Chapter 941 Mistress

Ningxia smiled, "Well, the old lady is right, marriage is a big deal, and you have to choose the right person for you."

"That's right, that girl Shen Xi is high-minded and busy, and her relationship with Xiao Sheng is just so-so. The most important thing is that Mu Yuan doesn't call her."

Mrs. Lin sees clearly now, it's not that she didn't think about Shen Xi before.

But Lin Muyuan didn't want to marry Shen Xi herself, so naturally she wouldn't force her.

But Ningxia didn't expect that Cao Cao would arrive soon, and Mrs. Lin took a rest for a while.

Shen Xi came to visit Mrs. Lin with big bags and small bags. Lin Muyuan was not at home and Ningxia was a guest, so Xu He had to entertain Shen Xi instead of the host.

Shen Xi put down the things in his hands, and watched Xu He making tea with some boredom.

"I'm working as a tutor for Xiaosheng, and I'm familiar with this place. Ms. Shen drinks tea."

Xu He explained something strangely, and he didn't look directly at Shen Xi anymore.

Shen Xi's eyebrows were bent, a little dissatisfied, but she didn't say anything because of self-cultivation, but said softly:
"Where's Aunt Lin? I heard that she came home to recuperate, so I came here to see her."

"The old lady just fell asleep." Xu He knew that the old lady would have to rest every time Ningxia finished acupuncture.

So he answered very naturally, but in Shen Xi's eyes, it was because Xu He didn't want her to see Mrs. Lin.

Her face turned cold, "Miss Xu, you are not the hostess of this house, are you?"

"No." Xu He lowered her eyes, and her fingertips felt a little cold. She seemed unable to lift her head up in front of Shen Xi.

Xu He has secretly made a plan, and when Mrs. Lin's condition improves, she will resign.

At that time, she will be far away from Lin Mu, so she should be able to give up.

Shen Xi put down the cup in his hand, "I want to see Aunt Lin, please inform me."

Her voice was not strong, but Xu He felt that she treated herself like a servant.

It was also at this time that Ningxia helped Mrs. Lin, who had just woken up, go downstairs, and Mrs. Lin's voice was a little muffled.

"Xiao Xi, why did you talk to Xiao He like that? I was really sleeping just now, and she didn't mean to lie to you."

"Aunt Lin, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Shen Xi was very good at seeing the situation, and was very calm in admitting his mistakes, so that Xu He who was standing aside was a little confused.

Shen Xi turned to look at Xu He with a smile, "Miss Xu, I'm sorry just now, I was too worried about Aunt Lin, so my wording was a bit inappropriate."

After everyone apologized like this, Xu He naturally couldn't bear it, so she waved her hand in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I don't care about it."

"That's good, Aunt Lin, I haven't seen you for a while, and I just found out that you have moved back home. How are you feeling recently?"

Shen Xi moved in front of Mrs. Lin with concern, pushing away Xu He who wanted to help Mrs. Lin.

Ning Xia was very speechless and also backed away. She sat opposite Xu He and gave Xu He a look.

Mrs. Lin was getting older, so she could see that the atmosphere between Shen Xi and Xu He was not very good, so she chuckled.

"Xiaoxi, thank you for remembering me, my wife. I'm fine. I'm much better at home. Xiaohe takes good care of me."

"It turns out that Ms. Xu has been taking care of Aunt Lin. Thank you, Ms. Xu."

Shen Xi acted like a hostess, which made Xu He a little restless, but Ning Xia was not the kind of person who went to theater.

She giggled, "Xiao He has worked hard, but it would be great to have Brother Lin's thanks, Miss Shen, you are welcome."

(End of this chapter)

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