Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1034 Strong reinforcements

Chapter 1034 Strong reinforcements
Everything happened in that instant, but countless people on the field were dumbfounded, unable to regain their senses as if they had lost their souls.

A slender hand gently patted Guyun's shoulder, calming the violent power in his body instantly, which is so unbelievable.

You must know that his cultivation has reached the realm, and those who can do this step so easily are only the strong gods, or even the strong gods.

But their only god-king powerhouse, Lord Tianyan, was fighting a peak demon king of the White Tiger Clan, so it was impossible to appear here.

"Master, leave this to your disciple!" Just when he was shocked, a calm voice suddenly rang in his head.

The voice sounded calm, but he could still hear a terrifying murderous intent hidden in it.

But most importantly, this voice made him feel extremely familiar, and a boy couldn't help but appear in his mind.

"Tian'er?" His eyes were wide open, and he screamed absentmindedly. It seemed that the time was so long, he turned his head and looked beside him.

Suddenly, a familiar face appeared in front of his eyes. Looking at this face, he looked unbelievable, and felt a thunderbolt in his mind.

That's right!The person who suddenly appeared and interrupted his self-explosion was just Wentian who rushed here at the nick of time.

His face looked as calm as a mirror, but in fact his heart was already burning with monstrous anger.

"Where did you come from, kid, get out of here!"

"Jie Jie... Another kid who doesn't know how to live or die, so good, I send you two masters and apprentices to hell together."

I thought it was some strong person who appeared, but I didn't expect it to be just a young boy. Immediately, those strong men from the Demon Race and White Tiger Race who rushed over looked extremely disdainful and sneered.

"Haha...die, kid!"

"Roar!" A white tiger appeared in its real body. Although its body was not as large as a thousand or ten thousand feet, but only a hundred feet in size, the monster energy leaking from its body was extremely violent, and its blood-red pupils were like two blood stars.

It opened its teeth and claws, rushed out with a volt, and swung its tiger claws fiercely, creating a frightening storm. The blades of its claws cut through nothingness and destroyed countless ancient trees.

This attack is powerful enough to easily kill ordinary world gods, because its strength has reached the late stage of the Four Realms, and with the strength of the White Tiger Clan, it can even kill humans at the peak of the Four Realms.

"Tian'er be careful!" Master Gu Yun showed panic after returning to his senses, with a look of madness on his face, he rushed out from Wentian's side with a bang, his actions were undoubtedly intended to block Wentian's attack.

Even though he knew that his disciple and grandson were extremely evil and possessed the title of Son of Dragon, Seventh Son of Immortality, and even the Ancient Emperor of the Mortal Realm, he still didn't think that the other party could compete with the ferocious white tiger in front of him.

"Huh?" However, the next moment he was stunned, because he suddenly found that his body stopped and he couldn't move forward.

In an instant, an unbelievable thought flashed through his mind: "How is it possible?"

As if wanting to confirm what he thought in his heart, a rune appeared in front of his eyes, and golden spots of light quickly condensed. In his shocked eyes, a man in fluttering white clothes with an extremely calm expression appeared.

That's right, it is asking the sky.

"Mie!" Murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he raised a slender finger like this, and tapped lightly on the white tiger rushing forward.

"Pfft!" The brain burst out, under his finger, the eyes of the seemingly fierce white tiger opened wide, and then the whole head exploded, turning into a thick blood mist.

"Bang bang!!" It wasn't until the headless tiger fell to the ground that Master Guyun, other white tigers, demons, and even Leiyunzong disciples came back to their senses.

"Tian'er, you... you..." Guyun Master opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

"What? It's him!"

"Ah... Lin Wentian, the son of the dragon!" The crowd was shocked instantly, and they couldn't help shouting, their pupils were wide open and full of extreme disbelief.

Not to mention them, even Zimei Peak Master's heart skipped a beat, because they felt a strong sense of oppression from the young man in white in front of them.

"God general?" The master of Huan Shuifeng was shocked, his beautiful eyes widened.

"Bastard boy! You are looking for death!" Suddenly, a roar burst out.

boom!The demon light soared into the sky, the wind howled, and the thunder fell violently.

A ferocious-looking white tiger, wrapped in thunder and flames, with a dazzling demon talisman on its forehead, showing a white tiger printed with the character of king, it opened its mouth that seemed to swallow the sky and roared loudly.

boom!As soon as it raised its leg, the ground continued to shatter, spreading for ten or hundreds of miles, and a terrifying murderous intent emanated from its entire body.

This tiger was the old man who had reached the Yaojun realm. The fall of the white tiger made him angry, because it was his offspring.

In an instant, the wind was surging, and the tiger's power was overwhelming, and it went straight to Wentian.

At the same time, above Qiu Ye's head was shining brightly, and in the inconceivable eyes of everyone, demons and demons, a strange door of space appeared.

"Kill kill kill!!"

"Kill all these beasts!"


The sound of fighting was shocking and murderous, and the next moment, figures with ferocious eyes and ferocious faces rushed out of the gate roaring.

Especially some blood-stained figures, their fleshy bodies are full of runes, and violent thunderous aura rises from their bodies, as if they are not human races, but transformed monsters.

Disciple of Immortal Peak.

Bang bang bang! !Boom boom boom!Only in that flash, everyone fought with the white tiger clan and the demon clan with blood red pupils.

"Ah... this is a disciple of Immortal Peak, Spirit Pill Peak, and Ten Thousand Peaks!"

"That's the master of Zheyan Peak, the master of Lingdan Peak... and the disciple of the Holy Master, Yimeng, the second son of Immortal Peak!"

boom!When everyone realized the identity of the visitor, they were all ecstatic, and their faces roared with excitement.

Their fighting spirit was high, their fighting spirit exploded, the blood in their bodies boiled, and they fought again as if their strength was increasing dramatically.

"Brother Shen!" Qiuye was overjoyed, looking at Shen Hu who stood in front of her, the tears in her eyes could no longer be suppressed, and they flowed down.

It turned out that this unattractive man in front of her had been guarding her all the time, even if her family was destroyed, maybe he would be her last support in this world.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Shen Hu blamed himself.

Qiu Ye kept shaking her head, and suddenly her face showed, like a hundred flowers blooming, making Shen Hu's heart melt instantly.

As everyone rushed out of the gate, the three kings Ba Lao, Qinglong King, and Jiu Ye also appeared, but their aura was restrained, like an ordinary cultivator.

Ba Lao and Qinglong Wang looked at the battlefield indifferently, then stood in the void, just turning a blind eye, closing their eyes and meditating.

On the other hand, Jiu Ye raised his eyes suddenly, as if he sensed something, his figure flickered, and he disappeared from the original place in an instant.

"Boy Lin quickly retreated. He is an elder of the White Tiger Clan. His cultivation has reached the lower stage of the demon king. You are by no means his match." Zimei Peak Master shouted.

She gritted her teeth fiercely, and her hands frantically formed seals.

"Clang!" A phoenix phantom loomed behind her again.

(End of this chapter)

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