Chapter 1037
If anyone saw this scene, they would definitely be stunned, because even if he is physically strong, he is only at the semi-king level, and his real cultivation is no more than the first stage of a god general, but with such strength, he dared to fight against a middle-level demon king .

Such a feat can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

"Hmph! It's beyond self-control!" The demonic energy was overwhelming, and a pair of huge magic pupils appeared, looking down at Wentian from a high position, with an expression full of extreme disdain.

The palm of the devil fell down, destroying the world, the stars exploded, and countless spaces were shattered. This is the shocking power of the devil king.

Some people who had just arrived just saw this scene, their expressions changed suddenly, and their pupils were full of disbelief. You must know that this is the king of the demon clan, not the previous demon king or demon king.

Between the king level and the king level, there is an insurmountable gap like heaven and earth, just like mortals and gods, ants and elephants.

"No... God!"

"Brother Lin..."

"Seventh Junior Brother!"

Elder Gu Yun, Shen Hu and others roared heart-piercingly, seeing the emptiness that was constantly exploding and thick with blood mist, their complexions were as pale as snow, and they felt an incomparable heartache.

Even though Wentian Banwang's physical body exploded completely, and he used two Star Picking Hands at the same time, he still couldn't resist under the powerful magic power of the opponent. Not only were his palms broken, but even his holy body was smashed to pieces. Turned into a blood mist.

In the perception of everyone, his vitality completely disappeared!In an instant, the hatred in countless people's hearts was overwhelming, and at the same time, their hearts were filled with fear.

"Not good! These are the three demon kings who injured Xingguan Shenwang back then!"

"What? The Three Great Demon Kings are here again?"

Boom! !More and more monks looked pale and felt a buzzing in their heads.

Only the monks who came from Leiyunzong felt a little relieved, because they knew that they also had three kings now.

But the fall of Lin Wentian, the son of the dragon, also made them feel helpless, for fear that Ba Lao and the Azure Dragon King would abandon them, after all, the other party only obeyed the son of the dragon.

Pom Pom Pom! !

At the same time, in the starry sky not far away, two horrific storms swept across the sky. Ba Lao and Qinglong King fought fiercely, the might of the dragon was overwhelming, and the roar of the beast was earth-shattering.

The demon king who fought with the Azure Dragon King was a king from the Feather Demon Clan. He had eight pairs of wings on his back. Every time he gently flapped the demon wings, he would shoot out monstrous feather blades, like billions of divine blades bursting out, making people scalp hair Ma, feel cold.

But the demon king who fought Ba Lao was extremely burly, standing in the void like a pinnacle of calming the sea, especially his whole body was petrified, like an ancient stone demon, every punch was extremely violent, causing the starry sky to vibrate violently.

King of the Stone Demon Clan.

Although the Stone Demon Clan and the Feather Demon Clan are not royal clans, these two powerful demon kings are not at the beginning of the king realm, but the middle demon kings.

Otherwise, with the strength of the original Xingguan, he would not have almost fallen, suffered serious injuries, and there is still no sign of leaving the pass.

"Qinglong King, you are so brave! How dare you fight against my demon clan? Don't you think that the Dragon Emperor is still here, and the dragon clan is still the overlord of the beasts?" The Feather Demon King snorted coldly. .

"Roar!" The Azure Dragon King roared angrily, his whole body shone with azure light, and his dragon power exploded violently. His body swelled rapidly and turned into a giant, revealing his real body.

"Oh my God! That's one of the nine dragon kings, the Azure Dragon King." Looking at the huge Azure Dragon King, a disciple of Huan Shuifeng screamed, his eyes full of inconceivability.

Not to mention her, even the master of Huan Shui Peak and Zimei Peak suddenly changed their colors. Facing the dragon power emanating from the Azure Dragon King, they felt that they were extremely small.

"Nowadays the Dragon Clan is dominated by the Black Demon Dragon King, not to mention that our Thunder Cloud Sect has no friendship with the Azure Dragon King, why would he help us, and that old guy..."

