Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1048 Seeking Death?

Chapter 1048 Seeking Death?

That's right!The imposing and arrogant white-clothed man in front of him is Daoxuan, who is now known as the son of Guangming, who is extremely talented in the Guangming family.

And not long ago, a woman in blue sat cross-legged in nothingness, her eyes closed with a calm expression, as if she didn't care about the things around her at all.

"Look, is she the jewel in the palm of the rumored Patriarch Guangming, Daomeng?" Soon, someone discovered her existence, and when they shouted, they were even more shocked by the other party's true face.

"Get out!" A man behind Daoxuan yelled angrily, and when he stepped forward, a powerful coercion rushed out.

bang bang bang! !In an instant, several monks from the Blade Sect were blown away and knocked down on a huge rock, and they were instantly torn apart, causing their blood to churn.

"Wow!" Their faces were pale and they opened their mouths to spurt blood, and their wide-open pupils were full of fear and deep shame.

"Middle of the Four Realms?" Realizing the cultivation of this disciple of the Guangming family, everyone's hearts jumped, and their faces were full of fear.

For the other party to have such a cultivation level at such a young age, his background is definitely extraordinary.

"A waste of ants!" The Guangming disciple who made the move snorted coldly with a look of disdain.

"Bastard! Guangming family, don't bully people too much!" Some people gritted their teeth unwillingly and roared. If it weren't for the huge formation of the opponent, they would definitely attack in anger.

The black and thin old man of Wan Beast Sect had a murderous look in his eyes, and then waved his hand suddenly.

"Ho Ho Ho!!" The roar of the beast was earth-shattering, the wind roared, and when the thunder boiled, fierce-looking monsters with huge bodies rushed out of the cracked space one after another.

The overwhelming power of the beasts made everyone in the Blade Sect pale in fright, especially the blood-red pupils of these ferocious beasts, which made their hair stand on end, and a chill ran down their backs.

"Old man Gui, although your Weapon Sect is the second of the seven sects, but in terms of combat power, I am confident that you are better than you." The black and thin old man spoke again, boom... His divine essence exploded, exuding a powerful divine power.

"The rear part of the emperor?"

"Tread!!" Affected by his divine power, many people were forced to retreat dozens of steps, and the fear in their eyes grew stronger.

"Elder Supreme, what should we do? Are we really giving up the fat that we are about to get to these bastards for nothing?" A Blade Sect disciple secretly sent a message to Elder Gui.

This person is a direct disciple of the Blade Sect, and may not be able to match Guangmingzi in front of him, but his cultivation level has reached the middle of the four realms, the same as that of the Guangming family disciple who made the move before.

"Hey! If it is either the Guangming Clan or the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, we still have the strength to fight..." Elder Gui sighed.

Hearing his words, this Blade Sect disciple clenched his hands vigorously, his eyes were full of unwillingness, and he felt extremely humiliated in his heart.

"I'll give you three breaths, or you'll stay forever." Daoxuan snorted coldly, looking down at the crowd with a lofty attitude.

It is no wonder that he is so arrogant. After all, although the Blade Sect is the second of the seven sects, there are no outstanding talents in this generation. With his current status in the Guangming family, even some elders have to give him three points of courtesy.

Besides, once he forms a Taoist partner with that woman, his status will rise, and the future head of the family will also be at his fingertips.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a smile.

Seeing the other party's arrogance and domineering beasts roaring and murderous, everyone felt extremely unwilling, but they could only hold it in their hands.

"Landscapes meet each other! Let's go!" Elder Gui snarled, and decided to step back, otherwise, this place would be the grave of all of them as the other party said.

Everyone retreated one after another, as if they wanted to retreat.

Seeing this, Guangming Daoxuan and the black and thin old man from the Ten Thousand Beast Sect were full of ridicule and disdain.

"Huh?" However, the next moment, the faces of the two of them darkened instantly, as if they could drip water.

Also at this moment, the members of the Blade Sect who were retreating slowly seemed to have sensed something, their expressions were astonished, and their eyes were full of unthinkable.

An ordinary-looking man in white clothes sat cross-legged in mid-air, everyone backed away, but he seemed to be sitting cross-legged in the same place without realizing it.

More importantly, this person's expression was extremely indifferent. No matter how powerful the black and thin old man's divine power was, or how violent the beast's roar was, it seemed that his will could not be shaken.

"It's him?" Someone in the Blade Sect's cultivation could not help but blurt out with a twitching eyelid.

"Hmph! This guy can play tricks!" Someone snorted coldly.

"Jie Jie, isn't it good? Since he is so ignorant, let's watch this good show first." A woman looked at the man in white sitting cross-legged in the field, as if looking at a man dead body.

"This kid!" Even Elder Gui couldn't help frowning, he was about to speak.

However, at this moment, the disciple of the Guangming family who made the move before had a murderous look in his eyes, and he shouted angrily: "Boy, are you deaf? Or do you want to seek death!"

Even the old man Gui, who is the grand elder of the Blade Sect, has regressed. A mere boy still wants to rebel against their Guangming family?For a moment, his face was extremely hideous.

At the same time, an old man behind the Guangming family slowly opened his eyes. His pupils were shining brightly, as if the sun, moon and stars were turning. He glanced at the man in white indifferently, and then closed his eyes again.

Because in his perception, the opponent's cultivation base is only at the peak of the first realm, which is insignificant to him. If he wants to kill the opponent, it is as simple as crushing an ant.

But to everyone's surprise, despite the anger of the genius of the Guangming family, the man in white still closed his eyes, and his breath was as steady as a mountain, as if no matter how strong the wind was, it could only shake his clothes and hair. He couldn't move his eyebrows and look.

"Bastard! Kid, you are looking for death!" Being so despised by the other party, the eyes of this disciple of the Guangming family burned with raging anger. With a bang, his cultivation in the four realms completely exploded, causing nothingness to rumble, and some ancient trees were destroyed.

Without the slightest hesitation, the afterglow on his body flashed, and he disappeared from the original place in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already approaching the man in white.

He has strong murderous intent, his eyes are full of vicious light, the spirit in his palm surges, he raises his palm in a condescending manner, and fiercely slashes at the opponent's sky spirit cover, the method is extremely fierce, and he wants to blast the opponent's head with the power of a palm.

"Be careful!" Among the crowd, a disciple of the Blade Sect warned, but there were also many monks who watched coldly, looking like they wanted to play. Of course, most of these people were casual cultivators who gathered temporarily.

This palm is extremely fierce, coupled with the extremely close distance, it is enough to kill an ordinary disciple of the fourth realm. It seems that this palm will land on the head of the man in white.

But in this flash, the sky was surging rapidly, and there was a heavy aura, as if it was fleeing before the approach of the storm.

"Crack!" A berserk divine thunder suddenly descended from the sky, and when it fell, it turned into a thunder dragon roaring, its lightning power was overwhelming, and its speed was fleeting.

boom!In an instant, nothingness exploded, and a huge crater was blasted out of the ground, leaving traces of thunder remaining.

(End of this chapter)

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