice.

and! ! !She also seemed unable to hear the voices of Ji Tianyou and Aunt Ji.

Therefore, there must be some connection here, Ning Xia felt a flash of light in his mind.

She and Ren Hui looked at each other, and a glint flashed across their eyes at the same time.

But Ning Xia didn't want to drag Xiang Sisi and Mo Han into trouble, so he said perfunctorily:
"Speaking of which, Ji Xinya and I are distant relatives, so it's normal to have some similarities.

But I don't know her well, so I didn't intend to recognize her at all. "

"Oh, so that's the case, I'll just say it." Xiang Sisi was thoughtful, but did not continue this topic.

Although Mo Han also had doubts, she could see that Ning Xia didn't want them to participate.

So I just held my wine glass and didn't talk anymore.

"Ms. Ning, hello, I've heard of you for a long time." A girl in a tube top dress came over dignifiedly.

She stepped on her high heels with a smile on her face, shaking the wine glass in her hand slightly.

Ning Xia casually raised her eyebrows, "You are?"

"My name is Xin Tong. Nice to meet you." Xin Tong covered the sarcasm in his eyes.

Her eyes lightly fell on Ning Xia, this was her goal.

Ning Xia's expression was also very calm, she just said with a wooden face, "Oh."

"I'm Miss Xin's family." Xin Tong thought that Ningxia and the others would be surprised.

After all, as far as she knew, these people should all be from small places.

They were not part of their circle before.

"Oh." Mo Han casually poured himself a glass of wine, as if he didn't hear Xin Tong's words.

And Xiang Sisi didn't know anything about these families, let alone give any response.

Xin Tong felt that she had hit a nail that was neither soft nor hard, but she hadn't forgotten the purpose of coming here.

Xin Tong took out a shiny diamond ring from her bag, and proudly said to Ning Xia who was sitting outside:

"My father is a diamond agent in China, and my father bought this pink diamond at a huge price.

Then I asked a big domestic designer to make a ring. Miss Ning, what do you think of the design? "

(End of this chapter)

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