Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 10 Falling into the hole?

Chapter 10 Falling into the hole?

In his previous life, his master Dan Daozi was a master of detoxification, not only good at alchemy, but also good at curing diseases, detoxification and restraint, etc., which can be described as a shocking genius.

Wentian has followed him for many years, although he has not mastered its essence, but he has learned three to four points, and he is still seventy to eighty percent sure of detoxifying his third uncle's body.

"Is this true?" Hearing this, Lin Yefeng's expression suddenly became extremely excited, and he held Wentian's hand tightly. He had forgotten how many years ago he was not so excited.

When he was poisoned by the poison back then, his father had sought countless famous doctors, but none of them could do anything about it, even the genius doctor Mei in the palace couldn't do anything, saying that unless there was a panacea above the prefecture level, or someone Only with the help of those in the Divine Origin Realm can this poison be removed.

It's just that whether it's an earth-level panacea or a strong person in the divine origin realm, they are all rare, so he became disheartened not long after.

After that, he began to give up on himself, and he didn't see anyone. He didn't expect that his nephew would give him hope again today.

"Really! But before the treatment, the spirit of the third uncle must reach its peak. In this way, the chances of success will be greatly increased. There is also the matter of detoxification, and I hope that the third uncle will keep it secret for the time being. Today's Lin Mansion has already Being secretly pushed to the cusp of wind and waves by some caring people..." Wentian suddenly raised his head, looked in a certain direction, and said with deep meaning.

Hearing Wentian's words, Lin Yefeng's eyes suddenly shrank, as if he had vaguely guessed the meaning of Wentian's words: "Okay! No problem!"

His answer was decisive.

Although he has stayed in the log cabin for ten years and never asked anything about the Lin Mansion, it doesn't mean he doesn't know. Although his legs are disabled now, his spiritual sense is still there. He also knows many things about the Lin Mansion. perhaps.

After talking with his third uncle in detail, Wentian left the wooden house, and the moment he left, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In the previous life, the matter of his third uncle had always been his regret. In this life, he will rely on his own hands to change all this, change the Lin family, and change his own destiny.

After leaving the wooden house, he came to the compound that had become ruins, looking at the dilapidated and appalling wooden house, he felt bitter in his heart.

From the beginning to the end, he never imagined that his breakthrough could cause a catastrophe, leading to the tragedy of the Lin family.

The servants and guards of the Lin Mansion are busy rebuilding the Lin Mansion, even Ye Tian is also participating, seeing Ye Tian, ​​Wen Tian waved to him.

"Are you looking for me?" Ye Tiandan said, his voice was no longer as cold as before, and now he finally understood that the young man in front of him was not a simple person.

"Senior! I want you to do something for me!" Wentian said.


Wentian took out a gambling slip, which was exactly the gambling slip from the Colosseum. At that time, in order to increase Ye Tian's odds, he deliberately made Ye Tian look helpless, so he put the The odds were raised to thirty for one.

At the beginning, 300 gold coins were pressed down, and now it is [-] million gold coins. This is a huge fortune.

"In addition to bringing back the gold coins, I want you to choose some slaves with good bones and extraordinary talents in the Colosseum. Orphans are even better, and the age is around twelve to sixteen. Remember, the quality is the first." First, talent second." Wentian said in detail.

When Ye Tian heard this, his eyes were thoughtful, as if he knew the other party's intentions, and immediately asked, "Do you want to do this in secret?"

"No need! Now that the Lin Mansion has been destroyed and needs to be rebuilt, besides these people, you can also bring some slaves back to rebuild the Lin Mansion. Senior's cultivation is now banned, and I will send some guards to go with you later, after all, the gold coins There are also quite a few of them." Wentian continued.

Hearing this, Ye Tian nodded meaningfully, took the betting slip, and left with several guards from the Lin residence.

After Yetian left, he called Uncle Zhou again, and after knowing that Uncle Zhou was in the Spirit Transformation Realm, his tone became more polite than before: "Uncle Zhou, when rebuilding the Lin Mansion, you can give me the map according to this map. Build a secret room, remember, try to keep this matter as little as possible, and find some reliable people to build it."

Wentian took out a blueprint.

This was conceived not long after he was reborn. His own strength is limited. In order to cope with the catastrophe in the future, he decided to cultivate his own power, which can be regarded as an extra layer of insurance.

Uncle Zhou took the drawing, glanced at it casually, and then showed a surprised look, but he didn't ask any more questions, and left after answering a little.

"Master, why did you come out?" A voice as sweet as a yellow warbler suddenly came.

Wen Tian looked back and saw Lan Meng wearing a light blue long dress, outlining alluring lines, her pure and lovely face made people take a deep breath, she was holding Ye Xue with her left hand, and Ye Xue with her right hand. Ye Feng, seeing Wentian, walked over with joy in his eyes.

"This little girl is really getting more and more beautiful, even with my current disposition, I am a little bit moved." Wentian couldn't help thinking to himself.

