Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 1085 Finale

Chapter 1085 Finale (End)

Boom!However, as soon as his words fell, the creatures in the whole world were stunned, and their expressions fell into extreme shock.

However, Wentian neither admitted nor denied this.

"You are willing to lend me a helping hand!" He thought, and his voice resounded in the minds of all races.

Seemingly knowing what their ancient emperor wanted to do, those cultivators of the ancient country shouted loudly without the slightest hesitation: "We are willing!"

"I am willing!"

"And I!"

"Emperor Gu, please avenge Emperor Lin and everyone who died." Everyone raised their hands.

Buzz buzz!As they raised their hands, two balls of light, one gold and one colored, rose up.

"Is this luck and merit?" Meng'er's mother, the head of the Guangming family, murmured in a daze.

After the shock, she immediately yelled: "All the Guangming family obey the order, let go of your body and mind, and raise your hands."

"Ancient Immortal Sovereign... My Nalan family is willing to contribute a little bit of strength."

"The Blade Sect listens to the order!"

"All Thunder Cloud Sect disciples prepare to..."

"Ho Ho Ho!!" Countless people shouted wildly and raised their hands high.

Nuo in the past, maybe they would not be so excited, but the man in front of him was able to escape from the emperor, and he was the reincarnation of the ancient emperor. This is the last hope of their human race.

"Buzz!" In an instant, countless golden balls and colorful balls were lifted into the sky, illuminating the whole world.

Absorbing these powers, Wentian's long hair danced wildly, his white clothes fluttered, especially the runes on his forehead were extremely bright, and a surge of cultivation began to explode from his body.

Tongmai, Lianyuan, Hualing, Vientiane, Shenyuan, True God... In the blink of an eye, he reached the ancient realm, and his cultivation was still growing rapidly.

"Not good! Stop this kid quickly, if he is really the Immortal Emperor, even with our strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult to suppress him." The Blood Demon Patriarch roared.

Puffy!Immediately, he sacrificed a river of blood to kill Xiang Wentian.

At the same time, the other emperors also reacted, pressing their hands hard, an invisible crushing force overwhelming the sky, trying to blast those golden balls, colored balls, and those ant-like cultivators.

It's just that the next moment, as the pinnacle emperors, their eyes widened, and their eyes were full of inconceivable and shocking.

Their powerful attack was like an illusion, unable to cause the slightest harm to everyone and those golden balls and colored balls, which was impossible in the past.

"Impossible? He can use the power of time and space?" the Desolate Demon Emperor panicked and shouted.

Seeing that they were safe and sound, all the cultivators of the clan were ecstatic and shouted excitedly: "Long live the ancient emperor, the immortal emperor is immortal."

The sixth layer of the ancient spirit scriptures, the life wheel.

A gear of fate rotates under Wentian's legs, and the time and space of the entire Tianyuan Great World are affected by it, even the rotation of the stars is also changing.

One realm, two realms... His cultivation base keeps skyrocketing, and there are no monsters, demons, or ghosts, and no one or Buddha can interrupt it.

The Seventh Patriarch of Light gritted his teeth fiercely, and then roared: "Gu Emperor, please lead the entire human race to the peak."

As the words fell, he, the king of gods, also raised his hands.

Immediately, two light spheres, one gold and one color, many times larger than usual, rose up.

Immediately afterwards, human god kings continued to contribute luck and meritorious power.

boom!In the blink of an eye, Wen Tianwang Qi leaked and reached the realm of the Seven Realms God King.

"Brother Lin, I'll help you too." Gu Jian roared, throwing out two spheres of light.

"All the changes are caused by him." An old voice sounded, the Lord of the Desolate Clan.

At the same time, it is hard to fear that giants like the Holy Lord will put down their previous majesty and raise their hands high.

Thousands, tens of thousands, millions...

These golden balls and colored balls are like the wish of the human race, continuously integrated into Wen Tian's body, and his body is like a bottomless bottom, never rejecting anyone who comes.

boom!Immediately, a supreme aura rose from his body like an explosion from a star field.

Eight realms, the peak emperor.

However, all this is not over yet, he suddenly opened his eyes, and in an instant, all the light balls in the entire Tianyuan Great World were absorbed by him in a flash.

Boom boom boom! !The celestial light, dragon essence, and divine power are extremely dazzling, and an aura like a supreme ruler enveloped the entire world in a single thought.

