Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 823 I Didn't Plan To Zhang Ji's Family

Chapter 823 I Have No Plan To Go Back To Ji's House

Jiang Li's violent temper, which had just been suppressed, was about to explode again, and her eyes widened.

"Wait, your identities are swapped, so you should live with that aunt, but didn't you grow up with Ren Hui? Could it be that your aunt married far away?"

"Oh, Ji Xinya's own mother lost me. When she saw me last year, she seemed to have seen a ghost."

Ning Xia glanced at the pears that were about to be fried, and casually took out a pen.

"That Ji Xinya's mother must have premeditated, the most poisonous woman's heart! You can't just let them go like this."

Jiang Li was about to explode with anger, seeing Ning Xia's calm appearance, she snatched the pen from Ning Xia's hand, "My aunt, I'm about to die of anger, you are still so calm!!!"

"Yeah, Xiaoxia, I'm very angry. That Ji Xinya's mother went too far. It's fine to change you and Ji Xinya, but she even lost you!!!"

Xiang Sisi, who is always gentle, is very angry this time, not to mention Jiang Li, who has a bad temper.

Jiang Li patted the table fiercely, "We are sisters, so we will protect Xiaoxia, dare to bully my sisters, I don't want to live!!!"

"Yeah, although I don't have much ability, I still have to protect Xiaoxia."

Xiang Sisi shook her very fragile fist solemnly, and solemnly decided to blacklist Ji Xinya!

And Mo Han's cold face was stained with frost, "Whether it's because of me personally or because of Xiao Xia, Ji Xinya is always on the opposite side of me!"

Just now she was thinking, it would be great if Ning Xia was her future sister-in-law, they would get along very well.

And Ji Xinya turned out to be the one who occupied the magpie's nest!

Looking at the serious expressions of the three friends, Ning Xia felt a slight heat in her heart, she raised her eyes to hide the sourness in her eyes.

"Okay, you three don't get excited, I have no plan to go back to Ji's house now."

"Ah? Why?" Jiang Li was puzzled, she felt that Ning Xia should go and take back what belonged to her.

Ning Xia shook his head, "I've already said the reason just now, and I'm pretty good now, and I can support myself, why do I have to go back to Ji's house?"

"This is Xiaoxia's own plan. In short, I will always stand by Xiaoxia's side!"

Xiang Sisi interrupted what Jiang Li wanted to ask, no matter what, she was standing by Ning Xia's side!
And Mo Han nodded firmly, and the four girls looked at each other and smiled!
There are more and more people in the classroom, and there are many people who talk about Ningxia.

"Ningxia is here for class? Isn't she afraid of Ji Xinya?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Ningxia did nothing wrong, and Ji Xinya stole everything from Ningxia, okay?"

"But Ji Xinya is still the young lady of the Ji family, isn't Ningxia afraid that she will embarrass herself?"

"Oh! I really don't understand the affairs of wealthy families!"

"What is it? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, don't you know? Ji Xinya came to school yesterday and exposed a lot of things. It turns out that she framed Ningxia with an inside story!"

"What's the inside story?"

"Actually, Ningxia is the eldest lady of Ji's family. Ji Xinya's mother was stolen, and Ji Xinya was allowed to live in Ji's family."

"Really? Why don't I believe it?"

"It's more real than real gold. My aunt's daughter-in-law's nephew and nephew work in Ji's family, and they say that Ji Xinya's biological mother is Ji's aunt!"

"It's really a big play, even more exciting than a novel!"

"That Ningxia is so pitiful. It used to have such a good family background, but it was snatched away by others."

"Yeah, it's so miserable!"

Ning Ke Lian Xia: (ー_ー)!!
You guys are so gossipy!

(End of this chapter)

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