"Brother Wentian!" Ye Feng and his sister said in unison.

Wentian lowered his head, stroked the heads of the two with his hands, and smiled gently: "Do you like living here?"

"Brother, we like it here, and we like playing with Sister Meng even more, but now it's collapsed."

"That's right, I don't know which villain made my brother's home, our new home, like this." There was still a hint of anger on the faces of the two of them.

Hearing this, Wen Tian had a bitter smile on his face, wasn't he the villain the two of them talked about?

But he quickly recovered: "By the way, Meng'er, where is my grandfather? Why didn't he see it?"

"The old man was summoned into the palace by the Holy Majesty. I heard that it was because of the destruction of the Lin Mansion." Meng'er said.

"Oh!" Wentian replied, his expression didn't change much, after all, the Holy One would naturally care about such a major event as the destruction of the Lin Mansion.

"Lord Shangguan, Prime Minister Zhou is here!" At this moment, a loud voice came from outside the gate of the Lin residence, and immediately the two carriages stopped.

"These two old thieves came here just after something happened in Lin's mansion. It seems that we have to give them some color." At that moment, Wen Tian's eyes narrowed, and then the corners of his mouth raised, forming a charming arc.

With a slight movement of his finger, two streams of water elemental force gushed out, but at the next moment, the elemental force turned into two small transparent water balls, and then he flicked his finger, and with a chirping sound, two transparent small water balls shot out suddenly.


Two small water balls hit the horses pulling the cart, and the horses were injured, so they immediately became commotion and began to rampage, causing the carriage to shake for a while.

"Stop, stop quickly."

"Bastard! What happened?" In the carriage, Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong shouted loudly.

The expressions of all the guards changed suddenly, thinking that a big enemy was coming, they showed their weapons one after another, looking vigilant.

The groom yelled loudly and calmed down the frightened horse. Once the carriage stabilized, Zhou Wentong and Shangguan Muhua quickly got out of the carriage, but their faces were very livid.

"Ouch! Isn't this just Mr. Shangguan and Prime Minister Zhou? Why did you suddenly come to my Lin Mansion today when you have time? My Lin Mansion is being demolished and the ground is uneven. You two adults must be careful not to fall to the ground. I'll lose face from time to time." Wentian walked over with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Zhou Wentong and the two of them turned ugly for a moment, how could the two of them fail to understand Wentian's implication, that they were clearly laughing at the fact that Ma was startled before.

"Hmph! The old man heard that the Lin Mansion was destroyed, and felt sorry for him, so he came to wait and see. He didn't expect that the Lin Mansion, which was once a great place, has now become a ruin. It's really sad!" Zhou Wentong said in a strange way. The ridicule is obvious.

"Brother Wentian, it may be God's will that the Lin Mansion suffered this disaster, so you don't have to pay too much attention to it. If there is any difficulty in rebuilding the funds, the old man may be able to help. A gold coin should not be a problem." Shangguan Muhua sighed, showing a generous look.

Hearing this, Wentian looked as usual, so he didn't get angry because of it, but with a smile on his face: "You two adults are laughing, my grandfather said that the Lin Mansion has been built for a long time, and many things are old, so he deliberately destroyed it. It is to rebuild a bigger and more magnificent mansion."

Shangguan Muhua and the two were taken aback for a moment, as if they had never thought that Wentian would say such a thing, and soon they laughed.

"You kid really think that the Lin family is that wealthy Qian family? If you want to rebuild the mansion, rebuild it? Do you know how much money is needed to rebuild the mansion? I'm afraid it will cost less than a million gold coins. Your Lin mansion can take out a hundred gold coins at will. Gold coins?" Zhou Wentong's face was full of disdain.

"Brother Wentian, don't worry, I, Shangguan, will definitely not stand by and watch this time when the Lin family suffers, so feel free to speak up about any difficulties." Shangguan Muhua patted his chest and vowed.

"This is not to bother Mr. Shangguan. The boy was in the Colosseum before, but he has earned millions of gold coins. He is busy with how to build the Lin Mansion into the first mansion of Chiyue, so let's say goodbye, my lords." Let's go, be careful of the uneven road!" Wentian said with a thoughtful smile.Then he turned and left, leaving Zhou Wentong and the two with livid faces.

Who is he?He is a person who has experienced two lives, and he was once a strong man in the Shenyuan realm. It is a breeze to deal with these two old thieves.

"Damn boy!"


Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong waved their sleeves and left with dissatisfied expressions. Today they came to the Lin Mansion, but they failed to get slapped in the face, and instead they were slapped in the face by the other party.

The Lin Mansion has always been at odds with the Shangguan Mansion and the Zhou Mansion, which is well known to the world. When some guards and servants of the Lin Mansion saw that Wen Tian had left Zhou Wentong in anger, they were all very happy, and suddenly found that their young master, It seems to be less annoying than before.

(End of this chapter)

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