His power unexpectedly surpassed the Eighth Realm, and reached the half-step Nine Realm. This is a new field, a field that emperors such as the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Demons have never reached.

"The Immortal Emperor has reappeared, and your strength has returned to its peak?"

"No... not only have you reached the peak, but your strength is three points higher than before." The emperor of all demons and the emperor suddenly trembled, and there was a deep fear in their eyes.

That's right, it's fear!
It's just that Wentian still didn't pay any attention to this, and the life wheel under him was still turning.

"Xianhuang Pagoda, you are me, and I am you. Today, I will let you regain your peak." He murmured.

Immediately, a small six-story pagoda slowly rose from his palm.

But the next moment, when he raised his hand and touched the tower lightly, the small tower burst into an unprecedented brilliance.

Seven floors, eight floors...

boom!A boundless celestial power poured out overwhelmingly, and the nine-story Immortal Emperor Pagoda appeared.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, and he sacrificed the nine-story Immortal Emperor Pagoda in his hand.

"Bang!" In just a split second, it turned into a peerless pagoda that was a hundred times, ten thousand times bigger than before.

"Ancestor Blood Demon, Emperor of All Demons...I think you are part of this star field. I will not kill you today, but I will stay in the tower forever and provide energy for my human race to practice."

"Emperor, although you are cultivators from outside the territory, you are still human race. I will spare you today." His voice was like a trial, full of domineering and supreme.

After the words fell, his hand-printing method changed.

"Buzz!" In an instant, a terrifying devouring force erupted from the Immortal Emperor Tower, and even the emperors were powerless to resist.

"No... I, the Emperor of Demons, will not be defeated."

"I am the ancestor of the blood demon, the supreme existence."

"Damn Lin Wentian, damn Immortal Emperor...I am not reconciled." The emperors roared, but they still couldn't change being swallowed by the Immortal Emperor Tower.

Only the emperor from outside the territory is struggling to support with a strong cultivation base.

"Fusion!" He roared to the sky.

Immediately, one of his avatars, Wentian's Third Senior Brother, turned into a black light and merged into his main body.

boom!The black light erupted, making his strength surge.

Wentian frowned, but at the next moment, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

bang bang bang! !With a thought in his mind, Qingtian, Yaotian, Motian, etc. were killed one after another, and immediately he opened his mouth and sucked in all the regular power.

"From now on, this star field will only have one day, named Gutian." He said coldly.

With a buzzing sound, Gu Tian separated from his true self, and then also sat cross-legged on the life wheel, forming seals with both hands.

"One day you will regret it. The power of my hometown, the Black Territory, is absolutely beyond your imagination. The only fate waiting for you and this Star Territory is perish." The Emperor roared unwillingly.

When the whole world calmed down, everyone was still stunned, as if they couldn't believe the scene before them.
Because it was like a dream, the powerful emperor of all demons, the blood demon tiger, the white tiger emperor, the emperor and other peak emperors were easily suppressed by the man in front of him.

"I am both the ancient emperor and the ancient sky. All the life and death in this star field are naturally under my control."

The wheel of fortune spins extremely fast.

The next moment, the entire Tianyuan Great World boiled.

Lin Yefeng is resurrected...

The prison is resurrected...

But all the people who died on the battlefield before the end of their lifespan were revived one after another strangely.

However, like his master Dan Daozi, those whose lifespans and lives have been exhausted, such as the old man Jian Crazy, can no longer be revived.

Three days later, he went to the barbarians.

Seven days later, he went to the Ji clan again.


Time flies, blink of an eye millennium.

Although there are still races such as demons and ghosts in this world, the human race has a deep foundation and has long become the strongest race in this star field.

In the void, a man in white looked up at the distant starry sky, and he murmured, "Grandpa, where are you?"

"If you go, I will follow you." A pleasant voice came from behind him, and not far away were several beautiful shadows standing in the void.

Dressed in colorful clothes, a smart beauty...

Dressed in blue, like a fairy, the blue silk is light...

Dressed in black, mature and charming...

"Sister, come here!" the woman in black said.

Dressed in green, with a face full of shame...

Also at this moment, the white-clothed man in front suddenly turned back, and a gentle smile appeared on his handsome face.

(This book is over, thank you for watching)
(If you like it, please wait for the next one)
(End of this chapter)

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