Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 829 You Are Just a Counterfeit

Chapter 829 You Are Just a Counterfeit
Ji Qing gritted her teeth and watched Ningxia walk away. In Ningxia like this, she finally knew why Ji Xinya suffered losses in Ningxia's hands repeatedly.

Because Ji Xinya couldn't beat the opponent at all, she was negligent, and she should have killed Ning Xia directly in the first place.

Ji Qing returned to the present Ning's house. This is the villa Ning Wenhua bought in the imperial capital. Ning Wenhua has not returned home yet.
And Ji Xinya and Ning Xuan are looking at each other with disgust!
Seeing Ji Qing coming back, Ji Xinya immediately greeted her, "Auntie, how is it? What does Ningxia say?"

She actually wanted Ji Qing to drive Ningxia out of the imperial capital, but now she also knew that this was impossible.

So the best thing to do is, as long as Ningxia doesn't target her now, wait for her to recover her reputation.

At that time, no matter how hard Ningxia is, it can't be overstated!And she just wanted Ji Qingqing to find out.

If Ningxia really wanted to go back to Ji's house, she would put some eye drops in front of her grandfather, and her grandfather would send Ningxia away from the imperial capital directly.

All the children of the big family in the imperial capital know that this is a way for the big family to punish their children, and distribution is the most unbearable punishment!
"She said she wouldn't go back to Ji's house." Ji Qing rubbed the center of her brows with a headache, and stroked her hair a little irritably, feeling a little tired.

Ji Xinya's eyes lit up, she would be fine if she didn't come back, so that Ningxia would have no chance to slander herself in front of her grandfather and father.

In this way, I can say whatever I want, anyway, my grandfather and father will never see Ningxia again.

"Why are you so happy, no matter what, she is the real Miss Ji's family, and you are just a fake!"

Ning Xuan satirized Ji Xinya. Although she also hated Ningxia, she hated Ji Xinya even more.

Ever since she was a child, Ji Xinya has always been superior to others in front of her. She endured it at that time, but now she knows that they are actually sisters!

Obviously they are sisters, why did my mother think so much for Ji Xinya and not herself.

Thinking about Ning Xuan makes her envious and jealous, so now she hates Ning Xia and Ji Xinya very much.

Especially Ji Xinya, after all, after her life experience was exposed, her grandfather's favorite grandchildren are still Ji Xinya! ! !
"Xuanxuan, how do you talk? Xinya is your own sister!"

Ji Qing scolded Ning Xuan, Ning Xuan and Ji Xinya have two daughters, she likes Ji Xinya more.

What's more, Ji Xinya didn't grow up by her side since she was a child, she misses Ji Xinya even more.

Ning Xuan curled her lips, "Sister? People don't call you mother now."

When Ji Qing heard Ning Xuan's words, she remembered that Ji Xinya still called her aunt all the time, even if her background was exposed, she still called her aunt, she looked a little lonely.

"That's because I'm still a child of Ji's family, if I call mother, how will I explain to others?

Besides, my aunt has always been my mother in my heart, and I have never been close to Luo Man since I was a child. "

Ji Xinya immediately retorted, anyway, when she knew her life experience, she knew who her real mother was.

Sure enough, hearing her words, Ji Qing's face softened.

"Xuanxuan, Xinya is your younger sister, so you can't understand her better."

"I understand her, who understands me, anyway, you only have Ji Xinya in your heart now.

I just said why you were so good to Ji Xinya when you were young, so she is your daughter! ! ! "

Ning Xuan was a little aggrieved. When Ji Qing was a child, every time she saw Ji Xinya, she was very happy. She even wondered why her mother was nice to her niece and her own daughter. Now she finally knows.

 My sister got married and worked hard for a day, and I will add more updates to everyone later.

(End of this chapter)

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