Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1072 Chaos!Qinglian's heart!

Chapter 1072 Chaos!Qinglian's heart!
"Run away!" The Seventh Patriarch of Guangming and other kings roared heart-piercingly, already fighting to the point where their bodies were cracked and dripping with blood.

The barbarian king's eyes were blood red, and he fought madly with the divine king's weapon in his hand. Seeing that Man Jiu rushed out unharmed, he was relieved, and then he yelled, "Leave here quickly, go back and let father seal the deserted sea completely."

"Old Ancestor..." Everyone was in grief, and they also vaguely sensed that the human race was approaching disaster. The next moment, their eyes flashed fiercely, and they rushed out with grief and hatred in their hearts.

"Jie Jie! Don't let them escape!"

"Is this the arrogance of the human race in this star field? If you can kill him, then you will have no chance to stand up."

"Kill them!" The God King of the Black Temple sneered.

Fluffy!As soon as the words fell, many gods, gods and powerful men rushed out with murderous aura.

"Go away!" Man Jiu roared angrily, and swung out a fist, and the Man Qi in his fist turned into a wild beast roaring and rushing out, the energy was extremely violent.

At the same time, other people also made decisive moves, killing with jealousy and fighting to the point of madness.

boom!The collapsed Immortal Palace suddenly exploded with a monstrous golden light, and the sound of dragon's poison was earth-shattering, and then it exploded completely, with sand and stones billowing in the air.

A golden light beam rushed out, and then turned into a man wearing a golden armor with black and white wings on his back.

"It's Brother Lin!"

"Seventh Junior Brother!" Wukong and the others roared, looking excited.

The Qinglong King, Ba Lao, and Thunder Dragon King who were fighting with the powerful God King of the Black Temple also clearly sensed Wentian's aura.

But before they returned to protect the Lord, Wentian had already said, "Don't pay attention to me, you all try to kill them."

Immediately, Ba Lao and the others roared angrily, transforming into Ba Xia and the body of a real dragon, and their aura surged again.

Suddenly, Wentian seemed to feel something, he was stunned, and then his complexion turned extremely pale.

"Roar!" But when he was in a daze, the ground below him split open, and a fierce beast rushed out.

It was the ferocious beast that had merged into the mountain spirit before. It roared loudly, opened its bloody mouth, and wanted to swallow Wentian with the force of engulfing the heaven and earth.

"Brother Lin, be careful!"

"Seventh Junior Brother!"

Fortunately, Wukong, Chichen, the Son of Desolation and others reacted very quickly, and even the Son of the Five Elements made a decisive move.

"Puff, puff, puff!!" Several powerful magical powers struck the beast, causing one of its eyes to be blown out, one of its giant claws to be severed, and even its body to be injured in many places, bleeding profusely.

"Roar..." The severe pain made it roar wildly, wanting to lose control completely.

And at this moment, Wentian finally came back to his senses, his pupils were extremely blood red, covered with terrifying bloodshot eyes, especially that black hair, which turned into blood red color in a strange way, as if he had just stepped out of hell. god.


As an ancient emperor, through the sea of ​​luck of the ancient country, the Blade Sect, and the Thunder Cloud Sect, he felt that countless people were falling, with wreckage all over the ground, and bones like mountains.

In an instant, his killing intent and hatred reached an extreme.

"Om!" The Six-Planet Immortal Formation was resplendent, especially the Heaven Suppressing Earth Pagoda in the center trembling violently, and Immortal Talismans erupted.

At the same time, Gu Tian of Tianyuan Continent opened his eyes suddenly, and the power of countless rules surged wildly.

Boom!In the huge square of the imperial capital, a pagoda that reaches the sky is shining with celestial lights, followed by roars that startle the world and weep ghosts and gods.

"Kill kill kill!!"

"Boom boom boom!!" One after another, powerful qi burst out, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands...

Boundary realm, these are all realm strongmen, and there are not a few strongmen in the divine general realm.

Hiss... When everyone felt it, they all felt a thunderbolt in their hearts, and they couldn't help but gasped.

But soon, all the cultivators of the ancient country looked excited and roared to the sky: "Kill, kill all these beasts!"

"If you offend my ancient country, you will be punished!"

