Chapter 1059

In the unbelievable eyes of countless people, the huge spiritual vein lurking deep in the ground has survived. The ground trembled violently, and there was a burst of landslides and ground cracks, and it was suspended like this.

What is even more frightening is that it uttered a shocking beast roar, like a peerless beast that has been dormant for tens of thousands of years, and is about to wake up now.

"My God! How is this possible?"

"What's going on? I've heard that the ten thousand-year magic medicine can transform spirits, but I've never heard that even spirit veins can be revived." Countless people were dumbfounded, and there were constant uproars.

"Bang bang bang bang!" Some monks had no time to escape, and were blown away by a crushing force at that moment, turning into blood mist.

"Hiss..." Seeing this scene, countless people gasped, their expressions full of disbelief.

At the same time, everyone in the sky suddenly changed their expressions when they heard the terrifying roar of the beast. With a bang, the divine light exploded, turning into long rainbows and falling rapidly.

But when they landed on the ground, their minds were buzzing, their expressions were dumbfounded, as if they didn't want to believe that the scene in front of them was real.

The mountain range below disappeared, replaced by a gigantic monster with countless huge chains on its head, extremely powerful aura, glittering on its back, and extremely rich aura.

It turned out that the shocking spiritual vein before had actually grown on the opponent's back.No... To be precise, it is not a spiritual vein, but a spiritual crystal condensed on the opponent's back shell.

This beast looks like a turtle but not a turtle, with extremely thick limbs and extremely ferocious claws, especially a tail covered with strong scales.

"Is that the bastard?" Looking at the beast, the first thought in Wentian's mind was that the lecherous bastard was the eighth master who was lurking in the spirit pool in Guzhong back then.

But he quickly denied it, and murmured in a daze: "It's not it..."

"Xuanwu clan?" The barbarian king's heart skipped a beat.

Also at this moment, the expressions of Thunder Dragon King, Azure Dragon King and Ba Lao suddenly changed drastically.

"Not good! This guy is from the Xuanwu clan, he is the demonized Xuanwu from back then, my lord, go back quickly." The Azure Dragon King roared.

"This guy is a peerless king. His cultivation has reached the peak of the demon king for many years. In terms of his seniority, the old man can't match him. Back then, he was invaded by a mysterious force, which caused a big change in his mind. He once slaughtered countless human races. It was suppressed by Emperor Xuanwu, and there has been no news of it for many years, so it has been lurking on this island." Ba Lao opened his eyes wide and looked extremely shocked.

The King Realm at the peak is a peerless king, who has the opportunity to aspire to be the king at the peak in the future. I didn't expect that there would be one lurking on this island.

Whoosh whoosh!Whether it was the disciples of the Blade Sect, or the cultivators of the barbarians and the Demon Soul Sect, all of them turned pale with fright, showing a state of panic. With a bang, their cultivation bases exploded completely, and they fled as fast as they could in their lives.

But at this very moment, the pupils of this colossus turned red rapidly, and a strange black gas began to leak from its body, as if it was possessed by an evil force. It opened its huge mouth that seemed to be able to swallow the sky, and roared violently.

"Roar!" With a roar, the mountains and rivers were destroyed, and the stars fell. Hundreds, thousands of monks lost their bones in the flash, leaving only a cloud of blood to fill the world.

Hiss... Such monstrous power is simply devastating, and some monks who were almost killed suddenly gasped, and a burst of thunder exploded in their heads.

"Pfft!" Just the next moment, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, a giant claw that covered the sky and the sun enveloped them, and with a light pinch, their flesh and blood exploded, and they died unexpectedly.

"Run away!"

"Do not kill me!"

"Damn monster..." There were screams and vicious roars everywhere.

It's just that no matter how everyone roared, this peerless Xuanwu with blood-red pupils and a strange devilish energy was still extremely violent. Every time he roared and clawed, he slaughtered every cultivator of the human race.

"Bastard! Stop!" Seeing everyone fall, blood flowed into a river in an instant, and the whole world turned into blood. Wentian roared heart-piercingly, his black hair danced wildly, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and his murderous intent was awe-inspiring.

The next moment, instead of retreating, he advanced.

A divine light flashed in his hand, and he held a bronze long spear in his hand. Immediately, his aura was soaring like the sun, and indistinctly, the figure of a generation of spear kings seemed to be condensed behind him.

Overlord's Sharpshooter!

"Kill!" He roared up to the sky, holding the Overlord's Divine Spear, and unleashing the Human Spear in One.

boom!Immediately, the entire earth shook violently. This shot was extraordinary, containing the power of the first shot of the human race.

"Pfft!" A monstrous pillar of blood rushed up, the smell of blood was extremely strong.

Under his shot, this peerless Xuanwu was injured, the solid scales on its back were pierced, and blood gushed out rapidly, as if it wanted to turn into a river of blood.

"Roar!" However, the severe pain on his body seemed to completely arouse its fierceness, it roared loudly, and its tail blasted to kill Yu Wentian with lightning speed.

Although the Overlord's spear pierced into the opponent's body, it was also stuck. Even though he had a strong body and the power to move mountains and rivers, he still couldn't pull it out, and the opponent's violent attack had already struck.

"Blood Dragon Demon Knife!" He shouted at the moment of emotion, the blood light bloomed, and the Blood Dragon Demon Knife was held in his right hand, the power in his body exploded, and he slashed fiercely.

"Boom!" In an instant, he felt a buzzing in his head, and his whole body felt like being hit by a hundred stars, causing severe pain.


But it was also because of his knife that the demonized Xuanwu roared again, flesh and blood exploded, and a huge scale on his back was cut off, sparkling with aura. This is an inexhaustible top-grade spirit stone.

"little Master……"

"grown ups……"

"Senior brother Lin... Gudi..."

Indistinctly, he heard many exclamations, but his consciousness continued to weaken until he fell into a deep sleep.

Although he beheaded and wounded this huge monster, but the opponent was the peak of the demon king with incomparable strength, which also caused him to be seriously injured and fell into a coma.

After an unknown amount of time, he vaguely heard two voices that were both familiar and unfamiliar.

"Weird! This is really weird! He was born with an incompatibility between soul and body, and seems to be two extreme forces. Hey... with such a fate, he may not live to be three years old."

He dreamed that he came to a room, and there were three people in the room, a middle-aged blind man, a stunning woman with a kind face on her face, and finally a newborn baby who was lying on the bed without crying or fussing. .

It was the middle-aged blind man who spoke.

"What? My son..." Hearing his words, the woman trembled arrogantly, her eyes were red with tears, and she seemed unable to control her emotions.

"Senior Wuming, even you can't help it?" The woman suddenly raised her head and looked at the middle-aged man with begging eyes.

But even so, the middle-aged blind man still shook his head lightly, and sighed helplessly: "If I change my fate against the sky by myself, the chance of success is terribly less than [-]%. If..."

"If it's what?" The woman regained consciousness, as if she was grasping for some life-saving medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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