Chapter 856
Unable to know what happened last night, Ning Xia clenched his fists.

The irritable Jiang Li has already rushed out, "What does that girl mean? To provoke Xiao Xia???"

"Calm down, this kind of matter still needs to be resolved by the person concerned, and the person who tied the bell needs to be untied."

Xiang Sisi kept holding Jiang Li, otherwise Jiang Li would have rushed to beat Ye Qiao long ago.

Mo Han nodded approvingly, "That's right, we can't help you with emotional matters, they have to figure it out by themselves."

"Let's all go to class, I'm fine."

Ning Xia smiled at her friend, she didn't want to put such a thing on the table.

Although she was very angry and disappointed with A Hui, she subconsciously believed in A Hui.

He won't do anything that makes him sorry, and she doesn't want her friends to misunderstand Ah Hui.

Jiang Li did not target Ren Hui, but angrily scolded Ye Qiao just now.

"You really don't want my help? People have come to provoke you."

"No, Ah Hui and I can solve it."

Ning Xia rubbed her temples, and spread out her books a little irritably.

Xiang Sisi tugged at Jiang Li's sleeve carefully, "Xiao Li, Xiao Xia doesn't want to talk about it, so let's stop asking."

She was worried that Xiao Xia's scar would be exposed accidentally, and everyone would be embarrassed.

They should not ask too much about emotional matters.

Ning Xia was a little absent-minded in class all morning, and she ran out by herself as soon as school was over.

Jiang Li was a little worried, "Xiao Xia, do you want me to accompany you?"

"Yes, I'll accompany you too." Xiang Sisi raised her hand, but she was also a little worried about Ningxia's current state.

Even though she was as cold as Mo Han, she frowned and said, "I'll accompany you too."

"Oh no, Ah Hui and I are already married, so he won't do anything to offend me.

And that Ye Qiao can only be angry with me, so I'm fine. "

Ning Xia waved her hands pretending to be relaxed, but she knew that what she said was the truth.

But sometimes people's feelings are beyond their control, and being sad is just being sad.

Jiang Li and the others didn't force it, and finally Ning Xia decided to go out for a walk alone.

When she is in a bad mood, she actually likes to buy, buy, buy, but it is a pity that she had no money before.

Now that he has money, Ningxia will naturally not wrong himself.

Ningxia happily bought a cake by herself and sat in the cake shop.

She curled her lips in distaste, the taste was still not as good as her own.

Speaking of which, she hasn't devoted herself to studying cooking for a while.

A strong sense of guilt suddenly rose in Ning Xia's heart.

Just at this time, Ning Xuan came in with Ji Qing on her arm, Ning Xuan pursed her lips in dissatisfaction.

"Mom, you haven't bought me so many gifts, have you? Isn't this just Ji Xinya's birthday!"

She was carrying a lot of things in her hand, probably Ji Qing bought Ji Xinya a gift.

Ji Qing glared at Ning Xuan angrily, "Didn't I seriously prepare for your birthday?"

Her tone was full of indulgence, and Ning Xia paused for a moment with the hand holding the spoon.

Speaking of which, it's her birthday too, but because Yang Chunhua neglected her birthday since she was a child.

So in fact, she didn't really care about this, ever since she married Ah Hui.

Ah Hui would spend it with her every year on her birthday, but they have always kept it simple.

I just didn't expect Ji Qing to have such a big fight on Ji Xinya's birthday.

Perhaps because Ning Xia was sitting in the corner, neither Ji Qing nor Ning Xuan noticed her.

Ning Xuan pouted, "Then it's different this time, grandpa said it's going to be a big deal."

(End of this chapter)

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