Chapter 1020
"Who? Get out!" As soon as the voice came out, no matter it was the woman in red or those of the Phoenix family, their eyes were cold, and a strong murderous intent emanated from their bodies.

One must know that they are the Phoenix clan. Although it cannot be said that they are not the most powerful race in this star field, they are definitely one of the top races among all races, and those who can compete with them are rare.

"Hmph! Did I say something wrong?" Wentian snorted coldly, he flicked his sleeves, and he took a step forward, without any timidity because the opponent was a fire phoenix.

"Bastard! A mere human kid dares to insult our Feng clan, he is looking for death!" At the same time, a young man walked out from behind the woman in red, shouting with cruel eyes.

In the middle of the demon general, the energy leaked from the young man's body has reached the middle of the general level.

Obviously, this person can be regarded as a genius among geniuses among the Fire Phoenix clan, otherwise, how could he be so strong at such an age.

Every time a human monk makes a breakthrough, he is fighting against the sky and the earth, and as long as these super races become adults, they will have great strength, and they don't need any comprehension or evolution at all.

Once the blood in their bodies is pure, their strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

It is also because of this that although there are a large number of human races, they are crushed by most of the monster races at the same level, let alone the fire phoenix family.

Although he is in the middle rank of a demon general, his real strength may be comparable to the latter rank of a god general.

"Arrogance! Who are you? Do you know our identities?" Another Feng clan asked coldly.

"Everyone of the Feng Clan, this is the nephew of the suzerain, the seventh direct disciple of Immortal Peak, Lin Wentian, the son of the ancient emperor dragon of the mortal realm." To everyone's surprise, before Wentian could reply, Lei Guangxuan actually Smile and speak.

Immediately, many people frowned, not knowing what he meant.

But when he finished speaking, all Feng Clan including the old woman had a sudden change of expression, looking at Wentian with hatred and murderous intent in their eyes.

"Damn it! Are you Lin Wentian?"

"Damn! Kill him!" The roar was terrifying, and the scene suddenly became murderous.

It's just that many people are puzzled by this, why these Feng Clan have such a big reaction when they hear Lin Wentian's name, could it be that he has offended the Huo Feng Clan?Many people secretly speculated.

"Sure enough!" Wentian's face was gloomy, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

"Could it be..." Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his eyes suddenly shrank.

"Bold! As a human race, you dare to practice sorcery, not to mention slaughtering the elders of my Fire Phoenix clan, and even refining them into blood corpses. This crime is enough to make you die thousands or tens of thousands of times."

"Give me back my father's life!" The young man from the Feng clan who spoke before had a ferocious expression on his face. When he roared angrily, he clapped his hands vigorously.

"Buzzing!!" As he slapped his hands, the clothes on his back were torn open, and a pair of phoenix wings grew out. When he slapped, two terrifying phoenix flames burst out with astonishingly high temperatures, killing Yu Wentian directly.

Obviously, he wanted to put Wentian to death.

"Brother, be careful! This guy is a middle-level god general, and he is also a member of the Fire Phoenix family. His flame power can even kill the back-level of a god general." Shen Hu was shocked, and at this moment he formed a strange seal with his hands, Trying to use Jiemen to help Wentian escape this attack.

It was at this moment that Wentian's doubts were resolved.

Although he had already sensed Shen Hu's intentions, he didn't have the slightest intention of escaping. Immediately, he raised his foot and took a step forward.

"Kacha! Kacha!" Stepping out with one step, there was no monstrous qi movement, but the emptiness of cold air surged wildly, and layers of ice poured out overwhelmingly, instantly sealing the frozen space.

When ice and fire meet, there is no loud rumbling sound, but there are bursts of sizzle sounds, as if the two are fighting each other, trying to devour or refine each other.

Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it!
Ice and fire overcome each other, the strong wins.

"Hmph! You are like a frog in a well! How can a mere Fan Bing compete with this young master's Feng Yan! Destroy it! The majesty of my Phoenix clan must not be insulted." The corner of the Feng Clan youth's mouth revealed a touch of disdain.

In an instant, he swiped his hands quickly.

Puffy! !A wave of phoenix flames that was more violent than before and with even more frightening flames rushed out, instantly burning the ice that Wentian had displayed with a destructive force, and the flames remained undiminished, turning into a flaming tornado that blasted down on the ground. Ask the sky.


"No!" Countless people screamed, and some tried to rush out.

Bang bang bang! !
"Not good! Get back quickly, we can't resist these flames!" But as soon as they stepped out, they were knocked into the air by Yu Wei, and the terrifying flames seemed to burn them into pieces. ashes.

When everyone retreated a hundred miles away, their expressions were horrified, and their eyes were full of disbelief, because the nothingness in front of them was completely submerged by the raging flames, burning the whole sky red, and many mountain peaks below were burnt down, turning into ashes and completely disappearing.

"Where is the son of the dragon? He..." Someone trembled and his face was extremely pale.

"What son of a dragon, what ancient emperor, nothing more than that!"

"It's ridiculous! Even a mere god general in the early stage also wants to fight against our Feng Clan. He just doesn't know what to say."

"Of course, you must know that the strength of the Tianzhuang clan brother is second only to Princess Tianyue among the young generation of Huofenghuang. He is so powerful that he can crush those so-called young emperors of the human race."

Looking at the burning nothingness, the Phoenix Clan sneered.

Especially the woman in red, who is also called Princess Tianyue by them, her expression is full of extreme disdain, which is due to her strength and the arrogance of her noble blood.

"Kill my father, even if you die a hundred times or a thousand times, you will not be able to get rid of the hatred in my heart." The youth of the Feng clan said with vicious eyes.

As soon as the words fell, strange runes appeared on the Phoenix wings behind him, bursting out with a powerful devouring power, and in just that moment, the sea of ​​flames was absorbed by the Phoenix wings.

It's just that the sky is still extremely hot, and the appalling high temperature, not to mention the ancient realm, or even some ordinary realms, may be wiped out in an instant.

"This blow counts as my accompaniment to your father. I will only say once that your father was not killed by me, but by the Blood Demon Clan. In consideration of your filial piety, I can return your father's body to you and wipe it out." He has a corpse in his body."

When the phoenix flame disappeared, a wisp of purple flame gushed out of the burned and distorted void, and a voice of asking the sky came.

"It's Senior Brother Seven!" Seeing this, the disciples of Immortal Peak were overjoyed.

On the contrary, those Feng clan's expressions suddenly changed, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"How is it possible? A mere god general at the beginning stage can resist Tianzhuang's big brother's phoenix flame without any damage?"

"Wait!! Who is this Ziyan?" The Feng clan was in an uproar.

The woman in red even raised her eyes at this moment, and said with a gloomy face: "This is the magic fire of the Qilin clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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