Chapter 861
"Of course!" Ning Xia wrote down her name, phone number and address in a hurry.

She didn't look at the student ID card of the other party, because she trusted the boy very much.

His eyes are very clear and he is a very trustworthy person.

And Liu Xiaokang wrote another IOU and handed it to Ningxia, Ningxia did not refuse, because he knew that he would feel at ease.

Liu Xiaokang solemnly put the money in the bag, and then solemnly put away the business card that Ningxia wrote to him.

"Student Ningxia, thank you very much!"

"Since we are all alumni, let's not be so polite."

Ning Xia smiled slightly, with her hands behind her back, her shallow dimples made her smile very pretty.

Liu Xiaokang was stunned for a moment, "Okay, I will pay you back as soon as possible."

"It's okay, don't worry." Ning Xia waved his hand, just at this time the phone in his pocket rang.

The caller ID was Ah Hui, and she pinched the phone depressed.

Liu Xiaokang said goodbye with a wink, "You answer the phone first, and I'll go back to school first."

"Okay, goodbye!" Ning Xia waved his hand, and Liu Xiaokang trotted towards the school.

And Ning Xia squeezed the phone tightly in her hand and pressed the answer button, but she pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Hey, Xia Xia, where are you? It's been a while since get out of class, where are you?"

"What else are you looking for from me!" Ning Xia said angrily, kicking the ground irritably.

Ren Hui's eyes sank over there, it seemed that Xia Xia hadn't calmed down yet, and his soft voice sounded.

"Xia Xia, listen to my explanation, okay, I never did anything to be sorry for you."

"Then where did you go last night?" Ning Xia complained, touching her clothes unconsciously with her fingers.

Ren Hui was silent for a few seconds, but Ning Xia couldn't help it anymore, she said in a deep voice:

"I know, didn't you just go to meet that girl Ye Qiao who chased you before!

And stayed with her all night, Ren Hui!You are very good, and now you have learned to hide from me. "

Although Ning Xia was very angry, she lowered her voice at the entrance of the cake shop.

She walked while talking, feeling stuffy in her heart.

Ren Hui on the other end of the phone wanted to explain nervously, "Xia Xia, listen to me, I can explain."

"You..." Ning Xia just wanted to ask you to explain, but she saw a car speeding towards her.

Ning Xuan who was sitting in the car was actually very nervous, but just now Ning Xia made a fool of her, she found an excuse to let Ji Qing leave first.

The moment she saw Ning Xia, the anger in her heart rose, and she stepped on the gas pedal regardless of her rationality.

The car rushed towards Ningxia, Ningxia didn't hesitate, but jumped away very quickly.

But because of inertia, Ning Xia fell to the ground hard, of course, the skin drum hit the ground, Ning Xia only felt that her tailbone was hurting.

And because there was a shop behind him, the car slammed directly into the pillar at the door, Ning Xia clutched his beating heart.

Looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief, the front of the car immediately burst into smoke.

On the stone pillar that was hit, there were obvious sunken marks, and there were even cracks, which showed the great strength.

Ren Hui's eager cry came from Ning Xia's tightly clenched hands, "Xia Xia, what's going on?

What's wrong with you?Xia Xia, speak up! "

Ningxia took a deep breath, and said to Ren Hui with some lingering fear:

"Ah Hui, it's okay, I was in a car accident."

"Where are you?" Ren Hui panicked, with countless regrets in his heart, but the most important thing now is to see her.

Ningxia reported an address, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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