Chapter 949

"Don't worry, I will take Xu He to kill you, a big family!"

Ning Xia curled her lips slightly, seeing Jiang Li's giggle, couldn't help shaking her head and laughing.

Jiang Li probably thought that the third senior brother was very accommodating to her, but she didn't know that she was already firmly trapped by others.

Another master who was sold and returned to the other party for money!
Jiang Li laughed, "This time you can slaughter casually, I absolutely don't care about money."

"Well, I won't feel sorry for you either."

Ning Xia looked at Jiang Li with an inscrutable look, the poor little lamb was about to enter the tiger's mouth.

next day
Ning Xia hailed a taxi directly, she and Xu He sat in the front, and Jiang Li sat in the passenger seat.

After getting out of the car, they walked all the way into the hotel. At the door of the restaurant, Jiang Li took a deep breath.

"Xiao Xia, I'm so nervous, what should I do?"

Jiang Li clutched her heart, feeling like her heart was about to jump out, her eyes rolled around, and she felt a little impatient.

Ning Xia patted her on the shoulder lightly, "Don't be nervous, calm down! Use your best state to meet the next one!"

"Huh! Huh! I'm so nervous!"

Jiang Li's face was already slightly hot, thinking that they were Ding Tao's parents, she was extremely nervous.

Ning Xia gave her a thumbs up, "Little Overlord Jiangli, you used to be fearless.

Why are you so cowardly today?It's not like you! "

"Who said I was counseled, I feel like I'm just brewing up my emotions and getting ready!"

Being so excited by Ningxia, Jiang Li immediately exploded, exuding energy all over her body, which was completely different from the previous appearance.

"Well, very good, then you go in first, we are next door to you."

Ning Xia pushed Jiang Li, and Jiang Li was pushed into the box by Ning Xia, and Ning Xia took Xu He to the next door.

After handing the menu to Xu He, Ning Xia said with a smile:

"Xiao He, order whatever you want, today we will eat big food!"

"I think Miss Jiang is really nervous!"

Xu He was not very familiar with Jiang Li, but he could also see that Jiang Li was so nervous just now that he was acting stupid.

Ning Xia chuckled, "Don't look at her as a fool today, but usually she is amazing.

So, this is the power of love. Although she still doesn't believe it, she has already been tempted.

Only when you meet the parents of your loved one can you be so nervous. "

"Well, I think they'll be very happy!"

Xu He pursed her lips, silently ordered a few dishes, and then Ning Xia added a few more.

Anyway, the two of them came to accompany Jiang Li, to cheer Jiang Li up.

Ning Xia and Xu He ate their meals very calmly, as if they usually came out to eat.

Ning Xia and Xu He were also appraising the taste of this dish, "Xiao He, the braised pork here is not good, it's too old."

"Huh? I think it's okay."

Xu He is not as particular about food as Ningxia, in fact, most people are not that particular.

It is already a good thing to be able to fill your stomach, why would you care if the food is good or not!

Ning Xia didn't answer the phone again, because she was very picky about food.

Just about the same as the meal, Ningxia's mobile phone beeped, and the text message was from Jiangli.

Jiang Li: Xiao Xia, take Xu He back first, I have settled the bill for you, I want to go out with my uncle and aunt.

Ningxia: Good!It’s okay if you don’t come back, just accompany your future parents-in-law!
Jiangli: Xiaoxia, are you angry?Don't be angry, I will make it up to you when I come back.

Ningxia: I'm not angry, just go ahead, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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