Chapter 888

Ding Tao covered his mouth and laughed silly, the eyes of the professor who was teaching them fell on Ding Tao.

"Student, please tell me what are the characteristics of management?"

Ding Tao raised his eyes blankly, he is not a professional in this field, and he doesn't know the answer, so his face is full of confusion.

The professor sighed invisibly, "During class, what are you smirking about, my classmate?"

Ding Tao scratched his head in embarrassment. Before he could speak, a pretty girl not far away stood up. Jiang Li said very seriously:
"Professor, he is not a student in our class, I can answer this question."

"It's not from our class." The professor raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Li, "Okay, you answer!"

"Management is comprehensive, scientific and artistic, imprecise, systematic, soft science, and dual!"

Jiang Li's voice was crisp, and the professor nodded in satisfaction.

"This student answered right, now we"

Jiang Li sat down and rolled her eyes at Ding Tao, she is such a fool, if she hadn't rescued her, she would definitely be scolded by the professor.

But Ding Tao continued to smirk, with Xiaoli's protection, he just felt happy in his heart.

Ning Xia and Mo Han pursed their lips and chuckled when they saw Jiang Li's interaction, Jiang Li said so reluctantly.

In fact, the heart is very honest.

Jiang Li said to invite everyone to dinner, and everyone got together at night, and Ding Tao protected Jiang Li like a bodyguard.

Ningxia felt that all of them were superfluous during the whole meal, it was just watching them spread dog food!
The dinner was very pleasant, Ning Xia went to the bathroom before leaving, standing by the sink, she washed her hands slowly.

And Ji Qing also came out of the bathroom at this time, and when she saw Ning Xia, her eyes burst out with strong hatred.

It's because of the woman in front of her, her daughter is still in jail, she hates it so much!

In order to save her daughter, she was contacting her sisters when she was young, but she didn't help her for such a small favor.

At such a time of embarrassment, she never expected to meet Ning Xia.

"Oh, I underestimated you."

"Did you underestimate it? Then I have to thank you for not killing me."

Ningxia pulled her lips and chuckled, if Ji Qing had been more ruthless back then, she might not even have the chance to return to the imperial capital.

Ji Qing sneered again and again, "Yeah, I shouldn't have given you a chance to survive, otherwise my Xuanxuan wouldn't have to go to jail now."

"I have to say, I don't agree with your crooked three views. It's probably your education that made Ning Xuan's three views so distorted."

Ning Xia was a little thankful that she didn't grow up by Ji Qing's side, she wiped her fingertips with a tissue.

"It's obvious that Ning Xuan drove the car first and wanted to hurt me, but when you say it, it's my fault."

"You obviously have nothing to do, why do you still force us Xuanxuan!"

Ji Qing stared at Ning Xia, her eyes seemed to be breathing fire. In the past, the person she hated the most was Luo Man, but now the person she hates the most is Ning Xia.

Ning Xia looked at her calmly, "First of all, I didn't do it first, Ji Qing, I think your family is really strange.

In any case, you were the ones who sorry for me back then, I didn’t settle accounts with you, so what’s the point of all of you rushing to find me? "

"I owe you?!" Ji Qing clenched her fingertips, "No! I don't owe you!!!"

"Let's not talk about that, I'm not very vindictive at first, but if you hit me on the left cheek, I can't stick out the right cheek to hit you!"

The corner of Ning Xia's lips twitched, she didn't like violence to solve problems, but sometimes she wanted to use violence to solve problems.

(End of this chapter)

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