Chapter 966
Watching Ning Xia and Sun Jiao go out, Ren Yue sighed helplessly, and smiled when she saw the person who came to pick her up at the door.

"Brother Zhen, you came just in time. My sister-in-law and second sister-in-law just left."

"Then let's go too, but I won't go to Baiwei today, I will accompany you out for a stroll."

Li Zhen held her hand fondly. He knew his partner very well. He was envious of Ningxia being able to go shopping.

As a person who dotes on his wife, of course he has to meet Yueyue's needs, dote on him!

Ren Yue's eyes lit up, "That's great, let's go!!!"

After speaking, he dragged Li Zhen to run outside, which made Li Zhen smile helplessly.

Before going there, Ningxia checked the route to the traditional Chinese medicine clinic and the traditional Chinese medicine store, so they went to the nearest traditional Chinese medicine clinic first.

"Sister-in-law, I really trouble you and elder brother."

Sun Jiao's heart warmed when she saw that Ningxia went to buy medicine specially and discussed with Ren Hui.

Ning Xia raised her lips slightly, and said casually: "Okay, we are all a family, don't think so much, and don't be polite."


Sun Jiao nodded, she will definitely repay the kindness that elder brother and sister-in-law have shown her in the future.

Ningxia took her into the nearest Chinese medicine clinic, but there were too few Chinese medicines in this place, so Ningxia had to take her to the largest Chinese medicine store in the provincial capital.

In the largest Chinese medicine store in the provincial capital, Ningxia was dazzled by the labels on the cabinets. She handed the purchase list written in her hand to the staff of the pharmacy.

"Hello, I need these medicinal materials, can I trouble you to see if there are any of these medicinal materials here?"

The receptionist for Ningxia was a beautiful girl. She is a medical student and works part-time as a summer worker here. She accepted the form in Ningxia's hand with a smile on her face.

It took a long time to browse through before saying to Ningxia: "I took a rough look, and there should be all of them."

"Then you pack it for me according to the list."

Ning Xia breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't just buy these medicinal materials casually, some of them were for warming and tonic, and they were all common medicinal materials.

But she bought a copy of them all. After all, the herbs and pills produced in the space are much more effective than the medicines outside.

She needs to buy some common medicinal materials to deceive others, and she plans to use external medicinal materials to treat most people in the future.

The medicinal materials that have been used in space will increase the possibility of exposure.

"Okay, guest, please wait a moment, I will pack it for you."

The girl gave Ningxia a formulaic smile, and then went to the medicine cabinet to pack medicinal materials for Ningxia.

While Ning Xia and Sun Jiao were sitting in the living room at the side, Sun Jiao asked Ning Xia a little puzzled.

"Sister-in-law, do I need to use so many herbs?"

She just glanced at the list that Ning Xia took out, but it was so full that she felt scary just looking at it.

Ning Xia chuckled, "How could it be so much, those are the medicinal materials I bought for use, and I plan to make medicinal wine.

Then get some spare medicinal materials, and I plan to make a prescription for soaking our feet. Jiangli, I, and you all need to soak our feet, because in winter, our hands and feet are cold. "

Ningxia said so, but these things are actually medicinal materials that use space, and these medicinal materials are really used as spares.

Sun Jiao suddenly realized, "I thought I had to use so many herbs, it really scared me."

There are too many medicinal materials, and she feels that she can't afford to pay her sister-in-law's medical expenses. She just thinks of the traditional Chinese medicine she drank when she was a child.

Sun Jiao frowned, it was because she and her younger brother caught a cold together, and her parents gave her alms, but she felt that the smell was really unflattering.

(End of this chapter)

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