Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 838 Marshmallow

Chapter 838 Marshmallow

When the movie was over, Ningxia's eyes were still red, and she wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. After leaving the movie theater, Ren Hui touched Ningxia's head, and said softly:

"Okay, don't be sad, if I knew you were crying so sad, I wouldn't bring you here."

"It's not sadness, it's tears of emotion!"

Ning Xia stared at Zhu Zi, and looked at Ren Hui fiercely, but his tone was gentle.

Knowing that his daughter-in-law was duplicity, Ren Hui was helpless and funny.

"Okay, it's not sad, it's touching. Then my little daughter-in-law, shall we go back now?"

The crowd at the entrance of the cinema gradually dispersed, it was getting dark, and people hurried home.

Ning Xia glanced at the stall not far away, with a smile on her face, "I want to eat cotton candy."

"You drank coke and coffee tonight, and the marshmallows are too sweet. It's not good to eat too much sweet."

Ren Hui frowned slightly. As a doctor, he had tried his best to control his occupational diseases.

But Xia Xia has been eating junk food, he really can't help it.

Ning Xia wrinkled her little face, "It's hard to come out for a date, and you won't let me eat it, it's too boring."

She looked at her toes dissatisfied, her mouth pouted slightly.

Ren Hui rubbed her hair, "Do you really want to eat that much?"

"Yes, yes, I really want to eat it." Ning Xia nodded as if smashing garlic, and looked straight at the handsome man with her beautiful eyes.

The man sighed helplessly, "Okay, but you promise me that you can only eat a little bit."

"Yes, yes." Ning Xia nodded with a smile, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Promise first, then talk, as for how much to eat?Hee hee, when the time comes, she will say that it can't be wasted.

Seeing through Ning Xia's thoughts at a glance, Ren Hui led Ning Xia to the stand where she bought cotton candy.

The stall was set up by a middle-aged aunt, Ren Hui said with a smile:
"A marshmallow, as long as it's half the size of this one."

He calmly pointed to a marshmallow rolled by his aunt.

Ningxia's eyes widened immediately, "Isn't it, how can such an order be enough?"

"You can't eat too much." Ren Hui put on a straight face with a serious expression.

Ning Xia shook Ren Hui's arm, "But you promised to let me eat it."

"So don't eat, and eat a half, you choose."

Ren Hui looked at her with a half-smile, his expression was calm, and Ning Xia stomped his feet angrily.

"I have money, buy it myself, hum!"

"You clearly know it's not about the money." Ren Hui patted her head helplessly, wanting to laugh.

The aunt who bought the cotton candy smiled enviously, "You two have such a good relationship, little girl just listen to your man."

"Okay then!" Ning Xia nodded reluctantly, and sighed silently in her heart, next time she comes to buy and eat by herself, hum!
Ren Hui tapped the tip of her nose, "You, like a child, like to eat sweets, but eating too much sweets is not good for your health."

"I know, I know, I won't eat it next time." Ning Xia replied, taking the cotton candy made by her aunt very consciously.

Then I took a quick bite, um, it was sweet and delicious.

Ren Hui paid behind, and the aunt who sold the cotton candy smiled:
"You are so kind to your daughter-in-law, she is very happy."

She could tell that Ning Xia and Ren Hui were arguing, but they both had eyes for each other.

Ren Hui's eyes were filled with a smile: "No, we are very happy, thank you, auntie!"

After giving the money, he caught up with that lively figure, and seeing her smile, he felt that the world is beautiful!
 After taking the high-speed train for six hours, I rushed to draft as soon as I got home

(End of this chapter)

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