Chapter 978
Ning Xia's attention was on Xiong Yingjun's embarrassment, she hadn't seen her master for a while.

The master has been busy researching things and traveling around.

"Master, what's going on with you? How did you make it like this?!"

"It's okay, it's just that the retreat time is a little long, so I came here before I had time to take care of myself."

Xiong Yingjun waved his hands indifferently, and then nestled down on the sofa in Ningxia's living room in a loose posture.

Ning Xia brought Xiong Yingjun some tea before sitting beside him.

"Master is here this time?"

Ningxia knew that her master was a medical idiot obsessed with studying medical skills, and rarely came out for nothing.

Xiong Yingjun chuckled, "Didn't I see that your third senior brother is dating someone, so I'll come over and have a look.

By the way, I have something to say to you. "

When Ning Xia and Ren Hui got married, he also rushed to see Ning Xia.

Unexpectedly, he just happened to see such a good seedling in Ningxia. He has always been more concerned about his apprentices.

Ning Xia raised his eyebrows, "If you ask Senior Brother and Jiang Li, they went out to play today.

I'll send Jiang Li a text message later, asking them to come back early. "

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and edited the text message.

Ningxia: My master wants to see you, so you and my senior brother should come back early.

Jiangli: Master? ? ?
Ningxia: That’s right, it’s exactly what you think, so go ahead and meet your parents.

Eri: o(╥﹏╥)o
Jiang Li over there received a text message from Ning Xia, and couldn't help but grab Ding Tao who was beside him.

"You said you were talking about someone, why are you so troublesome?"

"What... what's wrong?"

Ding Tao raised his head inexplicably. He had been tying Jiang Li's shoelaces just now, and he didn't know that the expression on Jiang Li's face was changing.

Jiang Li glared at him angrily, "Xiao Xia said that your master is here and still wants to see me.

Please explain to me, what's going on? ! ! "

Ding Tao scratched his ears and smiled awkwardly.

"The master is as important to me as my parents. Of course I have to tell him if I have a partner."

"Heh" Jiang Li snorted coldly, "But we are not married yet, I have met all your relatives!!!"

Then her previous wishful thinking was in vain, so where is there any chance to repent now? ! !

"Xiao Li, don't be angry, I will listen to you from now on."

Ding Tao immediately admitted his mistake, well, what the second senior brother said is right, when the object is angry, no matter whose fault it is, he must first admit his mistake.

Seeing Ding Tao's good attitude, Jiang Li suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Forget it, next time you make something about my decision, can you let me know.

I have been bombarded by so many relatives of you, and my endurance has dropped to the limit! "

She is now very thankful that she has a good ability to bear, otherwise she would have been pissed off by Ding Tao long ago.

Ding Tao nodded obediently, "Okay, I'll listen to you, so shall we still go to the temple now?"

They just climbed up the mountain and haven't gone in to make a wish yet.

Jiang Li rolled her eyes, "It's already here, let's go in and have a look, quick fix!"

At any rate, it was their first date in the sense of the word, so they couldn't just let it go.

"Okay, then let's go in, don't worry about the master, the master is very nice."

Ding Tao chuckled, and led Jiang Li into a temple not far away.

The young couple who were bickering just now reconciled so quickly, and the tourists not far away looked sideways.

(End of this chapter)

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