Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 905 Scared away

Chapter 905 Scared away
Grandmother and grandma looked around, but there was really no one making a fuss.

If something like this happened in their village, everyone would probably join in the fun.

I can't wait to laugh at the person involved, but what about the Ren family?Not only is there no gossip.

There were also several young men standing next to Ren Lei and Sun Jiao to protect them, as if they were troublemakers.

Grandmother looked at Grandma Sun in a daze. Although she was aggressive, Grandma Sun was in charge of many things in the family.

Grandma Sun sighed, "Forget it, we will return to Jiaojiao Bridge and return to the road from now on."

No matter how unwilling they were, they knew that there was nothing they could do to Sun Jiao and the Ren family.

Even if it is a legal complaint, Sun Jiao has given money, and besides, the country will at most allow Sun Jiao to give the annual pension money according to the national average.

That's not much money, if the trouble prevents the grandson from getting married, then the loss outweighs the gain.

"Mom!" Sun's mother yelled, somewhat unwillingly, Grandma Sun, looking at Sun Jiao as if she wanted to eat people.

Grandfather also looked at Sun Jiao in the same way, but Grandma Sun held a person with one hand, turned and left directly.

"Okay, let's go, you don't want my grandson to marry a wife!"

The grandparents opened their lips, but they didn't say anything, but followed Grandma Sun and left.

But they all thought in their hearts that in the future Sun Jiao would have no family members, and they would definitely not help.

Just wait for Sun Jiao to be bullied to death by her in-laws!
It wasn't until everyone left that Zhang Fang said with an ugly face:
"Jiaojiao, you must not be their biological child."

Back then, Yang Chunhua and Ning Zhiguo treated Ning Xia badly, because Ning Xia was not her own.

But the appearance of Sun Jiao's parents is really puzzling.

Sun Jiao shook her head dejectedly, "I am their biological child, and many people in our village favor boys over girls."

The county where her family is located is actually poorer than here, so she is worried that her parents will still come to her when they have no money.

Ren Lei squeezed her fingertips comfortingly, "Don't worry, I will be responsible for everything in the future."

"Okay, okay, great day, let's not talk about them."

Ning Xia waved his hand, and then said to Zhang Fang: "Mom, don't worry too much, Leizi and Jiaojiao don't stay at home all the time.

They still have to go to work in the provincial capital, and they can't help if they can't find Leizi. They can't ask you for money, it doesn't make sense. "

"Yeah, mom, don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Ren Lei frowned, he will find a way to make that family dare not provoke them again.

Zhang Fang frowned, and it was Ren Rong who finally persuaded her, "Okay, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, as long as they are happy.

Besides, it's useless for you to be anxious, but it will make them worry about you too. "

"I'm sorry, Mom and Dad, for making it difficult for you."

Sun Jiao was very embarrassed, because her own affairs made her family members embarrassing.

Ning Xia scolded her, "We are all a family, why are you being so polite?"

"That's right, let's go, let me chat with my two daughters-in-law."

A smile soon appeared on Zhang Fang's face. Except that Ren Yue was not married yet, she felt that she was complete.

Oh no, it would be much more fulfilling if the kids would give them a grandkid sooner.

The family returned to the house in a friendly manner, and Ning Xia was also worried that the Sun family over there would not give up.

So I lived with them in the village for several days, and I didn't see the Sun family for several days.

Only then did they feel relieved. It seemed that the Sun family had been scared away, and they didn't know if they would come again in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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