Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1014 The Bigness of the Universe

Chapter 1014 The Bigness of the Universe
"These are all previous generations of Anwu Peak's powerful ancestors. Although you are the current peak leader, you are still from outside the region. How can you mobilize their power?" Wentian said in a deep voice, stepping on Zilong.

"Jie Jie! I almost forgot to tell you that when I entered the Thunder Cloud Sect, I did not use my own body, but devoured the soul of a cultivator and occupied his body. This person is named Feng Zeng." As the sky thought, Feng Zeng sneered, his eyes full of banter.

Sure enough, Wentian's expression suddenly changed after hearing this.


After merging with the bloody figure, Feng Zeng raised his hand to crush it down with contempt, that force was so devastating that turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain.

Obviously, today he would kill the person in front of him no matter what, otherwise, he would not use his strongest hole card.

Besides, although this black world can block the detection of the outside world's spiritual sense, but there are several kings in the current Thunder Cloud Sect, he is also afraid of accidents.

"So what about the middle section of the Divine King? Don't try to suppress me!" Wen Tian roared angrily, with a hint of extreme madness in his eyes.

Immediately, his hands quickly formed a seal, and countless strange runes surged, changing constantly with his seal.

"Calling the soul!" His eyes flashed, and the fourth layer of the ancient spirit scripture in his body was operated to the extreme.

Summon the soul, summon the souls that exist in the world, summon the unyielding and unwilling souls in the world.

Fluffy!Suddenly, the sky was filled with wind and clouds, and a dark wind blew up, accompanied by unyielding roars full of unwillingness and hatred.

"The ancient thoughts are immortal, the ancient soul is immortal!"

"Kill! Kill all demons!"

"Kill! Kill all the cultivators outside the territory!" Thousands of Souls roared, with unyielding and indestructible ancient thoughts, as if wanting to break through this world, break through this black world.

That's right!These remnant souls are the souls of the ancient clan. Even if they died in battle and sacrificed their blood to their fathers and ancestors, their fighting spirit is still alive.

Because they are unwilling, unwilling to be abandoned by the world and become eternal sinners, and they hate the Ji family and the barbarians.

It was the hatred in his blood, in his blood.

Especially among these remnant souls, there is a pair of huge pupils faintly, and their aura is so overwhelming that it seems that just a ray of anger can blow up the world.

Countless remnant souls surround it, like billions of stars supporting the moon, it is like the emperor of souls.

Of course, this is the soul of the ancient ancestors.

"Roar!" A soul roar shook the world, weeping ghosts and gods, like this shocked all the remnant souls in the world.

A scene that made Feng Zeng unbelievable appeared!

Under the roar of the ancient ancestor's remnant soul, the blood-colored giant shadow he fused hummed and trembled suddenly.

Following that, blood was pouring into the sky, and he held his head in both hands, showing extreme pain, as if an invisible big hand was tearing his soul apart.

"Ah... ah..." His pupils were blood red, covered with spider webs of blood, and he roared wildly when he looked horrified.

"No... this is absolutely impossible!"

bang bang bang!As he roared, his huge body continued to burst violently, blood staining all directions, as if there were strands of power in his body rushing violently.

At this moment, his heart was terrified to the extreme, because this was the backlash of the dark peaks of all ages.

"Good opportunity!" Wentian's eyes suddenly brightened.

Immediately after that, his body trembled suddenly, the six weapons were radiant with celestial light, and the sword and sword runes were against the sky, making it continuously solidify, revealing a monstrous aura.

As soon as this aura came out, the expression of Feng Zeng who was roaring suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of unimaginable glints.

The blood light soared to the sky, and the purple awns were bright!
The next moment, Broken Star appeared, and the Blood Dragon Demon Saber came out.

Holding a sword in his left hand and a knife in his right hand, the heavenly aura erupted in an instant. Just the extreme aura of the Blood Dragon Demon Saber and the Broken Star Sword caused the black world to twist continuously, and there were crackling, crackling sounds. The sound of cracking.

"Peak imperial weapon, this is the divine sword of the old sword madman, and the holy sword of the dragon clan, the blood dragon demon sword, how is this possible?"

"Three pieces... the first spear of the human race, the Overlord's Divine Spear, and you have gathered three peak imperial weapons. Could it be that you are the rumored Cosmotron, the son of destiny of countless star fields?"

"No... This is simply impossible, because according to the deduction of the experts in my star field, it is rumored that the Cosmotron, which can change the fate of stars, was born five thousand years later, or even ten thousand years later."

"Otherwise, my Black Palace would not have sneaked into this star field tens of thousands of years ago. As long as we occupy this star field, we will be able to control it when the Child of Destiny is born in the future."

"Pu Tian Wan Jie, there are many star fields, and the stars are more like ants, but there is only one universe in the whole world. Once you can control Destiny's Child, it is like controlling everything and becoming the master of the universe."

Seeing Wentian holding Broken Star in his left hand and the Blood Dragon Demon Knife in his right hand, Feng Zeng was terrified. He opened his eyes wide and screamed like he was insane.

However, as soon as he said this, he was really startled, even with the disposition of asking the sky, his face suddenly changed, and there was a thunderbolt in his head, and the waves in his heart were surging.

"Child of Destiny... Lord of the Universe..."

"Could it be that there is more than one alien star field under that incomparably vast starry sky? How high and how big is this real world... It turns out that we have been watching the sky from a well all the time, but we are just a tiny speck of dust in the universe."

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he even felt powerless, showing bitterness on his face.

"I, Lin Wentian, have been going against the sky for a long time from being a dandy and a trash to this point. No matter how big the universe is, it can't be bigger than my heart!"

"Furthermore, even if there really is a child of destiny, my destiny is against the sky, so great that against the world, people who are against the world cannot be against it!"

Not long after, his eyes flashed with determination, and when his black hair was flying, his will was unruly.

As soon as the words fell, he stepped on the purple dragon, held double blades in his hand, and the divine energy and immortal power in his body circulated to the extreme, and he slashed out a blow that shocked the world.

Chi Chi!Immediately, a horrifying purple sword light and a blood-colored sword light struck out with extreme power that smashed through bamboos and smashed heaven and earth.

Where the light of the sword and the light of the sword passed, the nothingness was cut off, and two unhealable moats were seen across the entire black world.

"No..." Feng Zeng screamed in his heart, because under this shocking blow, the black world he had arranged was broken.

Boom boom boom! !But the next moment the whole world exploded, and that deafening rumbling sound instantly drowned out his screams.

At the same time, many monks gathered in front of the gate of Anwu Peak, not only the disciples of Zayuan and Lingdan Peak, but also some disciples of Ten Thousand Peaks and even Lei Feng.

Of course, there was only one of them gathered here, and that was the rumored son of the dragon, Lin Wentian, the seventh son of Immortal Peak.

One moment passed, two moments passed, and as time continued to pass, many people frowned, and even showed a trace of anxiety in their eyes.

"Fifth Senior Brother, do you think Seventh Senior Brother will be in trouble?" A disciple of Immortal Peak said.

However, as soon as he said this, Shen Hu's expression changed drastically.

Boom! !The black world suddenly exploded, blasting countless disciples into the air, and the remaining power was overwhelming.

PS: (I quarreled with the leader in the past two days, and I resigned from my job but failed to resign. I will try my best to do three shifts every day from the [-]th, and try to finish this month.)
(End of this chapter)

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