Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1025 7 Star Peaks

Chapter 1025 Seven Star Peak

The scene was extremely tense. Once a full-scale war broke out, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The disciples and elders of Tianhuo Peak, Huan Shui Peak, and Zixia Peak had complicated expressions, and there was a hint of struggle in their eyes.

In the past, with regard to the battle between Leifeng and Immortal Peak, they would definitely remain neutral and would not help each other, but now their peak master is trapped in the western battlefield, fighting with the demons and white tigers, and may fall at any time danger.

Thinking of this, determination appeared in their eyes, and they stood behind Lei Guangxuan one after another.

But in Tianhuo Peak, there are still some disciples who gritted their teeth and chose to stand in the formation of Immortal Peak. Of course, these are all disciples of Guyun's lineage.

However, everyone knew that the most critical person in this confrontation was the old man reeking of alcohol, the Supreme Elder Wine Master of Thunder Cloud Sect.

If he is determined to help Immortal Peak, then the outcome of the battle between the two king realms and the two king realms is really unpredictable.

If he remains neutral in this battle, then with the strength of Lei Guangxuan and King Huofeng, the two will definitely crush Balao and Wentian, and Immortal Peak will also be caught in fire and water, unless the King of Xingguan breaks through the barrier and is released. out.

But everyone knew very well that Xingguan was seriously injured back then, and it was difficult to recover in a short period of time. Otherwise, Lei Guangxuan would not be so unscrupulous.

"Uncle, this son's heart is not right. He not only kills the disciples of the same sect, but also wants to fight against the human race and the Feng clan. Uncle, don't be deceived by traitors." Lei Guangxuan said, his eyes were extremely sharp.

"You don't want to spit blood on those things that are not gods or immortals." Shen Hu roared, the ruthlessness was shocking.

Many people's eyes were wide open, their expressions were unimaginable. Obviously, they could not have imagined that the fifth son of the Immortal Peak, who had always been a wimp, would openly scold the Lord of Thunder Cloud. This was something that no one could have imagined in the past.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Lei Guangxuan's eyes were extremely gloomy: " brat who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!"

Shen Hu's expression changed suddenly, and a cold snort exploded in his mind, causing his sea of ​​consciousness to churn, as if he had received a huge creation, he coughed up blood profusely when he flew upside down.

"Fifth Senior Brother!" Everyone turned pale with shock, Master Jiu frowned, looking at Lei Guangxuan with dissatisfaction.

Dissatisfaction is nothing but dissatisfaction, but now the Thunder Cloud Sect is divided, which is the last thing he wants to see. As for the Feng Clan issue, it also gives him a headache and a dilemma.

Based on his understanding of the Phoenix Clan, if their Thunder Cloud Sect doesn't give each other an explanation, this matter will definitely become a big issue, and it will become an important reason for the breakup between the Adult Clan and the Phoenix Clan, and the Thunder Cloud Sect will also be abandoned by the world. He was coldly stared at and reviled by countless people.

But I have to say that he admires Wentian very much. From the opponent, he can see the shadows of the Immortal Patriarch, and even the shadows of such great figures as the Gun Emperor, Dragon Emperor, and Sword Madness.

As long as the opponent can grow up, he will definitely be the peak powerhouse of the human race, and even a slight stomp of his feet can shock Heaven and Ten Thousand Realms, overlooking this star field.

Thinking of this, he struggled violently in his heart, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

"Hmph... I, Lin Wentian, do everything by myself. If you Feng Clan are really capable, you can come to me."

"As for you, as the master of a sect, the enemy is in front of you now, but you still don't forget to eliminate the differences. My Immortal Peak, Magic Water Peak, Tianhuo Peak, etc. are desperately fighting against the enemy, but you are trying to rob me. Inheritance of Miefeng, the cultivation of Miewo Immortal Peak, you are not worthy to be the Sect Master of Leiyun."

"You are not worthy!" Wentian looked arrogant, and shouted angrily at Huofengwang and Lei Guangxuan.

The sentence that you are not worthy fell in Lei Guangxuan's ears, it was so piercing, it instantly distorted his face ferociously, and his eyes were extremely cruel.

"Lin Wentian, you are looking for death! Today, for my Thunder Cloud Sect, and for the alliance between the entire Human Race and the Feng Clan, this Sect Master vows to suppress and kill you, a traitor, you, a member of the sinful clan!" He roared loudly.

Boom! !A powerful coercion rose from his body like an ancient beast, and the divine power contained the immortal power of the strongest race, instantly covering all directions with murderous intent.

At the same time, the old body of the Fire Phoenix King was also shaken violently. The demonic light inside his body erupted like a volcanic eruption, and a monstrous flame rushed out, instantly turning into a mountain of flames, hanging above her head, emitting a frighteningly high temperature.

If Princess Yue's flame power was like a star that day, then the flame power she erupted here is like a vast universe, and the difference between the two is hundreds of thousands of miles.

When the Fire Phoenix King was angry, the phoenix flames burned in all directions, and when the Lord of Thunderclouds was angry, the sky was full of wind and clouds, and the divine thunder was berserk. The terrifying aura was overwhelming, making countless people terrified.

"Not good! Brother Lin is in danger!"

"No matter how strong the Overlord Demon King is, he can't compete against the Fire Phoenix King and the suzerain at the same time. It seems that Lin Wentian is doomed this time!"

There was constant uproar in the crowd, and many people were even paler. When their cultivation base rose, they retreated and retreated, as if they were afraid of being involved in the battlefield and being bombarded instantly.

"Sinners should be killed!"

"The Immortal Peak Lin Wentian has fallen into the evil way, but slaughtered the seniors of the Phoenix Clan, and even refined them into blood corpses, in an attempt to provoke a fight between the Human Clan and the Phoenix Clan. He deserves death!"

"Kill, kill!!" With a murderous aura, under the impetus of some caring people, many monks flashed fiercely and roared out, wanting to take the opportunity to kill the disciples of the Immortal Peak.

"Damn it! Fighting with them!" The disciples of Immortal Peak gritted their teeth, their eyes turned red, bang bang bang...they punched out violently with physical and divine power.

kill kill kill! !In an instant, there was a sensation in the audience, and more and more monks joined the battle, causing blood to splatter, and people continued to fall, staining the nothingness.

Unexpectedly, the arrival of the Phoenix Clan finally caused Lei Yunzong to launch a shocking civil war. Maybe Immortal Peak will cease to exist after today, or Lei Feng will lose power.

But the final result is undoubtedly that Lei Yunzong is completely divided and its strength is greatly reduced.

"Wan Chongfeng obeys orders! Follow the master of this peak to kill!" The obese master of Wan Chongfeng shouted out loudly with his eyes flashing fiercely, because they had no choice until now.

If there is no fight, there is only one dead end. If you fight to the death, you may still be able to survive.

"Respect the order of the old peak master, swear to protect Lin Wentian, the son of Dan!" The master of Lingdan peak shouted, his eyes became extremely sharp, this is also the old man Danxin's instructions to him before his death.

Not only that, but many years ago he had made a plan to pass on the position of Lingdan Peak Lord to Wentian.

It seemed to be slow, but in fact everything happened only in that instant. Looking at these Lei Yunzhixiu who fought for themselves and sacrificed themselves, Wentian's cold expression became a bit moved.

Although Lei Guangxuan is hateful, there are still some people in this sect who are worthy of his protection and struggle, and these people will become his fetters.

His mood fluctuated, he took a deep breath, and then his eyes shot out like blades: "From today on, there will be no Leifeng in Leiyunzong, only Leiyun Qifeng, named Qixingfeng!"

(End of this chapter)

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