Chapter 910
Ningxia sighed helplessly, "Okay, let's go back."

"Then cousin, will you tell Dad what you saw today?"

Zhang Tingting asked Ning Xia cautiously, wishing that her father would be separated from that woman now.

Ning Xia pulled her back, she thought about it and said, "We say your father won't believe it now.

At that time, we will think that we are discrediting her. We can only let your father see her real appearance. Seeing is believing. "

"Then let's bring Dad over next time." Zhang Tingting said eagerly, she really didn't want to see Duan Lin now.

But Duan Lin is now her father's object, and she will often come to see her father.

Ningxia persuaded in a gentle voice, "Your aunt has already gone to Duan Lin's hometown to inquire, so don't worry.

If this woman is really bad, we won't watch my uncle marry her. "

"Okay then." Zhang Tingting pouted her mouth, and she also knew that she should not rush for success, so Ningxia sent Zhang Tingting back to Baiwei.

Then I wandered back home by myself. There were too many things to deal with at home these days, and Zhang Fang and Ren Rong didn't think about it.

Ningxia went back and told her family what she saw today, and Zhang Fang became more and more worried.

"It's the same for old ladies, but it's definitely not good for children."

"Mom, don't worry too much. Uncle will always meet the right one at his age."

Ning Xia comforted him, Zhang Fan's income is not bad now, and he will always meet a woman who suits him.

Zhang Fang responded in a desperate manner, and took Sun Jiao to the next door Xiaoduan Village in a hurry the next day.

When Ningxia had just finished making lunch, Sun Jiao came back with an angry Zhang Fang.

Zhang Fang entered the room and drank a large glass of water, then looked at the curious Ning Xia and Ren Rong and said:
"Xiao Fan doesn't know what's going on, he really doesn't have a good eye for finding a wife."

"If Xiaofan hears it, I'll be in a hurry with you."

Ren Rong looked at Zhang Fang angrily. After all, Zhang Fan is a man, so he still needs face.

Zhang Fang snorted, "I have to say this even in front of him, and I don't want to ask what it's like in Xiaoduan Village!"

Seeing Zhang Fang's expression was extremely bad, Ren Lei had no choice but to ask Sun Jiao.

"Jiaojiao, what's going on? What did you ask?"

"Uh, actually, that person's reputation isn't very good." Sun Jiao didn't know what to say.

After all, she had just married into this family, so she was afraid that her uncle would be angry if she made a mistake.

Zhang Fang sat down dejectedly, and then said quietly: "People from Xiaoduan Village, we asked ten of them, and eight of them said that Duan Lin was not serious.

Snobbish, usually likes to dress up and flirt with men in the village.

The women in Xiaoduan Village didn't like her, but her ex-husband didn't say anything, just made a sad face.

But her ex-mother-in-law directly said that Duan Lin divorced because she disliked her ex-husband because he had no money. Who do you think is rich these days?Never seen anything like this! "

The more Zhang Fang thought about it, the more he disliked Duan Lin. After all, there are not many rich people these days.

But there are many farmers in the countryside, and I don't know what Duan Lin thinks.

Ningxia thought of Duan Lin she saw in the mall, and couldn't help but say, "I've seen her, she really likes to dress up."

Although it is not very beautiful, it is more delicate than the busy women on weekdays.

It's just that in Ningxia's eyes, it's a bit nondescript, because she doesn't dress very classy.

The imitation is not very good, but I am more confident.

(End of this chapter)

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