Chapter 696
Ren Hui glanced at the excited Luo Man, and explained softly:
"Xia Xia means that there is no need to do it anymore. Yesterday, Xia Xia and I got the results of the paternity test."

"What???" Luo Man's eyes widened, completely different from her usual elegant appearance.

Because she never thought that Ningxia had the same thoughts as hers, and she also added actions,
Ning Xia sighed slightly, "Aunt Ji, I didn't mean to hide it from you.

It's really Ji Qing's attitude that makes me feel that something is wrong, and I look similar to you, so I thought about doing an appraisal. "

It's impossible for her to say that her mind-reading skills can't read the other person's mind, so she doubts it.

Luo Man didn't care about these things, what she cared about was the relationship between Ning Xia and her, so she hurriedly grabbed Ning Xia's wrist.

"What's the result? Tell me quickly."

"You and Xiaxia are biological mother-daughter relationships."

Seeing Ningxia's uneasy look, Ren Hui answered instead of her.

Luo Man was stunned, she hugged Ning Xia, "You are really my daughter, it's true!
The first time I saw you, I felt so kind, I never thought you were really my daughter, woo woo woo."

Speaking of which, Luo Man almost cried, because her attitude towards Ji Xinya was always indifferent, and she herself suspected that she was a cold-blooded person.

Otherwise, why can't my daughter get close? It turns out that Ji Xin is not his daughter at all!
Luo Man wept with joy, hugged Ning Xia and shed tears of emotion. She didn't even need to look at the paternity test, she just believed anything she said.

Ning Xia was in a daze, and being held in Luo Man's arms, she felt the other party's excitement.

The woman's embrace is very warm and has a clean breath, Ningxia can't help but think, is this the mother's embrace?

It can't be compared with Yang Chunhua's vulgar appearance, Yang Chunhua only knows how to squeeze her.

And Luo Man seems to be a good mother, her embrace is very comfortable.

Seeing that Ningxia didn't speak, Luo Man thought that Ningxia didn't want to recognize her, so she took out a handkerchief and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Xia Xia, I'm my mother, it's all because of my mother's fault that you haven't lived by your mother's side since you were a child.

If you don't recognize me, I won't blame you, but I hope you can give me a chance to make it up to you. "

"Aunt Ji, I, I just found out the result yesterday. I need some time to accept these things."

Ningxia was a little sorry, and asked her to recognize her now, because she couldn't be so unconcerned in her heart.

The phrase "Mom" can't seem to say it now.

Luo Man patted her on the shoulder, "It's okay, mom doesn't blame you."

The daughter has not lived by her side since she was a child, and she has great responsibilities, so the daughter needs time to prepare mentally.

Now Xia Xia is very happy that she didn't directly reject her, which shows that she is also thinking about it.

Luo Man felt extremely guilty now, and asked Ning Xia about her childhood in detail.

"Where did Ji Qing send you back then? Did your adoptive parents treat you well? If they treated you well, I would like to thank them."

Looking at Ning Xia's well-behaved appearance and good academic performance, Luo Man thought it was Ning Xia's adoptive parents who raised Xia Xia well.

But Ren Hui shook his head directly, "The parents are not good to Xia Xia,..."

He told all about Ningxia's childhood experience, although he knew that Luo Man would feel more guilty.

But he didn't want her girl's 20 years of suffering to be in vain. If this matter really had something to do with Ji Qing, he would never forgive Ji Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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