Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1017 The White Tiger Strikes

Chapter 1017 The White Tiger Strikes
Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

But what happened three days ago still shocked countless Leiyun disciples, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

After all, whether it is the strong return of the seventh son of Immortal Peak, the rebellion of the master of Anwu Peak, or even the destruction of the entire Anwu Peak, it can cause a huge sensation.

Although Lei Guangxuan issued an order that no one was allowed to spread the events of what happened three days ago, but under the impetus of some caring people, the matter was still widely circulated in an instant.

Because of this, the son of the dragon, who had been silent for a long time, once again became famous, crushing all the younger emperors.

Of course, there are also many young emperors who are not convinced, such as Lei Ting, the son of Thunder God, Tian E, the son of heaven, Daoxuan, the proud son of the Guangming family, and so on.

In an instant, Lin Wentian became the thorn in the side of almost all the young leaders. This is a troubled world, and there are many arrogances. Who would be willing to be crushed and surpassed by others.

The most exciting thing in the entire Thunder Cloud Sect is the Immortal Peak. In the past three days, all the disciples' blood boiled and they felt extremely elated.

Seeing this, some Leifeng disciples gritted their teeth even more, with hatred and unwillingness in their eyes.

"Damn Immortal Peak, damn Lin Wentian, you will regret it one day."

"That's right! I, Lei Feng, am the head of the Nine Peaks, and the true overlord of the Thunder Cloud Sect. If it weren't for that old overlord, the son of the dragon, Lin Wentian, the suzerain could kill him with just a raise of his hand. "

Many Lei Feng disciples said harshly, even some elders had dark eyes with murderous intent in their eyes.


On Immortal Peak, above a lake, a white figure sat cross-legged, his long hair danced wildly, and a haughty aura leaked from his whole body.

But the strange thing is that at this moment, he closed his eyes, but his hands kept moving, leaving traces of mystery and mystery.

"Buzz buzz!!!" The whole void buzzed, and when the runes were shining, the power of the rules surged wildly. When they gathered together, they turned into thousands of threads, and finally formed a cage.

It's more like a cage than a net, and Wentian at this moment is like a bird in a cage.

Suddenly, his left eye opened, and a strange green light erupted from his whole body. It was a green pupil.

The pupil of life.

As he opened the pupil of life, he saw that the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred miles, within a thousand miles, surged at a frightening speed.

Just breathing effort, the aura of this cage is extremely rich, and it is accompanied by a burst of vitality from nature.

Also at this moment, the seemingly ordinary lake below suddenly had a wave of waves, and then formed a vortex, greedily devouring the spiritual energy in all directions.

Regarding this, Wentian still had the same expression as before. With a change in the imprint in his hand, the Life and Death Orb was sacrificed, and an enchantment was instantly created, sealing the world again.

The two layers of seals have made this hundred-mile radius an impregnable wall, not to mention a strong god king, even a god king powerhouse, it is difficult to break through it in a short time.

Not long after, Wentian breathed a sigh of relief, his complexion could not help turning pale, but because of his light exercise, his complexion instantly returned to rosy.

That's right, there is a small world under the lake below, which is the place where his master punished him.

Of course, he didn't forcibly summon Xingguan, but used his strongest means to set up a barrier around the world and attract more aura of heaven and earth.

Immediately, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, where was the head of the nine peaks, the direction of Lei Feng.

He didn't know what to think of, a cold light flashed in his eyes, his expression was extremely cold.

Even with the help of Ba Lao, he was still not fully sure of defeating Lei Guangxuan, after all, as the master of a sect, the other party definitely had a lot of hidden means.

Besides, the power of the Immortal Immortal Seal is no small matter, the collision of the peak god emperor weapon will blow up the entire Thunder Cloud Sect, and they will never allow them to kill each other even with the presence of the wine master.

"I don't know how the second senior brother is doing?" He murmured, with a flash of worry in his eyes.

Although the Qinglong King is there to help, the Black Palace is mysterious and unpredictable. Once the enemy has a god-king to join the battle, blood will definitely flow into rivers.

"Huh?" Suddenly, his expression suddenly changed, and then his figure flashed, and he disappeared in the same place in an instant.

At the same time, in front of the Thunder Cloud Sect's door, there was a pop, the nothingness twisted for a while, and then a bloody figure rushed out.

"It's not good! Hurry up... Hurry up and report to the suzerain that the White Tiger Clan appeared on the battlefield of the Western Regions and slaughtered more than a hundred or a thousand monks of our sect. I'm afraid it won't last long." The bloody figure roared loudly, and the dilated pupils were full of fear.

"What? The White Tiger Clan attacked and killed me as a cultivator of the Thunder Cloud Sect?"

"The white tigers that are said to kill the divine beasts, they are going to attack my Thunder Cloud Sect, my God... Is my Thunder Cloud Sect doomed to perish."

Boom! !
Some disciples guarding the gate instantly turned pale as snow, and even their souls trembled in fear. After all, the White Tiger Clan has long been known as a vicious person, making countless races terrified.

Back then, the white tiger clan's rebellion slaughtered countless human races, and because of this, the name of the white tiger was like a nightmare to the human race.

When this news spread to Leiyunzong, countless people changed their colors and set off turbulent waves in their hearts.

Not to mention ordinary disciples, even as the Supreme Elder, Jiu Ye, who has the cultivation level of King Realm, suddenly changed his color.

"Retreat, immediately notify all disciples of Tianhuo Peak, Zixia Peak, and Huan Shui Peak to return to Thunder Cloud Sect." Before Lei Guangxuan could speak, the wine master shouted loudly.

"My Thunder Cloud Sect is the Great Sect of Ten Thousand Years, and it was the head of the Seven Sects back then. How could I just escape like this? Once this matter gets out, how can my Thunder Cloud Sect have the face to stand in Heaven and Ten Thousand Realms?"

"Everyone listens to the order and dispatches immediately, vowing to fight the demons and the white tigers to the end." However, at this moment, a powerful aura rose from Leifeng, and the person who spoke was the Lord of Thunder Cloud, Lei Guangxuan.

With a buzzing sound and a flash of nothingness, his figure appeared, his eyes were like thunder, and a violent aura leaked from his whole body.

"What? The Thunder Cloud Sect will come out to fight bloody battles with the Demon Clan and the White Tiger Clan?"

"Yes! Although the White Tiger Clan is strong, but now that the son of the dragon has returned, and there is a powerful old tyrant under him, we may not lose this battle." Someone was uproarious.

However, the wine master frowned when he heard about it.

Because as some people said, with Wentian, who was as powerful as a god king, and a demon king, even if the White Tiger Clan attacked, they would still be able to fight against it.

"Hmph...I disagree!" But at this moment, a cold snort resounded through the entire Thunder Cloud Sect.

I don't know when Wentian has appeared, looking at Lei Guangxuan in front of him, his eyes are like blades, and his expression is extremely cold.

Because at that moment, he had already seen through Lei Guangxuan's true intentions, the other party was forcing him to take action, trying to kill him with the help of the Demon Clan or the White Tiger Clan.

After all, whether it is his existence or the existence of Ba Lao, they are a huge threat to Lei Guangxuan.

Sure enough, when Lei Guangxuan heard about it, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Justice comes first, don't tell me you really betrayed Lei Yunzong and turned against the entire human race?"

(End of this chapter)

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