Chapter 808 Mr. Ji

Ren Li helplessly hugged her grandson who was sleeping soundly in Zhang Fang's room, and took her son and daughter-in-law home a little restlessly.

While Ning Xia went back to the house with her lipstick depressed, Sun Jiao knocked on the door and came in to comfort her.

"Sister-in-law, don't be angry for that kind of person, it's not worth it!"

"I know, it's something my friend gave me, and I haven't even used it myself.

That big cousin is really speechless, how dare I use it now! "

Ning Xia looked helplessly at the lipstick in her hand, what a pity.

Thinking of Jiang's daughter-in-law's dirty appearance, Sun Jiao was deeply impressed.

"That cousin sister-in-law doesn't like to be clean, so don't use that lipstick sister-in-law."

"I'm so pissed off!" Ning Xia was depressed, and put the lipstick back on the dressing table.

If you plan to put it back in your own space later, just keep it as a treasure.

However, she still used toilet paper to wipe off the place where Mrs. Jiang's lips touched.

Although Ningxia has no cleanliness, it is really impossible to share a lipstick with Mrs. Jiang's daughter-in-law.

Sun Jiao comforted her softly, and she finally calmed down.

However, Mrs. Jiang was dragged into her own blacklist by her, and she was still the kind that would never be released.

Ningxia has its own little troubles, and so does Ji's family.

At this moment, Ji's family is drinking afternoon tea, and Mr. Ji has also returned home from the nursing home.

Because Mr. Ji is in poor health, he spends most of his time in a nursing home.

Not going home now, the whole family followed him cautiously.

Ji Xinya held a cup of tea to old man Ji with a smile, "Grandpa, I haven't seen you for a long time.

Xinya didn't even show her filial piety, this is the tea made by Xinya herself, you can try it. "

Ji Xinya was wearing a white down jacket, with a quiet smile on her pretty face.

Some time ago, the poison Ningxia gave her caused her to lose a lot of weight.

Fortunately, the effect of the medicine has passed, and now she has gradually begun to recover.

Mr. Ji looked at Ji Xinya's thin face, and patted her hand with some distress.

"You are filial, grandpa knows, look at your current appearance.

You're all skinny, Xiao Man, you can get Xinya some delicious supplements. "

"Well, I know." Luo Man replied casually, thinking about Ningxia.

The child didn't tell her when he went back, and now he doesn't know what's going on at home?

Not long after leaving, Luo Man already misses Ningxia a bit.

Ji Xinya also saw Luo Man's perfunctory, she pursed her lips.

"Mom has always been good to me, don't worry, Grandpa."

"Then why have you lost weight?" Mr. Ji stared at his eyes. He is the Ji Xinya's favorite person in the Ji family.

Because Ji Xinya has a sweet mouth and can talk, she often coaxes old man Ji into a ecstasy.

Ji Xinya rubbed her fingertips with her fingertips, her voice was a little low.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just a junior at school who probably doesn't like me.

Not only ruined my reputation, but also poisoned me. "

"What did you say?!" Mr. Ji shook his hand holding the teacup, already showing signs of getting angry.

Ji Tianyou immediately curled his lips and said, "Xinya, don't talk nonsense.

How did people treat you?You didn't find anything after checking, so it's not good to slander others with empty teeth. "

"Yeah, the doctors say you're fine."

There was a hint of anger in Luo Man's voice, Ji Xinya wanted to harm Ningxia.

She knows it, and now it seems that she wants to discredit Ningxia in front of her father.

(End of this chapter)

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