Chapter 1044
"Om!" Following the indifferent laughter, there was a wave of waves in the void, and then a man in white appeared.

This person has a handsome face and an extraordinary aura. Although his aura is restrained, the overwhelming coercion makes countless people suddenly change color.

"Look... it's him, the son of the Huang clan's peerless arrogance, is he also going to enter the deserted sea?"

Boom!Seeing the true face of the man in white, countless people were in an uproar, stunned, their expressions were full of unimaginable and shocking, the emperor of the younger generation, and the best among them, the Son of Desolation.

In this way, the mysterious person hidden in the giant golden ship must be quite unmistakable. In an instant, countless people's hearts were filled with thunderbolts, and countless thoughts flashed in their minds.

The two peerless geniuses appearing together, is it because of the Sea God Flower, the ten-thousand-year-old medicine of the barren sea, or because of the ancient sword?
But no matter what it is, I am afraid that this barren sea will be extremely lively, and a battle of geniuses will be staged.

"Brother Huang, I still advise you not to meddle in the matter of the ancient sword, otherwise, don't blame me Man Jiu for not caring about the relationship between the two clans." Man Jiu's face was gloomy, and although he didn't speak, his cold voice resounded through the entire void.

"Ninth brother, the wild sea is unpredictable. Even with the cultivation of my ancestor of the wild race, I can't deter that sea area. I still advise you to be careful, so as not to capsize in the gutter." It's just about Man Jiu's threat. The Desolate Son still smiled.

"Looking for death!" Man Jiu didn't get angry, Man Ba ​​had already yelled loudly, looking at the son of the desert, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Although the two tribes of the barbaric and barbaric tribes seem to be friendly on the surface, in fact, these two tribes have fought openly and secretly over the years, especially the barbarian tribe. They consider themselves the masters of the city of burying demons, and they are used to being arrogant and rampant in normal times. The battle of the disciples.

Those who dared to yell at the sons of the desert like this, probably only nine sons of barbarians in the entire city of burying demons. In an instant, countless people's hearts jumped.

Listening to his words, it turned out that the son of Huang with a faint smile on his face had a cold light flashing in his eyes: "What are you barbaric?"

After saying that, he suddenly waved his hand, boom... A powerful storm swept across the sky, and its speed was extremely fast.

"You..." Before everyone came back to their senses, Man Ba, who was standing on the golden giant, had his entire body blown away, and was even hit by a storm. He spurted a mouthful of blood, and his dilated pupils were full of terrifying light.

"Bang!" At the same time, the teacup in the hands of Man Jiu in the boat was crushed by him, his eyes were sharp, and his whole body was ready to die: "What a wild child!"

"Wow! Injuring Man Ba ​​with a single blow, is the Son of Desolation already so powerful?"

"There is a good show to watch this time, and with Man Jiu's personality, he will never let it go." A man in an iron boat sneered. If Wentian was here, he would definitely be furious, because this person is the Guangming family. The proud son of heaven, Daoxuan.

Beside him was a woman in blue sitting cross-legged, she was Lan Meng who was forcibly brought into the sea of ​​clouds many years ago.

Over the years, the austere look on her face had disappeared, and she became more charming. That stunning face made countless people's hearts flutter.

It's just that no matter how hot Daoxuan's eyes are beside her, she still closes her eyes and meditates, her expression looks extremely cold.

Now she seems to have forgotten the name Lan Meng, because in the entire Guangming family, she is the jewel in the palm of the head of the Guangming family, named Daomeng.

"Woooo..." Seeing that Man Jiu and the Son of the Desolation were about to explode, a strange howl suddenly resounded through the entire seventh floor.

In an instant, everyone's expression changed suddenly.

"Oh my god! It's that voice again... Is it coming from the wild sea?"

"It is said that this is a warship left over from ancient times, where the bones of many powerful human races are buried, but anyone who sees this boat will die or go crazy." Someone screamed.

"Even this ancient battleship was disturbed. It seems that there must be some changes in the barren sea. I am afraid that it is related to the ten thousand-year-old medicine Poseidon flower. Once you can get it, your chances of becoming the top emperor in the future will also be greatly increased. "An old monk murmured, his eyes burning with hope.

"People in the ancient realm can sit on my Yitianzong treasure ship, but half of the treasures obtained in the wild sea will belong to my Yitianzong."

"My fellow monks, I, Lieyang Sect, are your best choice!"

"Hmph! My Myriad Beast Sect has countless spirit beasts and fierce beasts. If there is any danger in the barren sea, I can save your life." In an instant, all the powerful forces began to win over some strong men.

"Let's wait and see! Starling, let's go!" Man Jiu snorted coldly, and didn't win over anyone, as if other people were nothing more than a group of ants in his eyes.

After saying that, Man Ba ​​gave Huang Zhizi a hard look, he wiped the trace from the corner of his mouth, and shouted: "Let's go!"

Buzz buzz! !Immediately, the huge golden ship was radiant, and countless mysterious formations emerged. Immediately, a vortex appeared in nothingness, and with a whoosh, it turned into a golden light and poured into it.

The goal is to point directly at the barren sea.

"Gu Jian, our Desolate Clan can only help you so far! Whether you live or die depends on your own good fortune." The Desolate Child suddenly raised his head, looking at an endless sea faintly visible in the distance, he murmured in his heart.

However, at the next moment, he suddenly frowned, his eyes swept across the crowd one by one, and then asked in puzzlement, "Is it an illusion?"

Just at the moment just now, he seemed to find a gaze staring at him in the dark, but even though his perception was fully dispersed, he still failed to notice the other party.

He couldn't help shaking his head slightly, then glanced at the other iron boats, and disappeared in the same place in a flash.

At the same time, the moment he left, a man of medium build and ordinary appearance in the crowd looked at the direction in which the Son of Desolation and the giant golden ship were leaving, and his eyes became thoughtful.

That's right!He is Wentian who can change his body shape. With his current cultivation base and the power of using truth and falsehood to deceive the sky and cross the sea, even the Son of Desolation can't see through it.

"The Guangming family?" Looking at the treasure ship of the Guangming family, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and then his expression turned cold.

He still couldn't forget the scene of Guangming Daoxuan killing himself with a single finger and forcibly plundering Meng'er. Over the years, this incident has been like a sharp thorn in his heart.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide, and a powerful sense of consciousness rushed out from the sea of ​​consciousness, and went straight to the warship of the Guangming family.

"Bang!" Attacked by his spiritual sense, the treasure ship of the Guangming family triggered countless restraints, which unexpectedly formed a rebounding force and bounced his spiritual sense away.

"Hmph..." He snorted coldly, took a step back, his body trembled suddenly, and the force flew away.

At the same time, the expressions of the disciples of the Guangming family in the battleship and the monks in the field changed drastically, and their eyes were filled with astonishment.

Although they didn't know what happened, they knew that at just a moment ago, the ban on the Guangming family's treasure ship was banned.

"Jie Jie! Which brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth dares to use his spiritual sense to forcibly break into this treasure ship, he is simply seeking his own death." Someone sneered.

Also at this moment, an old man in the treasure ship of the Guangming family seemed to be alarmed, and he slowly opened his eyes.

boom!Immediately, a terrifying aura rose from this person crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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