"eye for eye!"

Lin Yefeng, Lin Yexiang, Ye Tian, ​​General Lei and the others had murderous intent, as if turning into ferocious beasts.

Boom boom boom!In an instant, the whole world continued to rumble, and there were bloody battlefields everywhere.

"How is it possible? There are so many powerful people in the mere mortal world?"

"Damn it! What's going on here?" Everyone's forceful attack made the hearts of many ghosts and dragons tremble, and there was an uproar in their hearts.

One year in the outside world, one hundred years in the pagoda, Xiao Ling, Ye Feng, Ye Xue and others have already been reborn. They rushed out in anger, and with a wave of their hands, real dragons and ghosts were killed.

Especially a three-year-old baby with a flushed face on the battlefield, she puffed up her cheeks and looked angry.

"Bad guys! You are all bad guys!" A mysterious symbol appeared on her forehead with brilliant runes. She waved her short and fat hands, and a golden light rushed out.

"What? This is impossible... just a baby!" A ghost roared, looking at the golden light that hit, those ghost pupils were filled with boundless fear.

"Boom!" His roar stopped abruptly with a loud noise. He, who possessed the peak of a realm, was suppressed and killed by a hairy boy until he was wiped out. He couldn't believe it was true.

Suddenly, Wa'er seemed to sense something, she suddenly raised her head, her eyes were full of doubts.

At the same time, a blood-stained woman in black held a long sword, and a giant dragon fell from her body.

Killing this giant dragon seems to consume a lot of her strength, her face is extremely pale, but there is a hint of crazy persistence in the depths of her pupils.

Suddenly, she was stunned, her pupils turned red as she looked ahead, and she murmured, "Yun'er, is that you?"


Tao Xing, one of the three holy places.

At this moment, many blood-colored figures gathered around the star, and that frightening blood glow was full of ominousness and killing.

That's right!These blood-colored figures are the strongest of the blood demon clan, and there are no ones who have reached the demon king state.

The blood demon clan is worthy of being the royal family of the demon clan, and its strength is extraordinary.

"By using the forbidden blood technique, break the restriction of the human race and welcome the return of the blood ancestor." A prominent blood demon king licked his chapped lips, and then sneered.

Boom boom boom!Immediately, countless blood demon violent bodies turned into a monstrous blood mist that completely enveloped Dao Xing, turning the entire star into blood red, like a disaster star.

At the same time, Taoist Qingfeng in Dao Xing suddenly changed his expression.

"Jie Jie! The army of my blood demon clan is here in person. I want to see what you can do in this holy place of the human race." There was a sneering laugh.

I saw a pair of huge pupils faintly in a sea of ​​blood, and countless white bones emerged, as if this sea of ​​blood swallowed the blood of countless human races.

Not long after, with the blood demon clan coming out in full force, Dao Xing's barrier was breached, and a bunch of bloody blood demons rushed in with wild laughter, setting off a bloody storm on Dao Xing.

In a palace, a woman in colorful clothes showed determination in her eyes, as if she had made a big decision in her heart.

If Wentian was here, he would definitely recognize her, that's right!She was Qinglian Fairy from Xianfeng Pavilion back then.

I haven't seen her for many years, and she has become even more beautiful, not inferior to her exquisite appearance, and she has a moving aura and is extremely watery.

Xuelian and Qinglian, in fact her real name is Ji Xuelian, she was the daughter of Ji Zhuoyang back then, and Wentian's fiancée in the mortal world back then.

As for Princess Xuelian who was born with dementia back then, she was just a substitute she found.

It is also because of this that she has extremely complicated emotions about Wentian.

The Ji family was destroyed because of Wentian, and her father was also beheaded by him. He is not only his fiancé, but also his enemy!Maybe this is God's trick!

Therefore, she has been hiding in Daozong all these years, because she can't face that man.

Even Ji Zhuoyang didn't know these secrets back then, only her master and the four daughters of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting knew the inside story.

Suddenly, she gritted her white teeth, and in the form of Changhong, she rushed out of the palace and rushed towards a certain void.

In the direction where she was flying, there is a huge statue, which is exactly the same as the statue when Wentian participated in the Taoist trial and obtained the inheritance.

(End of this chapter)

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