Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 12 The killing intent is awe-inspiring

Chapter 12 Killing Intent Awe-inspiring (Part [-])
Surrounded by all the enemies, Wentian looked as usual, but soon there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his body was shaken suddenly, and the sky-blue water element force rushed into the ground wildly.

At the same time, a transparent liquid suddenly gushed out from under Meng'er. The liquid surged and turned into a protective shield to protect Meng'er.

It was also at this moment that Wentian suddenly became violent, his feet stomped suddenly, and with a bang, his whole body shot out like an arrow from the string.

His speed was extremely fast, as if he could shoulder to shoulder with the wind, and after a flash, he had appeared in front of a guard.

The energy and blood in his body rolled, his momentum was like a rainbow, his divine power surged, his fists and veins bulged, and a heavy punch was blasted out.

Before the guard could react, his eyes blurred, Wen Tian's figure disappeared, and the next moment, a cold face from Jiuyou approached him.

He was terrified, his mind suddenly went blank, but the next moment, he felt a huge pain in his abdomen, and his whole body was blown away by this gravity, and he lost consciousness when he rolled his eyes.

With the power of one punch, he directly defeated a cultivator in the middle stage of Lianyuan, and Wentian's physical strength was probably so powerful.

hiss!The people who had reacted looked horrified, and couldn't help but gasp.

Is this still Chiyue's number one dandy?Is this still the rumored Lin Wentian whose meridians were destroyed and reduced to a waste?

If this person is trash, then what are they?Is it waste among waste?No one knew, because everyone who saw this scene had a roar in their heads, and they couldn't switch over immediately.

"It's impossible...absolutely impossible..." It took some time before Ji Ming realized it, roaring crazily.

"Go! Go up to this king, and kill him for this king."

Although Wentian's sudden display of strength was completely beyond his expectations, he believed that there were so many people around him, enough to trap him to death, and they still had hostages in their hands.

However, he soon became shocked.

"Stop! Otherwise, don't blame me for killing her." Shangguan Ze shouted.

"What the hell is this?" A scream came out of his mouth suddenly, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

In his line of sight, Lan Meng's body was surrounded by a transparent liquid, which was very strange. If he hadn't wanted to attack Lan Meng just now, he would not have noticed this strange scene.

"Quick! Break open this damn thing for my young master." He shouted in panic, with a look of fear on his face, because unknown objects are the most frightening.

"I just found out now, but it's too late." Wen Tian said coldly, with a sudden wave of his hand, as if a strong traction force erupted, Meng'er, who was wrapped in water, froze, and suddenly flew towards Ask God.

"Stop him!" Ji Ming couldn't help but panic, because he suddenly realized that the matter had completely escaped his control.

"Hmph!" Wentian snorted coldly, his body swayed, and he appeared in front of Meng'er.

Meng'er here has her eyes wide open, her face full of disbelief, like a young master who met her for the first time.

Holding Meng'er with both hands, an imaginative softness came from Meng'er's body, but Wentian here had no other thoughts at all.

The afterglow under its feet flashed, and a gust of wind blew up, rushing in front of the chasing wind horse at a speed like a gust of wind.

"Take her away first!" At that moment, he cut Meng'er's rope, and quickly hugged Meng'er onto Zhuifeng Shenma's body.

Suddenly he slapped the horse and let out a whimper. The wind chasing horse, who understands people's wishes, neighed, all four legs suddenly exerted force, and galloped with a gust of wind.

On the horseback, Meng'er's eyes were close together, and the crystal clear teardrops were falling down against the wind one by one. She opened her mouth wide, wanting to say something, but despite the thousands of words in her heart, she still couldn't make a sound.

At this moment, she felt extremely remorse in her heart. If it wasn't for her, her young master wouldn't be involved in this turmoil. If it wasn't for her, her young master wouldn't be in this crisis.

She secretly vowed in her heart that as long as she and her young master survive this catastrophe, one day in the future, she will become her young master's right-hand man, instead of being a burden like she is now.

Meng'er left, making Wentian lose his scruples, and immediately, an astonishing killing intent erupted from him, since he was reborn, it was the first time he was so angry.

He still remembered the scene of Meng'er dying in his arms when Lin Fu was murdered in his previous life. At that moment, he felt that his whole world seemed to collapse.

