Reborn 1990's Chef's Sweet Wife

Chapter 981 Xu He Resigns

Chapter 981 Xu He Resigns
"Well, that's what you said. Just because he asked your husband to save my grandpa, I should thank him."

Jiang Li thought that when her grandfather was ill, the doctors were helpless. At that time, she was really going to collapse.

Fortunately, Ren Hui appeared and saved his grandfather, so at that time she felt that she liked Ren Hui.

Because grandpa is really important to her, she grew up with him, and she is even willing to sacrifice her life for him!

Ningxia smiled, "Don't be too nervous, just treat my master as an ordinary elder."

"Yeah, Xiaoxia, I really should learn how calm you are."

Jiangli is like garlic. Compared with Ningxia, she has to admit that she still has shortcomings in some areas.

Ning Xia didn't speak, but bent her lips. The reason why she was so calm was also because she had memories of her previous life.

So know what you need and what you should cherish.

After eating in the villa here, Ding Tao went back to Ding's house alone, while Jiang Li still lived here.

Xiong Yingjun checked Ningxia's homework and found that she was doing well, so he stayed and taught her for a while.

In addition to teaching Ningxia homework every day, Xiong Yingjun will be very active when eating, and usually stays in the pharmacy prepared for him by Ningxia.

Although Jiang Li lives in Ningxia, Ding Tao will follow her out on dates every day.

Ning Xia was also happy and at ease, but Ren Hui didn't reply her text messages at first, and Ning Xia didn't receive his text messages until a few days later.

Ren Hui: My senior brother and I sneaked into that research institute, and there was no mobile phone signal in it before.

Ningxia: How are you?Are you hurt?
Ren Hui: I'm fine, it will take a while here, and I'll be back as soon as possible.

Ningxia: Well, protect yourself, I'll wait for you to come back.

Ning Xia frowned slightly, she thought of those mysterious people who harmed her and A Hui in her previous life, could it be because they had supernatural powers?

But she didn't have supernatural powers in her previous life, but Ah Hui did.

Ningxia was very confused. Speaking of which, she and Ahui seemed to have more and more enemies, especially when they were in the open and the enemy was in the dark.

This seems to be very detrimental to them. It would be great if they could find those people directly.

She sighed irritably, threw her mobile phone on the table, and Xu He came to her with her luggage.

"Xiao Xia, I'm going back to school, thank you for taking care of me before."

Her complexion was not good, she was even a little pale, and the light in her eyes was no longer there.

Ning Xia looked at her worriedly, "Xiao He, what's wrong with you?"

"Xiao Xia, I've resigned, and I'm leaving here today."

Xu He squeezed out a smile, which was uglier than crying.

Ning Xia noticed that something was wrong, she touched Xu He's forehead.

"What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable? Why did you resign suddenly, so you won't be Xiaosheng's tutor anymore?"

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, so I plan to rest for a while."

Xu He squeezed the luggage in her hands tightly. Her supplementary tuition fee during this period is not low, and she can indeed rest for a while.

It was also because she really couldn't bear this kind of inner suffering, or she should choose to leave here.

Ningxia was a little puzzled, but she also saw that Xu He didn't want to say anything, so she opened her lips to persuade:
"But school hasn't started yet, why don't you live with me first?"

"It's okay, our school will start in a few days, and the dormitory is ready to live in."

Xu He shook her head, Xiao Xia is so close to the Lin family, she really doesn't want to get involved with him any more.

(End of this chapter)

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