Chapter 880
Ren Hui nodded slightly, "Yes, I will try my best to win my wife's forgiveness."

"Okay, okay, you two go back to the house, I'll just eat by myself."

Luo Man looked at Ning Xia and Ren Hui's eyes, her teeth were sore, but she was happy for her daughter.

Her Xia Xia has experienced so many bad things since she was a child, and meeting such a good husband now can be regarded as making up for the bad things in the first half of her life.

Ning Xia glared at Ren Hui coquettishly, "Mom, I'll accompany you, let's chat, how boring it is for you to eat alone."

"I'm not bored. Go back and have a good rest. You have to go out to play tomorrow morning."

Luo Man is someone who has experienced it. When she is in love, she wishes that the other party will be by her side all the time.

Ren Hui gave Ning Xia a hand, "Then eat slowly, let's go back to the house first."

Luo Man glanced at Ning Xia teasingly, "Go, go, I don't see anything."

Until Ning Xia was dragged away by Ren Hui, Luo Man's eyes and brows were full of smiles, she and Ze Yang were like this when she was young.

At that time, the age was over there, so I could only live in a small house.

What did Zeyang do at that time?He secretly saved his own food for her to eat.

But now, Ji Zeyang is always thinking about Mr. Ji and protecting Ji Xinya.

Luo Man sighed, the things that looked appetizing just now don't look so delicious now.

Ning Xia was dragged back to the house by Ren Hui, she rolled her eyes angrily.

"Where is my mother, why are you in a hurry to come back?"

"What do you think?" Ren Hui locked the door and pressed her against the corner, "It's hard to come out to play, of course we have to live a good life together."

"I think you are getting more and more shameless now."

Ning Xia stared at him coquettishly, with a smile on her brows, "I'll go wash up first."

"En." Ren Hui's voice was a little hoarse, and when Ning Xia entered the bathroom, his eyes became deeper and deeper when he heard the sound of water inside.

After a pleasant night, Ningxia took Luo Man to the boat the next day.

Sitting in a somewhat retro boat, Ning Xia leaned on Ren Hui's shoulder, looking at the sparkling lake.

"If I don't go out for a walk, I really don't know there are such beautiful lakes and mountains."

Luo Man looked at the strange hill by the lake with a look of admiration.

Ningxia smiled and said: "Mom, if you like it, we will take you out to play again in the future."

"That can't be done. You are busy too. I am spoiling the scenery here. When I turn around, I will call the old men and women in our community to come and play together. Leave me alone."

Luo Man smiled and waved her hands. She was young and naturally understood children.

Ningxia smiled helplessly, "Mom, what are you talking about, it will be fine when the big brother is together."

"Speaking of your elder brother, you really have low EQ. A girl as good as Su Yao doesn't pursue her."

Speaking of Ji Tianyou, the smile on Luo Man's face faded, he was almost 30 years old, and he didn't have a date.

Ning Xia persuaded: "Don't worry about this, maybe my elder brother will bring me a sister-in-law back sometime."

"I hope, you guys go and play, I'll just sit here."

Ning Xia pulled Ren Hui to stand up, "Then let's go to the bow of the boat and have a look."

"it is good!"

Ren Hui led Ning Xia to stand on the bow of the boat, and the smell of the lake water came to his nostrils. Coupled with the tranquil scenery, it made people feel refreshed.

The two matched people stood at the bow of the boat, causing people on other boats to look sideways at them frequently.

(End of this chapter)

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