Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1061 Gathering

Chapter 1061 Gathering
This deserted island is extremely mysterious, with an incomparably vast territory. Even though Gu Jian, Elder Gui and others have been traveling for several months, they still haven't seen a trace of the edge.

Fortunately, under the protection of Gu Jian and Ba Lao and other kings, these dozens of them are safe from danger, and they have obtained many treasures, and even some god king weapons and demon king weapons have appeared in the world.

But it is also because of this that everyone is dignified. After all, there are god king weapons and demon king weapons here, which means that many strong people gathered here countless years ago, not only the human race, but even the three races of demons and ghosts.

And during this period of time, they decided to go straight in one direction, and that was the Immortal Ancestor God's Mansion that was reported not long ago.

The Immortal Patriarch is the strongest peak emperor of a period, known as immortal, hard to bury in the sky, hard to bury in the ground, even though he has disappeared for countless years, some people still believe that he has not yet fallen.

His cave is enough to drive countless people crazy, maybe there is also his peerless cultivation technique, the inheritance of immortality and immortality in it.

Didn't you see that since Lin Zhizi acquired this peerless technique, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and now his physical body has even reached the stage of a small completion of the holy body?

Thinking of this, many monks were so excited that even the blood in their bodies boiled violently.

Especially some old people who are near the end of their lifespan and are dying, their eyes are extremely bright, as if they can see the light of rebirth.

Boom boom boom!I saw a strong person in the realm, their spirits exploded, and they continued to attack the restriction in front of them with violent force, and an entrance to the underground palace was faintly visible in the restriction.

"Attack with all your strength, this restriction will be broken." Someone yelled, looking at the entrance of the underground palace with a trace of extreme greed in the depths of his eyes.

At the same time, there were dozens of figures looming high in the sky. These people were either powerful or had a lot of background.

Especially one of them, he seems to be twenty years old, but his expression is extremely arrogant, even though some gods and gods are in his eyes, he can't see the slightest fear.

Not only that, on the contrary, these god generals and god kings looked at him with deep solemnity in their eyes.

Man Jiu, the ninth son of the nine sons of the barbarian tribe, was surrounded by strong barbarian kings, man five, and man eight.

"After spending several months and using many means, this restriction will finally be broken." Man Jiudan said, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, forming an arc.

Not only the barbarians, but also the Xuanyuan family, the Nalan family and other seven clans and five clans, almost all of them gathered here.

If anyone from the outside world watched this scene, there would definitely be a complete sensation. It is absolutely unprecedented that all the great forces of the human race and most of the young emperors are gathered here at this time.

Not far away, the Desolate Son frowned, looking at the entrance of the underground palace in the forbidden area, he felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart: "Is this the place that the ancestor said? But isn't this the immortal cave of the old man? Why? ..."

And around him, many genius disciples sat cross-legged in nothingness, looking excitedly at the restriction that was about to be broken, as if ready to move.

If Wentian was here, he would be absolutely shocked, because he is familiar with many of these geniuses.

His six senior brothers Wukong, the demon Yichen, the cold goddess Linglong, and Lei Feng's inexhaustible genius back then, Lei Ting, the son of the god of thunder.

It is said that he has condensed the soul of thunder, and his soul is not afraid of thunder, and can control thousands of thunders. His power has soared, making countless geniuses afraid.

The Son of Heaven of the Yitian Sect, the Son of the Nine Suns of the Lieyang Sect, the Son of the Sacred, the Son of the Five Elements, and Wentian's former rival Daozi, Shangguan Chong is also here.

Hiss... Such a large formation has really touched the minds of countless people, but now it seems that these arrogances have reached a consensus, and everyone is sitting cross-legged, without the slightest intention to make a move.


"This restriction is about to be broken!" The Holy Son said suddenly.

At the same time, as Daozi, Shangguan Chong, who was dressed in white, also opened his eyes suddenly, and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "The old guy has woken up, this will be my only chance, otherwise I'll give you a chance!" After all, he is only his servant."

The old guy he was talking about was the ancestor of the blood demon who was making trouble in Daoxing.

The reason why everyone thinks this is the cave of the Immortal Old Man is actually because of the power of this restriction, because it contains the mechanism of immortality.

Despite the past countless years, this prohibition is still powerful, otherwise, everyone would not have spent several months and failed to enter his divine palace.

However, the more this is the case, the more excited everyone is, and the more they believe that this is the palace of the peak emperor, and there is absolutely no heaven and earth in it, and there are absolutely no rare treasures in heaven and earth.

Some even imagined that they could obtain the body of the Immortal Patriarch, refine it, and step onto the throne of the peak powerhouse.

"Bang bang bang!" As the restriction was full of cracks, and then it was slammed by people and crushed by the god king weapon, the restriction of the divine palace was finally destroyed.

"Come on!"

"The Immortal Art of Immortality belongs to my own genius!"

"This old man's lifespan is about to expire, this will be the last turning point." In an instant, countless people's spirits exploded, turning into beams of light and rushing out, heading straight for the entrance of the underground palace.

But if they calm down, they will soon find that the Sons of God, the Sons of Desolation, Jiuyangzi and other arrogances have not left, but just raised their eyes and stared at the entrance with full attention.

Even those god kings and god kings still didn't move, their expressions were extremely solemn, and they seemed to be afraid of something in their hearts.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Puff puff!"


Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed drastically, because in their sights, most of the monks who rushed into the entrance of the underground palace were blasted out one after another, disappeared and turned into blood mist.

Some cultivators rushed to the entrance and were about to rush in. Their expressions changed drastically in an instant, and they roared angrily, and stopped their bodies quickly.

"Hiss..." Afterwards, they all gasped as they looked at the blood-smeared entrance, feeling a sense of dread.

"My God! What the hell is going on here?"

"Ah... that kid went in, he was not hurt at all?" Suddenly someone screamed, his pupils were wide open full of unthinkable.

Because not everyone was killed, a small group of monks rushed into the underground palace under the eyes of everyone.

Immediately, many people were ready to move again.

Suddenly, some strong men raised their eyes, as if they had discovered something.

At the entrance, something seemed to flash past, and then the blood mist transformed by the monks was instantly swallowed and disappeared without a trace.

Also at this moment, the barbarian king's face darkened, and he shouted: "Get out, this king."

After the words fell, he stretched out his hand and probed vigorously.

The seemingly ordinary probe contained strange supernatural powers, and a terrifying devouring power erupted from his palm.

"Ah... what is that?" Someone shouted, because he found that the barbarian king was holding a man's neck.

No... this is definitely not human.

(End of this chapter)

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