Concubine Mad Concubine: Fifth Miss of the Prime Minister's House

Chapter 2156 Angina pectoris, related to 2 souls

Chapter 2156 Angina pectoris is related to two souls
"So, from that moment on, the soul in her body was replaced by another person."


Knowing that Xuanyuan Zhan's heart must be full of doubts at this moment, he took a deep breath, put his left hand behind his back, and stroked his gray beard with his right hand, and said slowly: "The spirit of a person can be called the soul. There are three souls, one is the soul of heaven, the second is the soul of the earth, and the third is the soul of life. There are seven souls, one is heavenly, the second is spiritual, the third is qi, the fourth is power, the fifth is the center, and the sixth is essence. , the seven souls are Ying. The soul is yin, and the soul is yang. Among them, the three souls and the seven souls are divided into yin and yang. Among the three souls, the sky soul is yang, the earth soul is yin, and the life soul is yang. Seven The two souls of soul are yin and heaven, the center of courage and strength is yang and human soul, and the two souls of elites are yang and earth.”

"Among the three souls, the two souls of heaven and earth are always outside, and only the soul of life lives alone. The three souls of heaven, earth and life do not often meet together. Among the seven souls, there are two souls of heaven, two souls of earth and three souls of human beings. Separated. And often attached to the human body. In fact, the seven souls of human beings are actually the seven chakras and seven energy fields located on the midvein that will flow from the top of the head to the crotch of the human body. Among them, the heavenly soul is at the top The spiritual and intelligent soul is in the brow chakra, the spirit is in the throat chakra, and the strength is in the heart chakra, and it is connected with the palms of both hands and the feet. The soul is also controlled by the soul of life. The soul of life is also called the soul of man, or the soul of sex. Human life is born from the soul of life. After the soul of life lives in the fetus, it distributes energy on the seven chakras of the human body. And form the seven souls of a person. The soul is unique to the human body. After death, the seven souls dissipate, and the soul of life also leaves, and life ends with this.”

Xuanyuan Zhan was completely dazzled by what the divine doctor said. What kind of heavenly soul and earthly soul? His mind was muddled, and he still looked puzzled: "Miraculous doctor, I am really confused by what you said."

The genius doctor nodded, as expected: "These are all technical terms, it's normal for the emperor not to understand, let alone you, even that bastard Ning Xuan, who has studied medicine for so many years, probably doesn't understand." Speaking of Ning Xuan, the genius doctor's eyes were soft, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he continued after a while: "To put it more simply, the seven souls had already dissipated when Murong Jingxue hit the wall, and when the soul of fate was about to leave, suddenly There is another soul attached to her body, and this is how Murong Jingxue is today."

"Then do you know, where did the soul attached to her body come from?"

It doesn't matter to him whether she is the former Murong Jingxue.

The Murong Jingxue he knew was after she hit the wall and committed suicide, and he was also attracted by the current Murong Jingxue and fell in love with her.If she is not the Murong Jingxue she was back then, then who she is and where she comes from, he always wants to know.

The miracle doctor stared at Xuanyuan Zhan for a long time before saying: "Maybe it's better for her to tell you this."

Xuanyuanzhan tightened the armrests of the chair, his expression was a bit decadent, he still didn't know when Jing'er would wake up, when would he recover?
Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he stood up abruptly, and asked in an urgent voice: "Then is her angina problem related to the fact that she has two souls?"

(End of this chapter)

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