Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 885 Just Worry About Yourself

Chapter 885 Just Worry About Yourself
"Then what if this is temporary? What if there are any side effects? Mom, you are too.

Why don't you tell me about this kind of thing?It should be shown to a few more people! "

Ji Tianyou was very angry, he cared more about Luo Man's body than anyone else, even more than Ji Zeyang.

It's not that he doesn't trust Xin Hui, but that so many old and experienced doctors dare not say that they can cure his mother.

All the medicines prescribed were conservative medicines, but Ren Hui actually gave her mother medicine pills! ! !

Looking at Ji Tianyou who was so angry, Ningxia was not angry, but said with a smile:
"Brother, don't worry, I can guarantee Ah Hui's medical skills. Mom's illness will be cured soon. Isn't the effect obvious?"

Ji Tianyou's maintenance and attitude towards her made her see that Ji Tianyou is a person who values ​​affection.

Only those who really care about Luo Man will do this, and those who don't care are the ones who really don't care.

Luo Man also followed Ningxia and said, "Yes, God Bless, what are you doing in such a hurry, since I took the pill that Xiaohui gave me.

I feel warm in my heart and my breathing is much smoother than before. Xiaohui prescribed the medicine according to my condition, I believe him! "

Maybe Luo Man was skeptical at first, but now she knows that the medicine made by Ren Hui is not simple.

The time of taking the medicine is not too long, but her body has really changed tremendously.

Ji Tianyou was a little suspicious, and Ningxia had to raise his hands in surrender.

"Well, let me tell you, Ah Hui and I have a very powerful master. It's not convenient to disclose the details, but my master's medical skills are very powerful."

"What about you?" Ji Tianyou looked at Ning Xia quietly, could it be that his younger sister is also very powerful?

Ningxia smiled embarrassingly, "That's not true, I'm not as good as Ah Hui, and I'm a late apprentice."

She is good at cooking, not medicine.

Ji Tianyou suppressed a smile, "So your master is a hermit?"

He is not an ignorant person, so he naturally knows that there are probably some hidden masters in this world who have looked for his mother before.

It's just that I didn't find it, I didn't expect my brother-in-law to be so awesome!
Ning Xia waved his hand, "Well, my master likes to study difficult problems, and most of the time he is in retreat.

But Ah Hui and I are not capable enough to protect ourselves now, we generally don't reveal our identities, so do you understand? "

"Don't worry, we won't talk nonsense." Luo Man repeatedly assured, no wonder the son-in-law's pills are so good.

Luo Man thought of the hard-to-find medicine, and suddenly felt that every pill she ate was extremely precious!

Ning Xia was afraid that Luo Man would have a psychological burden, "Mom, don't worry, the medicinal materials used in the pills you ate were all picked by me and Ahui in the mountains."

"Is it dangerous to collect medicine?" Luo Man looked at Ning Xia distressedly. In fact, Ji Xinya also studied Chinese medicine.

She wasn't so worried when Ji Xinya went out to collect herbs before, but when she changed to Ningxia, she became very worried.

Ning Xia shook his head, "Oh, Ah Hui will protect me, our master is very good, so don't worry about us, mom, go to sing and dance, and ask the sisters to chat."

"You are the only one who can talk!" Luo Man cursed with a smile, her brows were full of smiles.

Ji Tianyou at the side was also completely relieved, "All right, then I don't have anything to worry about."

"Just worry about yourself, don't worry about your sister and children, you are still single."

Luo Man rolled her eyes gracefully. How could parents not worry about their children? She hoped that God Bless could find that person who knew the cold and the hot soon.

(End of this chapter)

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