Chapter 898
Ningxia didn't need to go out to help the next day, Zhang Fang was outside to help.

And Ning Xia only needs to dress up Sun Jiao, Sun Jiao puts on yesterday's wedding dress, and Ning Xia puts on her bride's hair.

The pretty beauty appeared in the mirror, and Sun Jiao herself was stunned.

Ning Xia took out her eyebrow pencil, "I'll draw an eyebrow for you."

She gently drew her eyebrows, usually Sun Jiao always had a small face, and Ning Xia only painted her eyebrows.

Sun Jiao stared blankly at herself being turned into a delicate appearance and then put on lipstick.

"Looks good, Leizi will definitely be amazed by you later!"

"Sister-in-law!" Sun Jiaojiao said angrily, looking at herself carefully in the mirror.

Ning Xia put away her things, the outside was already lively, Ning Xia got up and said to Sun Jiao:
"I'll get you something to eat, please be good."

"Yeah." Sun Jiao sat obediently, and Ning Xia went out to find a lot of people.

And Ren Lei is being surrounded by everyone at the moment.

Ning Xia went to the kitchen to find some food to bring into the house. After eating with Sun Jiao, it was almost auspicious time.

People outside had already knocked on the door, and Ren Lei's voice sounded a little nervous.

"Jiaojiao, I'll take you out for a walk."

Ning Xia opened the door, looked at the smiling young people outside, and let Ren Lei walk in.

Ren Lei had only walked a few steps, and the eyes of the girl who had just raised her eyes were almost rounded.

He quickly walked over to block the sight of those outside, suddenly he didn't want everyone to see Jiaojiao like this.

Sun Jiao pursed her lips lightly, and called softly, "Brother Lei."

"Jiaojiao, you are so beautiful!" Ren Lei's eyes moved slightly, and with Jiaojiao's appearance, he felt his heart beating faster again.

Ningxia stood by the door and chuckled, "Leizi, you must be fascinated by Jiaojiao, don't forget the business."

"Yes, brother Leizi, let us all see sister-in-law."

"We want to see the bride!"

"I want to see my sister-in-law!"

"Leizi, let the elder brother see the younger siblings, hahaha."

Many friends in the village who were the same age as Ren Lei laughed and joked, and Ren Lei sighed helplessly.

Then he led Sun Jiao to the outside, Ning Xia turned around and said to the people outside:
"Everyone, don't make a fuss, my brother and sister are shy."

"My sister-in-law is right, my daughter-in-law has a thin skin."

Ren Lei looked at Sun Jiao with bright eyes, and Sun Jiao's face was blushed quickly, looking extremely charming.

At the same time, the people outside were stunned.

"Oh, let me go, my sister-in-law is so beautiful."

"Sure enough, what kind of pot matches what kind of lid, and only a beautiful person like my sister-in-law is worthy of my brother Lei."

"Brother Lei has really good eyesight!"

Ningxia pushed the bicycle at home, and Xibu was already wrapped around it.

Ning Xia supported Sun Jiao to sit down, while Ren Lei was riding a bicycle in front.

And the young people with bicycles in the village rode their own bicycles to build momentum for Ren Lei.

A row of bicycles was riding around in the village. Ningxia saw Ren Lei's raised lips and couldn't help sending a text message to Ren Hui.

"Ahui, Leizi got married today, he is very happy."

Ren Hui returned quickly, "Your hard work daughter-in-law, I will make it up to you when I come back."

Thinking of Ren Hui's compensation, Ning Xia's cheeks blushed, and she cursed into the phone with a smile.

I took the initiative to go to the kitchen to help, because I hired a professional, but I was not busy.

When Ren Lei and the others returned from their circle around the village, almost all the guests had arrived.

Ning Xia followed Zhang Fang and the others to sit at the main table, watching with a smile on Ren Rong's festive words.

(End of this chapter)

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