Chapter 104

"Son, daughter?" Although he was anxious for a while, after hearing the other party's words, Wentian's heart moved, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

It makes sense to say that his grandpa's son is outstanding, because let's not talk about his father's talent, just the talent of his uncle and third uncle was once a good story in Chi Yue, and it was also the reason for the later three generals. He still couldn't figure it out when the other party said about his daughter.

Because he knew that his grandfather Lin Zhentian had only three children under his knees, and they were all males, the doubt in his eyes became more and more intense.

Seeing his puzzled look, Fang Changkong shook his head suddenly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, as if he didn't want to say more, he whispered softly: "Forbidden!"

"Om!" The void shook, and strands of space force began to crush Wentian.

"Damn it!" Sensing that he was bound by an invisible force, Wentian's eyes were fierce, and he roared in his heart.

"The old man would like to see if Lin Zhentian survived the catastrophe, and when he came back, he saw that the Lin Mansion no longer existed, and his only grandson...whether he would go crazy..." Fang Changkong sneered, because everything went wrong. In his control.

"I don't know what happened to Lin Zhentian, but I do know that Lin Wentian is not someone you can stay if you want!" Suddenly, a hoarse voice full of chills sounded.

Immediately, a black vortex suddenly appeared beside Wentian, the vortex surged, and then a thin figure stepped out.

This person is a very old man. He is wearing a black robe and holding a black cane. The black is surging, with a gloomy air, which makes people feel creepy.

His limbs are withered, and his facial features are terrifying, like a corpse with only skin left, especially his dark pupils, which seem to be able to devour other people's souls.

As soon as the old man appeared, he stretched out his hand as dry as a stick, and suddenly pointed at Wentian.

Pointing out, chirping, a strange black air rushed out suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, this black air turned into countless black bats. Like a monster, it devoured the power of space that bound Wentian.

And just when the old man in black robe appeared, Wentian was overjoyed suddenly, and couldn't help exhaling: "Old Yue!"

The old man who suddenly appeared was none other than the mysterious old man who helped his grandfather fight together when Wen Tian condensed the ancient veins of the Dragon Emperor last time to attract the Heavenly Tribulation. The impact became a serious injury.

With a sound of "Bo", Wentian suddenly felt that the restraining power on his body was broken. Immediately, he took this opportunity to escape, rushed out of the palace wall, and stood beside the black-robed old man, confronting Fang Changkong.

"The origin force of the dark attribute is really you. What is the relationship between you and Lin Zhentian?" Fang Changkong's expression suddenly changed, and then his voice was full of coldness.

He is no stranger to the person in front of him, because not long ago, the other party broke into his academy and severely injured his proud disciple. At that time, he was extremely angry and chased and killed him all the way.

But after a fierce battle, he became more and more shocked, because he found that the strength of the opponent was not inferior to him at all, and he lost his mind for a moment, and he even watched the opponent leave safely in front of him with blank eyes.

Afterwards, because of this incident, his reputation was damaged, and some people began to question his identity as the second strongest person in Chiyue.

Thinking of this, his face became more and more gloomy, as if he could drip water, the cold light flickered in his eyes, and the murderous intent on his body was overwhelming, as if it could materialize.

The old man in black robe heard the words, but didn't answer, as if he didn't bother to answer the other party at all. Immediately, he waved his hand suddenly, and a gentle force surrounded Wentian, pushing him away in an instant.

Immediately after he muttered something, a black light full of darkness burst out from his body again, and at that moment, a huge bat condensed out, flapped its wings, and rushed towards Fang Changkong.

"Cough cough!" However, right after he launched this blow, he coughed lightly, coughing up faint traces of blood, and his eyes revealed deep tiredness.

"Yuelao!" Seeing this, Wentian exclaimed.

Because he could clearly sense that although the aura of the black-robed old man was strong, it was only a sham, as if there was some disease in his body, which made his body overwhelmed.

"Let's go!" However, the black-robed old man gave a heavy shout, and once again raised his hands, sending Wentian further away.

Wentian stared hard, gritted his teeth, forcibly mobilized a little strength, and quickly rushed to the distance, because only when he was safe, Yuelao could escape more easily, and now he stayed here, but it was just a burden.

"Hmph! It's not that easy to leave!" Fang Changkong snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and he wanted to chase him down, but the next moment, a huge bat with a dark aura charged towards him.

"Damn it!" he growled unwillingly.

Boom!Boom! !The two fought together very quickly, and suddenly the sky was filled with wind and clouds, which made the whole sky sink, and half of the capital was darkened, as if the doom was coming.

"What's going on? What kind of strong man can cause such a vision?"

"What happened to the palace?"

Many people looked shocked, and suddenly raised their heads, looking at the void beyond the palace.

And the expressions of the people in the palace also changed suddenly, they didn't even dare to approach the battlefield of those two people, they were deeply afraid that they would be involved and strangled to death by Yu Wei.

The pale-faced Fen Fangying looked at the astonishing place of battle in the sky, and unknowingly, his forehead was covered with fine sweat.

"The late stage of Vientiane... no... it should have surpassed the ordinary late stage of Vientiane!" He looked deeply shocked.

Although he is also in the Vientiane Realm, he is only in the early Vientiane stage, and there is still a huge gap between the strong in the Vientiane late stage, because not everyone can leapfrog challenges like Wentian.

"A monk of the dark attribute, who is this person? Didn't it mean that in the past few decades, the monks of the dark and light attributes have disappeared in the Tianyuan Continent one after another?" Someone murmured, his eyes full of surprise.

"It seems that we still underestimate that kid! But the old man appreciates him more and more. If my family is rich and powerful, I will be satisfied with one-tenth of this kid's ability." Mr. Qian pinched his beard, his eyes sparkled flashing.

"Lin Wentian..." A beautiful purple shadow had a complicated look on his face.


"Wow! That's Dean Fang, Chi Yue's second strongest person after Marshal Lin. He is not only the dean of the Spiritual Academy, but also the Holy Master's master of martial arts." Someone exclaimed.

"Where is the Holy One? Why doesn't he help?" Another person said, his expression full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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