Now, in order to deal with him, someone attacked Meng'er, who was a velvet-haired man, and he would never forgive him.

"Today, all of you want you!" His expression was ferocious, and his voice was full of killing intent.

"Come on, let me kill him, no matter how strong he is, he is only one person." Ji Ming roared, with a crazy look on his face.

At this moment, he didn't know whether he was angry or afraid, maybe both.

"You guys also attack this young master and beat him to death." Shangguan Ze yelled.

Fluffy!The five guards all rose violently, making a mighty sound, causing a strong wind in the air, shaking the ancient trees in the forest, and even some trees were uprooted.

Especially those two guards in the late stage of Lianyuan, their momentum surged, and their bodies burst into brilliant light.

However, Wentian was still fearless, his eyes were as fierce as a demon, and his body was full of murderous intent. With a bang, the vitality of his whole body surged, and the blue light rushed out of his body.

With a "drink", a violent charge, like a tiger ambushing, rushed towards one of the guards in the middle stage of Lianyuan.

"What? You broke through to Yuanyuan Realm? Didn't your meridians be completely destroyed?" Wentian's cultivation level exploded, causing Ji Ming and Shangguanze's expressions to change instantly, their eyes full of disbelief.

There was a loud bang, sand and dust billowed in the air, and a flower of blood splashed in the air. The strong smell of blood made people sick. A large pit appeared underground, and a guard in the pit was completely unrecognizable and dying.

Wentian's speed was as swift as a gust of wind or lightning, so when the others reacted, the guard's life had already been terminated.

Zhiqiang's physical body, nine thousand catties of divine power, and Yuanli several times purer than ordinary people make Wentian's strength and speed far exceed those of some early Yuanyuan practitioners.

Coupled with the combat experience of his previous life, against these ordinary mid-level Lianyuan, he can almost kill with one blow.

The roar continued violently, and Wentian seemed to be transformed into a human-shaped beast, and began to launch a storm-like onslaught. In the blink of an eye, there were only four enemies left, two Lianyuan Zhongqi, and Ji Ming and Shangguanze. two people.

"Don't worry! I won't let the two of you die prematurely. I want you to slowly enjoy the feeling of fear and helplessness, and make you regret everything you have done before." Looking at the two of Ji Ming who looked shocked, Wentian licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, his expression was completely cold.

As early as the moment he exposed his cultivation, Ji Ming and Shangguanze had become dead in his eyes, it was just the difference between dying sooner and later.

"You can't kill me! I'm a child of the Ji family's royal family, and my father is the younger brother of the current emperor. If you kill me, even your grandfather can't protect you. As long as you let me go, the grievances between the two of us will be canceled in one stroke." . " Ji Ming's face was as pale as snow, without a trace of blood.

"That's right! Let us leave if you are sensible. Otherwise, if the Holy Majesty pursues it, not only you, but even your Lin family will be implicated." Shangguanze seemed to think of something, and his confidence suddenly hardened.

"A child of the Ji family's royal family? Your Majesty? What is that? If the person I, Lin Wentian wants to kill is a god, it's useless." Wentian's mouth was drawn into a wicked smile.

boom!The momentum rose again, and Wentian turned into a killing god, with killing intent entwined around his body, his body became ill, and he rushed straight to one of them in the late stage of Lianyuan.

With the cultivation base of the early stage of Lianyuan, compared with the late stage of Lianyuan, it may be like hitting a stone with an egg for some others, but for him, it is not impossible.

"Boy, you have to be crazy. Today I will let you really experience the power of integrity in the late stage of Lianyuan." The monk let out a rage, and let out a bang, and fully expanded his cultivation.

"Stone Crusher!"

This person condensed his fists with both hands, and concentrated his whole body's energy on the fists, making the fists shine with a yellow light. There was a sudden shock behind him, a phantom of a giant fist condensed, and a punch blasted out, and there was an explosion in the air.

At the same time, another guard in the late stage of Yuan training quickly poured Yuan power into the sharp sword in his hand. The sword vibrated violently, buzzed, and glowed green, and the blade exuded a sharp aura.

The next moment, he froze and stabbed Wentian's back with a sharp sword.

(End of this chapter)

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