"Wait! Could it be because of that Lin boy?" Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Zimei Peak's mind, and an unbelievable thought appeared, but this thought lingered in her mind as soon as it came out.

"How could this be? Could it be that the son of the dragon really fell?" Someone screamed.

"No... I don't believe it!"

"Senior Brother Lin has practiced the magic art of immortality, which is known as hard to bury in the sky and hard to bury in the earth. He is the reincarnation of the ancestor of the immortal, and he will never fall so easily." A disciple of the immortal peak growled, with a look With a touch of madness.

"Hmph! Ants are ants. Do you really think that after practicing magical skills and being called the son of the dragon, you can shed your ant body and transform into a real dragon, and then you will be superior?"

"Besides, so what if you transform into a real dragon? You will still be overwhelmed by my demons, and you will be trampled under your legs. I will kill all races, and my demons are the most powerful race."

A cold laugh sounded from the boundless devilish energy, especially the pair of devilish pupils, which revealed extreme contempt and ruthlessness.

"One of the demon royal family, the pupil demon king?" Looking at the huge demon pupil, the master of Lingdan Peak cried out in shock, even his heart trembled.

You must know that the emperor of the pupil demon clan, the Wantong demon emperor is the pinnacle existence. It is said that he is so powerful that he can be ranked in the top five among the demon clan of Nuo Da.

It is said that when his pupils are opened at the same time, he can bring people back to life from the dead, and he can also turn a living person into bones, killing people in the blink of an eye.

Among the powerhouses in the entire demon clan, those who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him are rare. I am afraid that only the rumored emperor of all demons can suppress him with absolute strength. It is conceivable how powerful the pupil demon clan is in the entire demon clan. status.

Although the pupil demon in front of him was not the pupil demon emperor, but a demon king, it still made countless people look terrified, and a chill gushed out from the bottom of their hearts.

"Not good! Run away! Even the son of the dragon can't resist his blow. We will only die if we stay here."

"Once the pupil demon is opened, a human will be transformed into a bone, and a human will be born from the bones!"

Some people yelled in horror, some people murmured in a daze as if their souls had been frightened away.

"A mere group of ants also want to escape?" Tong Demon King sneered, his huge pupils suddenly opened wide under the demonic energy covering the sky.

boom!Immediately, a terrifying gaze shot out, and the entire space it passed turned into gray, as if even the space was taken away from life.

A star was illuminated by his gaze, and with a puff, it turned into a burst of dust and disappeared completely, as if such a star had passed through countless years, and its vitality dissipated.

"Ah..." A man screamed, his dilated pupils revealed boundless fear, but the next moment his screams disappeared, and his divine body turned into a pair of bones.

"Crack!" The strong wind blew, the bones shattered, and finally turned into a burst of white ash and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

"Hiss..." Seeing such a horrific scene, countless people's hearts trembled, and they felt their hair stand on end.


"No... I don't want to die!" The screams filled the entire starry sky, and there were many monks who regretted that they followed here.

Puff puff! !In just an instant, countless people were bombarded and killed, turned into a pair of white bones, and finally dissipated with the wind. Under the powerful strength of the pupil demon king, they were as weak as dust.

"Bastard...quickly stop!" Suddenly, a roar erupted from not far away.

"Roar!" Immediately following the roar of the beast, a fire dragon roared out.

With a loud bang, the entire space was blasted, and the terrifying aftermath swept across the sky, destroying the stars one by one.

With a flash of divine light, two figures appeared, they were Jiu Ye and Tianyan Peak Lord.

"Look quickly! It's the Supreme Elder, and Peak Lord Tianyan!" Everyone was shocked, their expressions were extremely excited, unknowingly, their foreheads were already soaked with fine sweat, you must know that they just passed by the God of Death.

It's just that they didn't realize that a special drop of blood was suspended in the air, glowing faintly.

Purple, red, gold, three colors of light.

(End of this chapter)

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