Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 835 I Didn't Target Ningxia on Purpose

Chapter 835 I Didn't Target Ningxia on Purpose

Seeing how much Ji Tianyou dotes on Ning Xia, the store manager is a person who knows how to read faces, so she quickly ran to Ning Xia.

"Miss, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't be flattering. Can you forgive me?"

As long as this young lady forgives herself, the boss probably won't care so much.

Seeing the store manager who had just fawned over Xin Tong become like this, Ning Xia was a little speechless.

But she is not some kind of saint, she always believes that every adult should pay the responsibility for what they do.

"If you apologize, do I have to forgive? Then what's the use of JC?"

"Xia Xia, let's go, the movie will be released later."

Ren Hui didn't want Ning Xia to talk to the store manager, so he was going to leave with Ning Xia.

And the store manager glanced at Xin Tong, who bit his lip and stood there restlessly.

And Ji Tianyou looked at her leisurely, she woke up in a jerk, and immediately chased Ning Xia and said:
"Miss Ning, I'm really sorry, it's because I don't know Taishan, can you let me go?"

"What's wrong with you?" Ning Xia raised her brows and turned her eyes to look at her quietly.

The store manager was taken aback, and said nervously: "I shouldn't belittle you, I shouldn't be disrespectful to you because of Miss Xin.

You shouldn't ignore your opinion and sell the things you fancy first to Miss Xin. "

"That's all?" Ning Xia looked at the other party with a half-smile, and then said slowly:

"You haven't realized your mistake, why should I forgive you?"

"I, I really know I was wrong." The store manager didn't know what the answer Ning Xia wanted, so he could only keep saying that he was wrong.

Ning Xia smiled lightly, "You are wrong, you shouldn't look at people with colored eyes, you shouldn't treat people differently.

No matter what the identities of Miss Xin and I are, first of all we are all your customers here.

And you, you have different attitudes towards people with different identities, this is where you are wrong, but you have not realized your mistakes at all.

So why do you think I should forgive someone who doesn't know what's wrong with him? "

clap clap clap.
Ji Tianyou applauded and said very appreciatively: "Xia Xia is right, this is where you are wrong.

I repeated my question, but you still sided with Miss Xin at the beginning.

Then after knowing Xia Xia's identity, he immediately changed his attitude, what my shop needs is not talents like you.

So please change to another place, maybe there will be jobs suitable for you in other places. "

For Ji Tianyou, what he cares about is not who the thing is sold to in the end, but who should be sold the most.

What he cares about is not his identity, but whether this person is right or wrong. If Ningxia is wrong today, he will not take sides.

It will only let Ningxia sell things to Xin Tong, which is the basic professionalism of a shopkeeper.

The "former" store manager's complexion was extremely bad, and he finally realized that neither Ning Xia nor Ji Tianyou would give her another chance.

She shook her hand and left angrily, no longer willing to lower her stance to ask Ning Xia for forgiveness, she already knew that the result could not be changed.

The salespersons in the store looked at each other, and Ji Tianyou spoke first.

"Tomorrow I will send someone to take over the store, and you will be on duty today according to your previous positions."

"Okay, boss!"

"Okay, boss!"

"Okay, boss!"

Ning Xia smiled and said to Ren Hui, "Then let's go to the movies first."

"Go, go!" Ji Tianyou waved his hand, watched Ning Xia and Ren Hui leave, and then straightened his tie.

(End of this chapter)

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